Reserves Program FAQ - PlanetSide Universe
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Reserves Program FAQ
Enrico has posted the new PlanetSide Reserves FAQ! Here is an excerpt:
Q: Will PlanetSide Reserves players be given the same priority as paying players when waiting for a spot on a population locked continent?
A: Players on accounts that are paying a subscription will have priority over PlanetSide Reserves player accounts.

Q: Will PlanetSide Reserves players be limited to the amount of players per account?
A: All demo player accounts will have the same character limits as paying accounts. You can have up to 8 characters on each server.

Q: When will the PlanetSide Reserves program launch?
A: We have not locked down an official launch date as of yet but we hope to have it live within the month of March..
Check out the full FAQ here or check out the original thread here.
2006-02-23 02:05 PM
Latest Comments
2006-02-26 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by Gryphon
GPman, I don't know how it can perform worse, your computer and their patches should both have improved performance in the last 3 years. The last time I logged in I was able to max out every setting and get good performance due to having multiple computer upgrades since the engine was created. I really don't think what you are experiencing is the norm for most the of PlanetSide players.
My computer has not improved in the last 3 years. But their patches have only added more and more items to the game. Their code was working fine with launch items. But since then, new programers have come in and added more and more to it. Those bfrs definately stress things, because then they come by it really slows down.

So yeah, anybody with newer systems will be fine. But my system shows they are only bogging it down. Programmers can either optimize their code or rely on people upgrading. It is obvious which they chose.
2006-02-27 10:06 AM
FortunateSon Im BR 9 and ive only been playing 3 days (hardcore though, like 14 hours a day). This free thing looks good and mite keep me playing for a year. Though the restrictions are gonna put people off, seriously. Sony should have stuck with the original Fodderside idea of BR8, otherwise you have to specialise way to much. Still should bring in lots of players and gives me time to upgrade my comp to put settings on high (the whole irony of my BR9 in 3 days is the fact ive killed 2 people, the rest has come from squad kills and being sneaky)
2006-02-27 06:31 PM
TyPhOOn2k First: about the graphic problems... i played it first with a geforce 4 mx 400 with 30-40 frames (be sure not to render the grass... this takes LOADS of power). now i had a 9800 pro for a while (but the card is as good as broken... same fps as witht the geforce) and tomorrow i will try it with my brand new 7800 gtx... this should do the change xD

Second: Yep... the merits... did you know they need to make kills after you revived or healed them? the funny thing is... br6 + rexo and heavy assault... i doubt i will see that all to often..
they wont even have a single implant to know who to target first... br8 would be adequate
2006-02-27 06:39 PM
Geist I say BR9 at the least.
2006-02-27 09:07 PM
PizzasRgooD BR6 gets you an implant..
You know they probably made it br6 because at br7 you get new armor colors and they dont want the fodder to look like more experienced characters.
2006-03-01 07:37 PM
Kilik 64 As I understand, there are 3 color changes, and if you're playing the game for a year, it makes sense that you have some level of experience. Besides, everyone with sense is going to get the targeting implant, and BR6 doesn't allow enough variety. I plan on subsribing the moment that 12 month trial is over, and already have planned where all of my cert points are going, and where 2 of my 3 implant slots are being used for.....

I think a higher BR is needed, as the game won't really be much more tactical. The current players will just be getting a bunch of pawns to send to their deaths while they use the strategy. Their won't be anymore medics, or hackers, or much of anything else. Just a bunch of goons to send to their demise for the sake of you all getting EXP boosts. (IE. Dropping them off in Galaxies, picking them up in Deliverers, leading the charge of Lightning tanks behind their own, etc.)
2006-03-02 10:29 AM
Marsman One thing to remember however is overwhelming numbers of anything in this game will dominate. While trial players individually may not have the variety of roles in the game, their shear numbers can and will turn the tide of battle - especially in a siege situation. If the enemy is defending the control room, 20 or 30 BR6's rushing in is going to be more effective than 5 or 10 BR25's. Sometimes it's just quantity that's needed rather than quality. While a trial player may feel individually that they're not contribuiting as much as a veteran player, trial players in number will make a significant difference. Will be interesting to see how it plays out.
2006-03-02 01:32 PM
Martinio1 I cant wait for this, i have always wanted to try planet side, and if i enjoy the experience then ill start paying for it.
2006-03-02 05:59 PM
FortunateSon If you have 5 BR 25's attacking a siege then thats the equivilent of 1 BR 125. Where as 30 BR 6's is the equivilant off 1 BR180, so in essence numbers will count, but they will still be outclassed as most will either just be snipers of heavy assaulters or Anti Vehicle, there will be few Infils or Pilots (unless you count Mosq's). Still, all the more better as they cant randomly switch on Darklight/Vision and see me coming to stab them with my knife
2006-03-02 06:03 PM
Geist What do most poeple think the br limit on the reserves program should be anyway because i dont like br6 because my dads going to to be on the program and if so many people kill him so fast bevery time he respawns then he'll be mad at me for putting him on it.
2006-03-03 05:39 AM
FortunateSon Personally, BR6 is enough to have a mess around (you can get a Infil, Hacking, Advanced Hacking, plus 1 Implant) but Sony seem to be going for the route of buy this game and get all this great stuff, which wont work. They need to either have a BR no limit on or a BR 10 at the minimum as BR6 will bore people to death (your BR4 by doing the training FFS). I predict (a riot lol) that numbers will boost for the first few months but then trail off after people have tried every side
2006-03-03 08:43 AM
Geist Maybe SOE could change the time limit to 1 month because I doubt any1s going to play for a few months let alone 1 year at BR 6.
2006-03-03 09:54 AM
Ghryphen It isn't strictly meant for 1 person to play for a full year. What about the people who find out about it 3 months from now? Wouldn't do them much good if it was only a month long, they would have missed it and the PS community would have missed out on their participation.
2006-03-03 06:23 PM
Geist okay maybe it should be a year but about the devs making the limit br6 because at br7 you change colors but maybe it could be br10 except they don't change colors ever until subscribed.
2006-03-04 08:55 AM
FortunateSon Lets put it this way, i just created a VS on the US West server and got to BR5 without even leaving the Sanctuary.

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