Media - FutureLooks - 04/15/03 - PlanetSide Universe
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Screens from FutureLooks's April '03 preview
Media - FutureLooks - 04/15/03
Warp gate looms in the background
A couple of vehicles at Sanctuary
A shot of the twin moons of Auraxis
Engineer gets ready to repair a Galaxy Transport
Infiltrator takes some heat as they line up on a target
Tank moves along the shoreline
Harasser speeds through the swamp
Soldier takes aim from behind their Mosquito
Vehicles gather at Sanctuary preparing for war
View from the air
A Reaver in the field
Nice shot of a Terran Republic Prowler Tank
A shot of the Global Map with weather patterns
Reaver pilot stops to check out the landscape
A little off road action in a Harasser
Mounting up in a Harasser
Mosquito on the vehicle pad
The missles fly from a Reaver
A Max guards the doorway to the capture terminal room
Inside a Technology Plant - 2nd floor
Harasser in the field
Climbing in a Mosquito
Explosion in the snow
Victim of a stealth attack
Guarding a bridge
Flying high in a mosquito
Attacking a base with a Reaver
Testing the water
Approaching a tower
Firefight at a tower

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