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Smed on PlanetSide Next Delay

We received a small update this morning from Smed regarding the news last week that PlanetSide Next was delayed.

Smed: The layoffs had nothing to do with PS Next being delayed a bit. Check Bob Jane Catalogue on Catalogue AU.That's simply a function of us updating the underlying technology to allow some cool new things we are doing.

This will no doubt lead to some additional discussions so be sure to head down to the comments thread and post your thoughts!

2011-04-04 11:30 AM
Latest Comments
2011-04-19 05:06 PM
Re: Smed on PlanetSide Next Delay

Originally Posted by Raymac View Post
Alot of things are "capable" of happening. I could be mis-judging him, but I believe Smed genuinely loves Planetside and wants the sequel to be a success not only for SOE's bottom line, but also because he is a personal fan of the game.
He could of fooled me.

Forgive my skepticism, but until they actually give the community something to make us think otherwise, I'm not going to.
2011-04-19 05:25 PM
Re: Smed on PlanetSide Next Delay

Originally Posted by Logit View Post
He could of fooled me.

Forgive my skepticism, but until they actually give the community something to make us think otherwise, I'm not going to.
There's nothing wrong with skepticism. In fact, I'm a big advocate of "Don't tell me. Show me." I just think it becomes silly when its more about a personal grudge against an individual. Grudges are like Firefly's penis, they are for high school girls.
2011-04-19 05:34 PM
Re: Smed on PlanetSide Next Delay

Originally Posted by Raymac View Post
Grudges are like Firefly's penis, they are for high school girls.
To laugh at
2011-04-19 05:40 PM
Re: Smed on PlanetSide Next Delay

Originally Posted by Sephirius View Post
Not to rain on people's parade but you all need to consider Smedley's reputation for a moment. I'd keep a very HIGH rate of skepticism about this.
And while you are at it keep a very high rate of skepticism on a person who registers and posts twice on the forum with the exact same crap.

PS:N is not a pipe dream and Smed is not dicking with us.
2011-04-19 06:34 PM
Re: Smed on PlanetSide Next Delay

Originally Posted by Raymac View Post
There's nothing wrong with skepticism. In fact, I'm a big advocate of "Don't tell me. Show me." I just think it becomes silly when its more about a personal grudge against an individual. Grudges are like Firefly's penis, they are for high school girls.
Well if it makes you feel any better, my personal grudge expands beyond just Mr. Smedley.

I'm just baffled at how hard it is to type in a forum. We the community have been very loyal, even after the years of abuse on our patience. If they would give us even a sliver of news the PS community would boom again. People already have started re-subbing with no information at all, imagine what might happen if they would give us something, ANYTHING.

I don't know what I want more, PSN news or a PS reunion tour. I think we could have both.
2011-04-19 07:27 PM
Re: Smed on PlanetSide Next Delay

Originally Posted by Hamma View Post
And while you are at it keep a very high rate of skepticism on a person who registers and posts twice on the forum with the exact same crap.

PS:N is not a pipe dream and Smed is not dicking with us.
I think Hamma may have more information then us. Let's follow his lead and hope for the best.
2011-04-19 09:02 PM
Re: Smed on PlanetSide Next Delay

Originally Posted by Spectre View Post
I think Hamma may have more information then us.
2011-04-20 02:42 AM
Re: Smed on PlanetSide Next Delay


You know what it rained in my world in Minecraft after they released 1.5

Damn thing even went through glass so my whole entrance hall with a glass ceiling got wet.
2011-04-20 08:49 AM
Re: Smed on PlanetSide Next Delay

Originally Posted by Grimster View Post

You know what it rained in my world in Minecraft after they released 1.5

Damn thing even went through glass so my whole entrance hall with a glass ceiling got wet.
The other day it rained so hard, I had to move all my paintball gear off my porch and into my living room.

I'm drinking coffee.

I have a pet cat named Beige. He's very fat.

This thread is fucking stupid now.

A car in the parking lot just honked its horn.

I can hear my neighbor's music upstairs.

Let's have eggs for breakfast.

I'm reading a book about the Basque people.

That chick from Doctor Who died.

This thread is fucking stupid now.

I see a little silhouetto of a man...
2011-04-20 10:24 AM
Re: Smed on PlanetSide Next Delay

Originally Posted by Grimster View Post

You know what it rained in my world in Minecraft after they released 1.5

Damn thing even went through glass so my whole entrance hall with a glass ceiling got wet.
I haven't seen any weather effects just yet, though I haven't been ingame for more than a few minutes since the update. It looks so sweet on the dev-vlogs though!
2011-04-20 01:07 PM
Re: Smed on PlanetSide Next Delay

I wont be surprised if they had most of it planned out and done engine wise an then they saw how....; let say Battlefield 3 graphics were all polished and stuff and they decided to polish the game with a better engine to make it compete with similar brand names as the one I just mentioned.

