Media - PSU - 03/10/03 - PlanetSide Universe
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Planetside Universe weekly screenshots. For the week of 3/10 2003.
Media - PSU - 03/10/03
ANT drop over a base.
Galaxy exiting a warp gate, ANT loaded as cargo ;)
Great shot of an ANT charging up a base.
Fully charged ANT crossing a bridge.
Nice view of the landscape.
ANT entering a warp gate preparing to fuel up.
NC AMS snuck inside of a VS courtyard, a massive battle ensued.
Another screen of a battle on Searhus, notice there is a cloaked AMS in the middle.
Another screen of a large battle on Searhus
Large battle taking place in a vally on Searus
Galaxy phasing through a warp gate.
Galaxy going through a warp gate.
Galaxy touching down to load up an ANT
Squad regrouping and prepping to go through a warpgate.
View up the center column of a warpgate.
HART Transport launching for an orbital drop.
NC Drop Pod coming in for a landing.
HART Transport loading up with troops for an orbital drop.
Another shot overlooking the 'infamous' river.
Overlooking the 'infamous' river

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