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151st Freedom Fighters [FFS]



Leader: JTM151

Created: 2012-11-20 01:39 PM

[FFS] PlanetSide 2 Wiki

Total Chars XP Kills Deaths Time Played
222 4134480672 6117553 3133039 9112d 5h 14m
Average BR Average XP Average Kills Average Deaths Average Time Played
64 18623787 27557 14113 41d 1h 6m
Online Online Last 30 Days Online Last 7 Days Leaderboard Rank Download
3 (1.35%) 53 (23.87%) 30 (13.51%) #248 CSV Export Roster

# Name BR Reverse Sort Order XP Reverse Sort Order XP/Min K D K/D
1 WHITEMALE29 1 240 4.00 0 15 0.00
2 kenkeen14 3 991 13.21 1 14 0.07
3 siraxe 4 3741 14.61 8 20 0.40
4 Smith75 12 5054 25.92 10 8 1.25
5 LycusXIII 5 7780 194.50 7 9 0.78
6 XoXAt0micXoX 8 16792 73.33 43 81 0.53
7 Gomtan 8 20425 160.83 36 25 1.44
8 maiqtheliar42 10 22602 68.28 46 115 0.40
9 Otaku420 10 32668 65.73 18 128 0.14
10 SameTrde 14 33000 182.32 72 88 0.82
11 TheREALMillerHighLife 12 37778 581.20 31 16 1.94
12 KiwiQu 10 39244 96.19 28 120 0.23
13 ultrinque 12 48087 249.16 17 33 0.52
14 DurzoEU 14 78161 132.03 78 141 0.55
15 NiroNer 16 102950 174.49 81 81 1.00
16 narauwu 16 111989 341.43 287 150 1.91
17 PigeonTactics 15 112743 322.12 275 100 2.75
18 JustAnotherPlayerNC 18 130393 346.79 153 101 1.51
19 Slaaneshsensei 19 197186 252.80 169 312 0.54
20 DrLoveless 21 201161 116.08 327 803 0.41
21 Tomcsi31 21 212058 201.58 118 320 0.37
22 Bullhund 25 234762 917.04 175 88 1.99
23 sonroyimNC 22 239602 390.87 279 336 0.83
24 HIGHC0MMAND 24 268127 295.29 341 187 1.82
25 1CaptainCody1 25 337145 308.18 242 572 0.42
26 Lokriel 28 365729 94.63 302 1348 0.22
27 YodaMillerNC 31 371482 698.27 201 94 2.14
28 DrRuffyTraitor 29 382005 377.48 869 441 1.97
29 JustAnEnglishmanInNewYork 29 408579 397.45 636 305 2.09
30 GOLDENxEAGLE 29 453988 245.13 618 412 1.50
31 1ShootDownFFS 30 460437 597.97 915 268 3.41
32 AtoTheFlick 32 535068 274.11 184 413 0.45
33 EvaBlair 41 574909 545.45 1866 627 2.98
34 savetheturtlesthx 32 603988 128.89 669 1534 0.44
35 BlankScout 32 679085 221.06 719 1403 0.51
36 BIoodyEU 33 686169 738.61 1312 396 3.31
37 OlafmeisterTraitor 36 718479 474.56 1171 582 2.01
38 Pyyroq 35 755105 230.14 613 1181 0.52
39 MarosKocur 33 764987 192.40 731 1273 0.57
40 jdbela 32 794655 177.85 899 1146 0.78
41 MaxMix1234 35 831418 226.17 1292 1669 0.77
42 Phantom086 38 861153 289.07 357 390 0.92
43 KporalTheFourth 37 964643 442.70 2945 1797 1.64
44 ShotgunzPewPew 37 1013861 329.93 1116 637 1.75
45 Sagge1975 38 1046635 272.56 1007 1728 0.58
46 CarlsonWinston 41 1296840 334.84 1121 665 1.69
47 NinjaSkillNC 41 1346826 188.76 2515 2632 0.96
48 HerrHungryHunter 41 1379609 230.43 735 1608 0.46
49 IwishIhadvortek 44 1483299 797.90 693 360 1.93
50 BushycargoNS 57 1549216 276.00 1267 1485 0.85
51 MillerIHardlyKnowHer 53 1669592 394.05 1620 1123 1.44
52 Switooz 46 1683814 269.02 2204 2444 0.90
