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Hells Rangers [HR]



Leader: Plisskin

Created: 2012-11-20 01:32 PM

[HR] PlanetSide 2 Wiki

Total Chars XP Kills Deaths Time Played
194 1200777414 1392120 1063077 3376d 18h 28m
Average BR Average XP Average Kills Average Deaths Average Time Played
44 6189574 7176 5480 17d 9h 45m
Online Online Last 30 Days Online Last 7 Days Leaderboard Rank Download
0 (0%) 11 (5.67%) 4 (2.06%) #1136 CSV Export Roster

# Name Reverse Sort Order BR XP XP/Min K D K/D
1 1Shot1Kill 89 74008429 382.85 93261 53344 1.75
2 ABigJohnson 40 1308497 134.63 1655 2306 0.72
3 ActionBstrd 28 614730 271.64 994 773 1.29
4 Addias342 86 19117406 177.49 10141 14638 0.69
5 Adelous 65 5254151 237.95 7152 4117 1.74
6 AgentZenith 37 1329745 294.26 963 1130 0.85
7 AimHereTM 46 2334124 140.69 2932 2871 1.02
8 Akarantha 44 1231289 236.65 1465 1032 1.42
9 ArtisanX 9 29927 64.92 22 95 0.23
10 AZIRO 28 649035 106.78 963 1532 0.63
11 Bananas4321 50 2215926 91.27 2828 6311 0.45
12 bar3s 3 3384 69.06 4 9 0.44
13 BayouBrother 54 2713198 284.10 2857 2738 1.04
14 Beighn 35 1103726 149.17 2819 1830 1.54
15 BiggShoots 6 10623 104.15 31 53 0.58
16 Bipolaroo 53 3228095 269.86 4050 3074 1.32
17 BloodyHammer 43 1594388 131.85 1092 4004 0.27
18 Bloodziilla 21 171332 144.10 351 322 1.09
19 BobsaNOOB 19 239841 120.16 312 225 1.39
20 BoxerSausage 23 369100 98.87 652 882 0.74
21 Boyos 43 1936315 144.74 2056 4360 0.47
22 Britathepurifier 31 845390 194.93 1377 1182 1.16
23 Calisi 35 822688 226.01 790 318 2.48
24 Cannabinoid 85 6968649 310.98 7114 5874 1.21
25 Capita 41 1707924 157.60 3606 3165 1.14
26 CaptainFireBeard 15 32149 97.72 20 71 0.28
27 Charmzz 5 9602 114.31 7 19 0.37
28 ChaseMcGee 27 553140 113.77 364 1641 0.22
29 ChocolateHernandes 77 7825709 261.88 5598 7524 0.74
30 Choubob99 45 2161634 264.03 3350 2827 1.19
31 ChunkyBiscuit 20 261811 146.18 452 457 0.99
32 CodyHawkCaster3 51 2484991 201.62 3342 4381 0.76
33 CommissarFrieza 41 1356167 443.92 511 1011 0.51
34 Creightonson 12 70507 170.31 58 151 0.38
35 Darkg0ds 67 4266967 196.31 2775 4844 0.57
36 darkjack109 37 808889 316.10 418 869 0.48
37 DeadCoal 85 11082828 343.75 13427 8261 1.63
38 DeathbyReloadTR 20 71846 174.81 46 61 0.75
39 DeathNDecay0187 111 27237613 244.91 27805 23696 1.17
40 DeathTollDavid 100 40231465 355.41 30392 32025 0.95
41 dlRockstar 54 27858737 208.33 26887 35499 0.76
42 DocJohan 22 287697 101.09 270 814 0.33
43 Doomtrain 77 6583509 240.79 7785 6449 1.21
44 Drakozozzh 50 2663399 151.58 3405 7144 0.48
45 DrVentureSr 89 11877308 145.25 19397 15224 1.27
46 Duke111 26 20618690 142.58 12850 37294 0.34
47 DukeMcManus 13 74280 59.19 126 608 0.21
48 Eishi 58 3923088 192.03 3087 2654 1.16
49 Engipillz 28 484120 317.87 634 274 2.31
50 Erracticity 36 1266724 306.19 1185 1264 0.94
51 Fedra 36 1191850 84.31 1444 3299 0.44
52 fiaust 16 67272 312.89 67 90 0.74
53 FirmButSoft 6 13021 178.37 12 19 0.63
54 Flatliner 50 1777293 197.41 2244 2601 0.86
55 FordsterTR 10 21201 117.13 31 46 0.67
56 FoxtrotHippo 23 366544 113.69 379 1029 0.37
57 Fragwagon 29 696841 121.63 1609 1436 1.12
58 g0eltv 26 328887 164.94 419 897 0.47
