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Da Lead Belchas [ORKS]



Leader: WarbossThrakka

Created: 2015-07-08 08:31 PM

[ORKS] PlanetSide 2 Wiki

Total Chars XP Kills Deaths Time Played
204 326085061 359226 370889 989d 15h 54m
Average BR Average XP Average Kills Average Deaths Average Time Played
32 1598456 1761 1818 4d 20h 26m
Online Online Last 30 Days Online Last 7 Days Leaderboard Rank Download
0 (0%) 4 (1.96%) 2 (0.98%) #3367 CSV Export Roster

# Name Reverse Sort Order BR XP XP/Min K D K/D
1 ZogginGritTeef 28 498064 201.89 283 393 0.72
2 Zervious 64 4144818 282.34 5138 3447 1.49
3 Zarava 16 79977 170.53 82 176 0.47
4 Zaaq 21 258832 67.54 895 1298 0.69
5 xXIronniteXx 6 12408 85.57 10 15 0.67
6 Wooliewarlord 65 3039326 319.53 3650 3654 1.00
7 WileyKun 18 90683 113.35 48 142 0.34
8 warthrak 20 233989 115.21 372 577 0.64
9 WarringLad 56 2314708 356.05 1749 1976 0.89
10 WarmasterRaptor 96 15777530 169.30 28766 20714 1.39
11 WarbossThrakka 81 34595348 426.34 25686 15622 1.64
12 VengefulOfTheFallen 35 946942 231.24 1269 857 1.48
13 valalt 38 877009 161.72 926 2114 0.44
14 UzrukkSnagagutz 68 4097622 253.88 3134 4629 0.68
15 Uzkataij 8 23899 110.64 25 78 0.32
16 TypeMOON 14 65525 117.85 133 217 0.61
17 TwoStepTilda 25 400469 165.69 645 723 0.89
18 TRstampz 93 6188074 248.42 2198 4067 0.54
19 TrHarasser 25 322431 303.89 313 149 2.10
20 ToorcDaMonotoof 33 713175 177.27 290 714 0.41
21 ToofBreaker 27 370666 232.39 482 512 0.94
22 TheUnchained 82 5874550 363.10 10264 7182 1.43
23 TheOrkiezt 19 180438 186.21 202 259 0.78
24 themeganobb 7 19072 87.49 26 66 0.39
25 TheLaughingMan00 34 858991 163.28 920 1433 0.64
26 TheBlackManTR 45 1540986 360.04 2823 1455 1.94
27 Tessalin 55 2691361 162.69 3456 5374 0.64
28 Terratronn 80 8400814 224.57 15972 12168 1.31
29 TeefCooleka1 32 555917 135.72 727 681 1.07
30 Tarnik 44 1914441 121.11 3585 2862 1.25
31 TacoTuesdayOrBust222 20 227086 114.57 238 827 0.29
32 Swordier 76 7517126 206.68 10158 14911 0.68
33 Sugarpink 19 178921 187.75 226 450 0.50
34 StrikerFK 13 48591 144.62 52 107 0.49
35 Star14289 53 2372391 320.29 2202 1978 1.11
36 StanceGrimly 13 74612 148.93 20 131 0.15
37 Spoinrippa 14 86465 147.05 166 194 0.86
38 SoulKeep 24 306407 200.66 241 294 0.82
39 Snipercat89 62 3653492 258.62 2741 3816 0.72
40 Smoob 10 32630 163.97 23 46 0.50
41 Slightlymad1797 29 637871 224.52 600 742 0.81
42 Skullsmasha 53 1842898 216.63 1098 1698 0.65
43 Skraggtuf 9 37913 171.55 35 43 0.81
44 SirSqueak 3 2541 77.00 2 2 1.00
45 SirSeabass 19 182679 166.98 162 298 0.54
46 SF362 16 127259 134.81 136 167 0.81
47 Ryuujo 86 20681400 279.09 22748 22313 1.02
48 Rookdook 23 313578 143.51 482 580 0.83
49 Rockfireghost99 30 596864 220.16 615 814 0.76
50 RicoKawalsky 52 2660125 172.72 2023 3669 0.55
51 Revydemyman 30 513042 156.13 502 995 0.50