53 Morglomerate 51 1931959 328.51 1965 1096 1.79
54 josh2000max 49 1950364 262.15 1663 3099 0.54
55 MechaZilenora 56 1980888 463.37 1239 1175 1.05
56 GenericFreedom 59 2062225 483.52 4356 1466 2.97
57 DrMusashi 56 2163811 215.39 3148 3132 1.01
58 JackSLO 46 2261803 119.57 3665 4634 0.79
59 SharemMasse 51 2307835 257.46 1930 2830 0.68
60 GausBoy 65 2475992 458.60 4736 1894 2.50
61 HistorianNC 54 2580012 473.40 6982 3458 2.02
62 ok117 54 2710923 355.39 3867 1979 1.95
63 Freezuh 52 3131929 173.03 4835 3446 1.40
64 V1r 53 3221837 183.47 5331 4209 1.27
65 Belzedur 73 3223260 342.68 3727 4560 0.82
66 BedanCZ 70 3352566 275.75 5738 3357 1.71
67 BlueYippys 61 3371729 453.62 7797 2143 3.64
68 IArchangelMetatronI 74 3372495 481.30 2538 1689 1.50
69 Gosenne 66 3446504 286.85 2747 4348 0.63
70 Udaror 63 3546591 265.88 2931 3162 0.93
71 garrend 59 3685080 150.79 3874 5993 0.65
72 Johnny574 57 3723618 108.81 3503 6921 0.51
73 DonnieFromCobalt 68 3788006 703.57 10516 3265 3.22
74 KConNC 72 3983790 771.60 9425 2617 3.60
75 efromdNC 65 4045331 510.65 10566 3373 3.13
76 lex1993 69 4050394 284.66 1775 3168 0.56
77 BasiliskAppreciator 65 4278230 686.05 8075 2322 3.48
78 TheJagernaut 67 4437951 211.45 7459 6458 1.16
79 TheLittleMorty 78 4716861 238.48 4682 5963 0.79
80 ImJustATree 68 4840005 190.20 5452 3966 1.37
81 TechnicalTR 68 4842442 410.93 9061 3999 2.27
82 Sedgar37 82 4942537 352.86 5135 4969 1.03
83 EdvardWolf 81 5030548 432.62 4941 3418 1.45
84 Best1RPCFan 71 5160377 756.21 13601 3572 3.81
85 SISISISISISISISISISISISISISISISI 77 5236463 485.49 12557 6480 1.94
86 getoffmystreamnormies 79 5303983 417.60 11538 3678 3.14
87 RhetoricalOtter 95 5351598 385.65 2201 3916 0.56
88 ThundeyrNC 79 5395193 332.58 14651 6395 2.29
89 ixIRONHIDExi 71 5447816 342.09 6799 3306 2.06
90 PixelParfait 87 5504331 368.85 5123 4242 1.21
91 AdmiralSugar 79 5541646 248.26 5386 4467 1.21
92 Nanofreaks 73 5709037 252.55 5585 5976 0.93
93 xCharms 84 5760120 429.12 13409 7801 1.72
94 Darqez 85 5760950 623.21 11697 4095 2.86
95 edouardgiytofy 68 5855107 230.83 9870 3973 2.48
96 funkyNC 83 5974166 658.53 7721 2390 3.23
97 FrostTerror 85 6407915 185.06 4946 9424 0.52
98 Philerino 87 6514300 478.71 9227 4395 2.10
99 theCHIVEsupporter 93 6672533 318.32 8374 7202 1.16
100 Snowyk9 99 6829223 293.04 7569 6674 1.13
101 Krazzi88 80 6885496 209.43 5963 5966 1.00
102 criandur 71 6899486 145.89 12730 14337 0.89
103 Fariron 72 7118807 176.36 6690 9671 0.69
104 plAyedx 82 7428439 844.33 18142 4917 3.69
105 SilentEscargot 56 7557228 394.98 4792 5510 0.87
106 TheMozFather 79 7570200 239.56 10005 6940 1.44
107 A4657NS 43 7791406 266.74 4799 3132 1.53
108 Beppievanmokum 92 7867288 422.90 8397 5002 1.68
109 FasterThanLightNSO 48 7922156 649.52 10596 3947 2.68
110 sl3x1337 86 8155559 233.20 18553 11960 1.55
111 Sahih 90 8200045 516.60 21314 6980 3.05