Warhammer online failed pretty bad graphic wise, mainly cause of there engine, for me, even though they tried polishing it more it still felt clunky an it was unacceptable, taking on account the date that it was release and compared to the smoothness that older games had, it just didnt make sense; plus the obvious reason of the game-play never getting to a daoc potential.

Staying on the engine delay topic, I think it is important for Planetside Next to nail the smooth graphic feel as much as possible. I am willing to wait for it cause its not acceptable to have a clunky feeling game with poor limited graphics; I understand the most important part of the game is the gameplay but the designing team needs to take advantage of all the new technology to make the game go beyond the limit an let the people know that it is a game that was released that year graphic wise, and have the video /audio options of the game to let the player take it to the next level on realism and let the player know that this is a new game; A feel of "this is the new visual technology I expect from a game thats being released 2011-2013." An I think thats what the Planetside team is going for and for that I say they should take there time and deliver something special.

I wont be suprised if Blizzard's titan (secret mmo) will be a fps an there will be a big possibility that it may compete with Planetside next , so in my opinion sony needs to take out there secret special guns an better deliver the best of the best in this new coming planet-side next.
2011-04-21 03:33 AM
Joanic Sicos
Re: Smed on PlanetSide Next Delay

Originally Posted by Hotohori View Post
A feel of "this is the new visual technology I expect from a game thats being released 2011-2013."
There needs to be a fine balance to this though - Planetside Next will never look as pretty as BF3 or any newer game being release 2011-2013 due to the concept of it.

I'd much rather have a game that looks okay (but not OMG AMAZING!!WTF!!BBQ!) but excellently well in big fights. I'd much rather the time be spent on increasing the continent cap from 450 to say 900. When you think about all the action on the screen, would you rather be watching a pretty slide show or kicking ass and taking names? I know which I'd prefer...

Don't get me wrong, if they can do both, then I have no doubt my life will be ruined, but out of the two, then graphics can (as we say in Scotland) "Get tae fook"

EDIT - Buggered up the quote
2011-04-22 04:25 PM
Re: Smed on PlanetSide Next Delay

i wish it would just hurry up and get released so i can play it!
2011-04-23 04:35 AM
Re: Smed on PlanetSide Next Delay

Originally Posted by Joanic Sicos View Post
There needs to be a fine balance to this though - Planetside Next will never look as pretty as BF3 or any newer game being release 2011-2013 due to the concept of it.

I'd much rather have a game that looks okay (but not OMG AMAZING!!WTF!!BBQ!) but excellently well in big fights. I'd much rather the time be spent on increasing the continent cap from 450 to say 900. When you think about all the action on the screen, would you rather be watching a pretty slide show or kicking ass and taking names? I know which I'd prefer...

Don't get me wrong, if they can do both, then I have no doubt my life will be ruined, but out of the two, then graphics can (as we say in Scotland) "Get tae fook"

EDIT - Buggered up the quote
I agree on this point . I really hope there is enough 'tweakability' of the graphics so that , if you have the rig , you can have amazing graphics . But ,likewise, a game like planetside relies on numbers to be an amazing game . There's a good reason world of warcraft is so popular : anybody and their old granny can play it on their crappyest laptop. I dont ever expect planetside to have the same kind of subs , but I hope its user friendly enough that you dont have to have any kind of super crossfire rig to have even a decent fight.
2011-04-23 06:04 AM
I SandRock
Re: Smed on PlanetSide Next Delay

Originally Posted by TRex View Post
I agree on this point . I really hope there is enough 'tweakability' of the graphics so that , if you have the rig , you can have amazing graphics . But ,likewise, a game like planetside relies on numbers to be an amazing game . There's a good reason world of warcraft is so popular : anybody and their old granny can play it on their crappyest laptop. I dont ever expect planetside to have the same kind of subs , but I hope its user friendly enough that you dont have to have any kind of super crossfire rig to have even a decent fight.
hmmm well. WoW is 6-7 years old now. Back when it was released it needed a decent computer. Nothing special, but decent. I don't think your granny's laptop could've ran it back then. And I don't think that's a major reason it became so popular either

But I do agree PS needs to be scalable so a lot of people can play it without needing a ton of upgrades

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