PlanetSide Universe Returns [Updated] - PlanetSide Universe
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PlanetSide Universe Returns [Updated]

After much thought I have decided to bring PlanetSide Universe back online! Many factors brought me to this decision which you can read more about in the comments thread. Marsman and Gryphon have returned to bring PSU to its once former glory. Everything is back online with the exception of our files section which we closed to save bandwidth this time around - it may be brought back online in limited form in the near future.

So welcome back! All forum registrations remain entact and the site is ready to run again. If you have any questions or find any issues please check the linked comments thread. See you on the forums!

EDIT: User registration was disabled on the forums for some reason, so if you attempted to register and failed please try again - the problem has been resolved.

2006-01-11 08:41 PM
Latest Comments
2006-02-15 02:13 PM
2006-02-16 01:00 PM

OMG! NOOOOooooo!!!!

When I finally over come my addiction to the internet and all video games in general, PSU comes back to pull me back in. Damn you Hamma, Mars and Gryphon, you are like drug dealers to me.

But hey, I'm unemployed now so I might as well get addicted again.

Hey everyone that might remember me!

2006-02-16 01:37 PM
Hamma omg! teh Ivan hath returned

Welcome back - you are not allowed to leave
2006-02-16 09:00 PM
Mag-Mower At this rate, it will be like old times, in no time!
2006-02-16 09:15 PM
OneManArmy ah ivan. how I missed thee.
2006-02-17 10:16 PM
SDM Ivan is my Brokeback buddy
2006-02-18 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by SDM
Ivan is my Brokeback buddy
I wish I could quit you.
2006-02-19 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by SDM
Ivan is my Brokeback buddy
Oh how I longed to have a reason to use this again...

SDM, because of you, my "real" life friends and I use hookers and ice cream as our inside joke. Though it started here.
2006-02-19 11:05 PM
HawkEye Hey, good to see this place is up and running. This is where i first learned about PS, and when i found out it was shutting down it made me sad goodtimes here.
2006-02-20 12:13 AM
Hamma Well we're back No more sadness
2006-02-20 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by Hamma
Well we're back No more sadness

2006-02-25 12:04 AM
ViperGTS Wooo! The second most hated man on the internets is back!
Hi guys B)
2006-02-25 12:31 AM
Rbstr You didn't come in second.

In the Internet rankings for "special" people, Everyone Wins!
2006-02-25 02:22 PM

Welcome back!
2006-03-05 10:47 AM
ViperGTS Maybe I have missed it but I was wondering.. Why clear the ban list?

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