112 Fr33D0ML0V3R 91 8258078 188.26 12817 12644 1.01
113 Unichorns 84 8296996 246.79 14055 17312 0.81
114 JOBOT15 99 8387183 648.61 15785 4951 3.19
115 TraitorousMercenary 96 8441741 585.58 12196 5094 2.39
116 sharkdemon268 80 8626876 167.55 11718 11385 1.03
117 shifty92 91 8813249 172.66 11822 12105 0.98
118 ShadyReaper 79 9057616 197.45 22437 12147 1.85
119 neil3k 98 9311192 216.82 11938 7429 1.61
120 CroPredatorMirotaur 83 9671011 226.97 16780 13107 1.28
121 N5200 83 10656001 284.33 11792 6271 1.88
122 MorpheanReaver 92 10794339 348.87 12959 6030 2.15
123 MichaelDCx23x 99 10903344 252.83 14339 16230 0.88
124 Tanjitsu 85 11100803 192.33 9620 10955 0.88
125 ChopSueyNC 40 11414427 671.59 19680 4892 4.02
126 SirKentuckyFriedChicken 95 12062188 360.66 27876 12460 2.24
127 BlueberryHill 90 12224547 376.02 10949 10977 1.00
128 NeeelNC 76 12392806 420.64 23924 14112 1.70
129 DrPom 99 12462514 308.38 7253 9057 0.80
130 SkooffNC 101 12604473 379.24 12293 7353 1.67
131 StepneYNC 97 12978873 324.88 13069 10783 1.21
132 GladosNS 63 12988565 380.28 9079 5907 1.54
133 SetBot 70 13193883 339.28 12392 5947 2.08
134 DyceNC 69 14056163 580.69 23357 7594 3.08
135 Arg3dion 74 14498690 468.55 29596 10801 2.74
136 Bafflegab 37 14652329 254.46 8971 17896 0.50
137 LowCowTow 99 15046237 359.30 35494 10713 3.31
138 MaraWinter 95 15536511 190.42 28807 14303 2.01
139 Derveze 58 15651042 373.36 15145 9970 1.52
140 kirkoula 100 15837427 215.45 15829 14890 1.06
141 SussyGusy 91 16100607 695.04 36406 7853 4.64
142 Sh4km4 40 16180953 372.87 21009 14621 1.44
143 PaletzDevice 86 16354251 443.02 14728 6945 2.12
144 Frakos 102 16484585 270.65 35233 19292 1.83
145 LittleLaddie 100 16628922 218.48 14743 14320 1.03
146 MaxCraft 28 16698513 333.08 21853 10339 2.11
147 Sandurr 45 16726689 351.97 15686 10086 1.56
148 StalkerDridri 72 17012412 370.99 22040 11515 1.91
149 SeriousBadger 75 18248247 535.91 43990 10736 4.10
150 Fraya 77 18551672 482.29 36311 14921 2.43
151 xUpular 108 18579753 362.65 22809 16353 1.39
152 fonkii 78 18579937 267.97 27907 25216 1.11
153 Amikaze 100 19891801 205.28 17036 16687 1.02
154 plazion 98 20226637 521.47 47148 14584 3.23
155 GavielDawn 24 20748626 262.61 28268 19309 1.46
156 shreyNC 38 20921723 879.47 58445 17342 3.37
157 Diamond598 103 21102209 355.74 25243 10348 2.44
158 Curro 56 21171986 220.29 26225 18483 1.42
159 IrishChampion 95 21505195 433.91 45350 19432 2.33
160 SebringMaster 77 21599714 150.53 25623 38752 0.66
161 JPenny757 7 21788616 490.99 35026 10972 3.19
162 Nxx 108 21825386 174.67 16008 14630 1.09
163 SetUID 41 22378851 328.92 27721 10968 2.53
164 Villiam16 88 22608799 270.17 46855 27944 1.68
165 Blastpoint 54 24392226 278.70 33402 26030 1.28
166 LiTarrd 100 24467039 224.26 43537 28931 1.50
167 Zatchlas 101 25210385 480.29 18267 14743 1.24