52 Revinn42 33 589862 178.58 314 903 0.35
53 RazzleDazzle2180 17 139486 165.86 115 193 0.60
54 RawrestRawr 6 13370 98.31 19 29 0.66
55 Rambork4 42 1037972 138.77 1032 1686 0.61
56 RafeCollins 31 402560 155.55 121 446 0.27
57 PvtLeeCrayZ 77 7530485 483.96 11311 10657 1.06
58 PurpleGit23 11 43392 563.53 20 11 1.82
59 PugBro 16 115977 187.97 134 381 0.35
60 PrettieBridie 12 39901 151.14 26 54 0.48
61 PoopPlunger 8 22069 49.26 13 184 0.07
62 Polkira 38 471650 154.59 304 493 0.62
63 Piffless 29 409668 184.78 396 797 0.50
64 PbeverTR 61 3533419 318.76 7079 3651 1.94
65 Ozynamdias 7 19559 90.13 44 83 0.53
66 Oznze 23 239839 162.38 210 620 0.34
67 OrkCaptainPlanet 14 91525 124.52 41 120 0.34
68 Oobbok 36 1122415 84.23 1613 2302 0.70
69 Onimaho 48 2331204 216.39 3225 2894 1.11
70 Oilchugga 23 239318 177.93 189 280 0.68
71 Nutsnboltz 7 17766 70.78 8 48 0.17
72 NSO101101001 48 1359090 254.27 510 933 0.55
73 normystormy 14 58246 56.60 23 185 0.12
74 NonoSquareEnjoyer 7 19065 123.80 21 20 1.05
75 Nightlance57 21 267535 130.19 243 714 0.34
76 Nargath 91 12875756 230.02 24004 16628 1.44
77 Nahaal 42 962355 216.84 563 1202 0.47
78 Murtron 87 6697259 253.35 6269 4103 1.53
79 MungusBigdakka 13 75475 145.42 74 134 0.55
80 MorDakka2 17 135048 226.59 137 223 0.61
81 MetalKlanger 23 308331 145.44 306 541 0.57
82 MekDrazzah 20 213478 171.06 384 556 0.69
83 MEGANOBxGUTZKRAKA 21 242040 99.16 321 576 0.56
84 mayonnaisu 17 99641 216.61 51 108 0.47
85 MasterConquest01 21 256704 81.44 337 804 0.42
86 MasterAsser 14 93367 146.11 40 112 0.36
87 Mashgul 48 1550735 211.01 1869 2652 0.70
88 MaeMae0307 16 132344 187.72 3 84 0.04
89 MadorkGunna 58 2121027 145.50 1711 2787 0.61
90 Lyc0 24 361683 179.76 282 510 0.55
91 Lowpinging 8 16504 85.07 16 52 0.31
92 Longloveofjustice 15 108460 199.01 51 168 0.30
93 Kyruko 35 466555 348.18 194 487 0.40
94 KrushFace 20 168371 188.55 147 253 0.58
95 KroozaNobUSA 5 7458 78.51 9 49 0.18
96 KroozaNob 31 675364 198.17 596 1249 0.48
97 Kranozh 4 5341 58.05 9 29 0.31
98 Kogar002 51 2208856 283.51 1098 1398 0.79
99 KlubEmKlubs 22 215917 251.36 268 227 1.18
100 Klubbs 5 10439 155.81 15 16 0.94
101 KillaKanGrot 55 2756562 417.03 3309 1699 1.95
102 Khreegorz 68 2889242 269.39 1381 3092 0.45
103 Khorrll 32 721562 197.63 291 1327 0.22
104 KhelannKhargror 26 239168 277.46 404 354 1.14
105 Katiuzha 66 3573456 245.95 2428 3208 0.76
106 Kaisic 9 32445 74.24 81 139 0.58
107 JKRevan 69 5074943 250.74 6476 5480 1.18
108 Jawrippa 47 1470931 234.82 1187 1665 0.71
109 Jason920 41 1298223 144.13 991 2519 0.39
110 JamesCassidy 40 659533 158.09 993 1252 0.79
111 Irongutta 20 224720 183.15 206 293 0.70
112 iPurpqxi 12 56608 173.64 88 64 1.38
113 InfluentialWolf 10 38562 144.43 35 74 0.47
114 Hitomodakka 34 600141 117.91 555 1225 0.45
115 henrythekittie 69 2719357 186.95 3188 5551 0.57
