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Media - Previews
Lightning traverses the terrain
Lightning Mini-Tank on the vehicle pad.
Reaver manovering for a landing on a aircraft pad.
Reaver dives down for a better look
Reaver in flight
Climbing aboard a Reaver
Reaver on the pad
In the HART building at Sanctuary
BAttle around a Vanu held tower
Advancing on the enemy
Heading out to battle
Destroyed ANT near Vanu held tower.
Re-equipping at a Tower Equipment Terminal
Looting a coffin looking for "goodies"
Fellow Vanu Soldier with Mine's and Spitfire Turrent in the background.
Some lockers in the background in a tower basement.
Defenses setup around a Vanu held tower
A shot of two "friendly" Vanguards
An enemy NC Galaxy Transport sitting on the ground
Spitfire Turrets and Mines protect an Vanu held tower
Vanu comrade in the basement of a tower
Attacking an enemy aircraft
Hackers have been busy. A couple of jacked Vanu Vanguard Tanks
Seeking cover behind a rock from an enemy tank
An enemy Vanguard Tank coming over the bridge
Spitfire Turrets guard one end of a bridge
Respawn timer counts down
Ooops - Dead. Respawn Menu appears
Heading out to battle
Mine and Spitfire Turrt guard a Tower

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