59 Gobono 69 6343900 178.05 3819 8901 0.43
60 GoF4st 76 8164117 245.15 9357 2296 4.08
61 GR1FFO 38 1379032 114.71 1904 2003 0.95
62 Grunt189 40 1303041 312.33 1798 985 1.83
63 gzg 75 7947586 253.04 16197 9387 1.73
64 HillBillyATL 30 721307 137.73 1314 1243 1.06
65 HonestInjun 74 7768017 203.02 6616 8460 0.78
66 HoneyBushtard 47 2442584 272.18 2123 3080 0.69
67 iGROOCK 17 185378 150.23 268 246 1.09
68 InPyurZen 59 4210837 161.53 4492 4606 0.98
69 Inubaki 52 33303233 300.78 42039 20323 2.07
70 Isilidox 25 447530 166.43 933 586 1.59
71 JamesZTR 40 1112110 127.90 239 2344 0.10
72 JarvisLunt 79 8986462 216.39 12880 10572 1.22
73 JasonWebb 102 25017715 315.59 32953 30700 1.07
74 JeffreyMckee 68 5977063 149.20 4643 7203 0.64
75 JoeMoe65 20 203973 149.43 186 699 0.27
76 joetools 12 74153 103.13 99 181 0.55
77 jucks 23 371373 70.43 315 774 0.41
78 JustAnotherAlias 18 195385 80.47 281 532 0.53
79 Kabob1 36 741166 340.92 409 773 0.53
80 Kamak 38 1434872 212.86 2691 908 2.96
81 Karnatos 88 12630109 217.30 10729 11044 0.97
82 kcirreda 78 40940771 536.72 56432 12919 4.37
83 Keybored 21 313543 91.63 369 401 0.92
84 KillroyHR 96 16112989 334.39 11890 11624 1.02
85 KosherKingOfIsrael 26 329661 249.74 138 255 0.54
86 KUKOTR2 46 1855900 102.92 83 1563 0.05
87 l4gw4g0n 48 2575148 172.65 6291 3110 2.02
88 LegendaryDecimation 11 41173 44.27 26 362 0.07
89 LegionTr 93 31349450 251.85 37272 21810 1.71
90 legoboy07 65 5153538 130.06 6745 12525 0.54
91 Leminacus 101 20651991 237.21 14838 14075 1.05
92 Lokkar94 80 9484577 225.54 8596 11171 0.77
93 MajorHertz 88 12175478 251.55 14188 8710 1.63
94 MightyRedRodent 7 2021 54.62 1 6 0.17
95 MiniRemo 50 2797736 238.88 5532 1744 3.17
96 MisterMic 27 577845 77.70 435 1526 0.29
97 MommaHooby 11 57386 188.15 44 128 0.34
98 MorganusFreemanicus 25 329139 192.93 214 634 0.34
99 MotherFraggg 16 67669 281.95 30 103 0.29
100 MrWafflesx 24 421303 193.70 657 512 1.28
101 Mummbles 69 4195172 199.77 3513 5780 0.61
102 Murkrai 34 1008772 140.58 2147 1968 1.09
103 NAB 64 5383811 130.06 7144 6998 1.02
104 Narwolfen 22 331001 74.18 312 963 0.32
105 NegativeWaves 22 342603 188.04 268 181 1.48
106 Neiderfuchten 23 363655 71.49 710 1915 0.37
107 Nertnux 29 696602 154.87 2148 2220 0.97
108 Nuke 45 1571521 141.50 2030 2050 0.99
109 ObsidiusOne 18 126244 225.44 20 20 1.00
110 Oprahsminge 19 182500 146.47 131 274 0.48
111 OutlawRL 64 3330012 198.29 1385 3729 0.37
112 ozwalled 67 5929957 92.62 6490 14345 0.45
113 PAPPA 118 22252977 385.70 29015 22184 1.31
114 Paybackx 20 208019 748.27 37 32 1.16
115 Peabody 58 3709213 213.71 3987 3500 1.14
116 Piratella 17 77748 474.07 28 31 0.90
117 Plisskin 36 72467391 306.00 58906 31094 1.89
118 Preyator 65 5454966 92.27 7228 7437 0.97
119 PrivateHall 67 3905127 219.19 5436 5447 1.00
120 Psi0ps 46 1695250 216.89 1449 1169 1.24
121 Pwdrburn 31 790205 134.25 711 1015 0.70
122 Quontex 72 6255281 285.76 8530 5832 1.46
123 R0B0shot 80 5183192 493.03 4887 2846 1.72
124 Rancid 42 32339225 230.82 33661 22357 1.51
125 RationalHatred 27 507287 148.81 873 593 1.47
126 RedOtter 72 7179998 217.41 11122 6337 1.76
127 Redspore 24 348115 137.43 260 767 0.34
128 ReltzSev 60 4148793 270.90 6326 4270 1.48