168 ShelKhanPL 94 25719762 335.17 25251 15692 1.61
169 DaanjulesNC 38 26707851 456.43 67001 37373 1.79
170 JTM151 100 26755592 211.01 38456 21798 1.76
171 sataneck 100 27238428 181.22 27060 36794 0.74
172 LordSwaggingtonTheSecond 119 27681713 324.70 39049 21010 1.86
173 Semrex 87 28270795 472.42 34631 15255 2.27
174 Gannart 104 28382474 193.55 32406 19703 1.64
175 yenonmc 58 29203821 222.98 36423 23576 1.54
176 Turbofiller 116 29880967 211.26 24953 23545 1.06
177 Aszrayel 30 30282576 223.83 17613 24330 0.72
178 TheBestSide 78 30863078 297.40 41042 17003 2.41
179 maddinla 73 30912544 230.78 27025 25090 1.08
180 KilljoyX 37 31343378 341.13 68431 43490 1.57
181 Skurtan 74 31369412 264.03 38282 24744 1.55
182 Yarden 76 34274586 266.96 100849 51110 1.97
183 UdyrVulpayne 38 35385703 207.10 75364 59792 1.26
184 Zilenora 49 36612231 405.37 24658 21129 1.17
185 Jotunn15NC 100 36673048 622.18 68929 23150 2.98
186 RolledAndSmoked 86 37348133 860.62 26165 5739 4.56
187 A4657 97 37801493 267.07 31704 14948 2.12
188 arrshyan 100 39333847 303.48 33844 21466 1.58
189 OllieTheDonkey 120 41487226 380.51 100913 37010 2.73
190 MasherusPrime 45 44360530 254.14 86308 48222 1.79
191 ShiroganeTakeru 94 45360349 678.20 70708 16943 4.17
192 H8tz 75 45511032 233.19 63792 65310 0.98
193 Kingston 59 45776221 390.74 51069 23342 2.19
194 daniebananie 41 46386122 328.34 74632 31665 2.36
195 Jet268 56 47053002 387.70 75811 25630 2.96
196 ARUG 83 47732549 191.80 46934 34664 1.35
197 Brithor 103 48172145 385.53 48621 23772 2.05
198 DARKREAPER8117 94 48564626 308.41 45456 37902 1.20
199 2fast4u85 117 48742857 325.37 129387 55865 2.32
200 Tomi233 49 48954213 280.45 94764 47546 1.99
201 TheBarackO 54 51234840 359.32 57157 26593 2.15
202 Moz 80 51344758 292.17 66731 26209 2.55
203 tugamen 120 54586871 168.02 88796 65670 1.35
204 DaltonBrother2 70 55129515 497.74 60699 22588 2.69
205 Luxas5 120 55474789 282.20 114794 43973 2.61
206 IIIORIVARIII 100 55617479 458.81 87945 42580 2.07
207 Rattolainen 85 61453861 398.89 102342 42684 2.40
208 Paletz 46 61580135 276.78 81265 34701 2.34
209 PrimePriest 67 64144778 291.83 107945 49385 2.19
210 Danovac 100 68419799 358.04 76970 37398 2.06
211 vygr 100 75317842 231.64 113059 85487 1.32
212 FullyScaled 100 77799406 365.56 121051 40483 2.99
213 PlumbumPorifera 86 80319015 270.23 75402 29716 2.54
214 Toggofwar 47 81310753 440.82 72949 50969 1.43
215 HansaKrieger 67 89738075 352.15 150921 56310 2.68
216 Mortyborty 76 90825275 238.48 153192 35297 4.34
217 diR7y 83 90915964 389.67 103851 42548 2.44
218 Cyberwast3 99 100187292 365.51 184033 86798 2.12
219 FasterThanLight 54 107218755 578.10 102985 31146 3.31
220 greedclawLV 90 110850386 402.05 146430 68782 2.13
221 nrvn 38 114495128 407.67 257996 50180 5.14
222 Grrog 100 127014180 408.37 287355 107986 2.66

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