129 remingtontr 88 12199977 369.61 17393 3424 5.08
130 reno22 46 2266140 96.08 1714 5246 0.33
131 RingADingDing 61 4804253 205.17 4407 3352 1.31
132 rocksrips 41 1429397 329.66 2122 1749 1.21
133 Roderick 88 73927585 302.33 95747 57720 1.66
134 Rotguts 22 176525 93.40 26 358 0.07
135 Runegrave 34 60884538 364.50 49782 31030 1.60
136 Runegraze 13 40402 254.10 61 61 1.00
137 SadHanJob 20 165380 100.53 134 490 0.27
138 Sadotado 53 3234758 168.81 6751 2611 2.59
139 scotskickass5 51 2936592 410.88 4191 404 10.37
140 SethLeoric 10 36806 205.62 14 25 0.56
141 SGTGunnyHighway 102 21068101 217.96 23718 19209 1.23
142 Shadow1271 76 7949150 146.91 4324 6205 0.70
143 SisterFlame 16 147049 80.53 49 330 0.15
144 SnakeDFox 66 4048075 187.06 3200 4890 0.65
145 soupycanmanm 29 335669 531.96 120 86 1.40
146 SpaceGhosh 37 1317070 139.30 1568 2164 0.72
147 starlorrde1 29 469381 206.32 905 1183 0.77
148 StarShade101 10 35839 89.60 8 69 0.12
149 StaticSounds 77 8457448 202.87 8950 9434 0.95
150 Stroomin 82 6155064 211.09 3747 3853 0.97
151 Stuffhappens 102 51788911 440.75 68227 24242 2.81
152 Suwu 50 2879834 174.68 5628 3561 1.58
153 Synchronous 43 1838761 164.38 1792 2161 0.83
154 TankerOfTheEast 9 24679 194.32 22 42 0.52
155 TehDerpishLG 21 293389 79.60 454 972 0.47
156 TehPygmy 20 224320 104.24 396 571 0.69
157 Texantildeath 30 595627 126.84 265 1624 0.16
158 TheCritt 13 88809 110.46 169 290 0.58
159 TheGreatZuzu 13 85363 106.57 118 292 0.40
160 Theheavybolter 32 865909 60.08 671 3018 0.22
161 TheReallySlimShady 10 43375 134.70 59 115 0.51
162 TheSittingDuck 53 2942887 233.32 3415 4758 0.72
163 Tiffers 67 4937125 148.76 3354 6355 0.53
164 TimmyTumTum 11 50929 106.32 60 166 0.36
165 TRdav0 75 33682301 269.58 57443 11103 5.17
166 TRxTinkerbell 46 1747969 370.18 2424 1233 1.97
167 Tucker168 75 6783738 184.42 12975 14314 0.91
168 Tyrim 77 8742396 201.50 9999 8269 1.21
169 urboysamir 7 20355 106.57 21 31 0.68
170 ValarMorghulisTR 90 12362553 422.71 9848 8318 1.18
171 veXedHD 15 49954 297.35 38 40 0.95
172 VictoriousElise 41 22761736 245.94 43258 36956 1.17
173 VinceAK 8 24141 108.74 59 61 0.97
174 VirusLock 61 4699770 198.64 12026 9742 1.23
175 VonKel 64 5261973 213.50 7517 2677 2.81
176 VorraxX 59 14262699 200.24 28343 15199 1.86
177 wafflepuncake 20 259995 111.68 553 1338 0.41
178 Wahooo 58 4099167 157.51 6913 4333 1.60
179 WallerSound 63 5164149 413.73 3464 2125 1.63
180 WandererTR756 71 6789613 114.38 9294 8555 1.09
181 WarGhuI 32 468392 402.40 534 254 2.10
182 WildfireTsunami 57 2544128 264.93 6581 3307 1.99
183 Wolkenkuckucksheim 27 260730 578.12 167 124 1.35
184 wytrre 22 281718 215.55 599 954 0.63
185 xEssayx 32 516328 118.91 1113 1771 0.63
186 Xmas 71 6871555 180.63 17242 12329 1.40
187 xOneBadDude 84 4609055 301.78 3982 3409 1.17
188 xpaybackx 16 149047 151.62 277 214 1.29
189 xSciox 41 1662379 197.48 1750 1528 1.15
190 xXSniperXxTR 29 343142 133.10 308 416 0.74
191 XXXRedVelvetXXX 4 1216 12.41 4 1 4.00
192 ZaFo 57 2376436 135.07 1920 3303 0.58
193 Ziasmack 9 33044 93.88 39 166 0.23
194 ZzArmoredSlothzZ 29 656029 84.87 1165 1905 0.61

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