116 HeironymousDaTR 20 214576 184.50 148 225 0.66
117 Hardloved 39 903466 356.82 901 892 1.01
118 HappyKitty01 36 1137125 127.78 1762 2892 0.61
119 Halberder 63 2813924 352.93 2035 2510 0.81
120 Hakha94 16 121545 149.50 223 298 0.75
121 Guzroar 8 26493 78.85 70 239 0.29
122 GutpunchSkullwrench 13 77682 118.24 45 129 0.35
123 gunny32 89 9834746 183.95 19625 18126 1.08
124 Gubbkanz 15 108960 103.67 121 154 0.79
125 GsusOurChordAndQuaver 19 128187 188.23 210 340 0.62
126 Grumpusbumpus 9 25989 60.72 55 140 0.39
127 GrukLok 23 343526 173.76 483 439 1.10
128 Grubdaka 13 77448 147.52 65 90 0.72
129 Grnd 26 473425 125.91 407 654 0.62
130 grizzgob 8 20676 153.16 25 31 0.81
131 Grizgutz 24 240750 229.29 425 494 0.86
132 Grinsmacka 74 4656366 193.37 2955 6620 0.45
133 GrinBot 29 397904 575.01 120 300 0.40
134 Greenisthebestcolorever 21 254191 139.90 215 333 0.65
135 GraeWraith 25 438456 99.99 389 852 0.46
136 GotYourNose 51 2466533 166.29 2024 2972 0.68
137 GorukDaSpooky 59 2662630 139.78 2671 2294 1.16
138 Gorkdork 88 7005729 253.14 4256 7079 0.60
139 Goretog 13 82847 56.40 104 394 0.26
140 GlashireTR 15 92858 121.70 112 177 0.63
141 Gitwrekka 9 26472 199.04 33 22 1.50
142 Gitslappa 6 10123 91.20 8 23 0.35
143 Gitkrumpa 58 3363148 213.42 4603 5981 0.77
144 Getzan 5 9414 41.29 23 36 0.64
145 Gaarthag 8 23131 129.22 25 31 0.81
146 Falnaxx 6 11552 58.94 1 82 0.01
147 FaintCitadels 25 332760 267.49 637 512 1.24
148 Edge231 63 2636442 301.20 1136 1723 0.66
149 Echo315 27 337243 194.04 259 410 0.63
150 DWolfwood 33 765260 153.30 1197 2693 0.44
151 DurgorGrubdaka 32 472759 339.38 157 190 0.83
152 DreadKnights 48 1899553 120.41 2278 3591 0.63
153 DrackenAnders 19 140516 137.22 88 273 0.32
154 DoomStompa 7 16231 79.96 17 42 0.40
155 DokktaWaaaghzon 55 2017620 254.46 1758 2083 0.84
156 DLBDaEggman 26 275046 157.53 253 287 0.88
157 DirzakJawcrumpah 45 1609929 228.33 1522 1420 1.07
158 DireStudios 26 296298 217.71 699 799 0.87
159 DeadStarX 19 178082 155.80 49 284 0.17
160 DavianThule40k 95 9112557 243.45 9300 7552 1.23
161 DaddyGargle 32 494493 245.89 507 457 1.11
162 CunninGrot 19 136915 378.22 320 180 1.78
163 Crisrodr 26 344791 146.04 309 769 0.40
164 Corbantis7 47 1711280 200.15 1086 1087 1.00
165 ClauzIsTaken 36 739758 173.69 1253 2077 0.60
166 Chrshrl1 14 84586 158.40 95 125 0.76
167 CheeseBeserker 10 32576 93.34 13 44 0.30
168 CarlosMuoz 61 3235777 224.82 3086 6370 0.48
169 CaptainLuciustheEternal 107 19285764 280.07 7078 6459 1.10
170 CaptainClog 11 53524 122.76 54 88 0.61
171 CaptAimbotz 42 1503201 217.41 1781 1719 1.04
172 BusinessRaccoon 50 1539551 268.03 1279 1413 0.91
173 BrotherMilk 17 127122 177.79 214 460 0.47
174 Bottymcbotpants 31 464535 408.20 271 339 0.80
175 BOTTSMAN911 12 64997 90.27 45 132 0.34
176 BossarooBluetoof 14 94822 125.43 52 189 0.28
177 BootaySkullwakka 48 1809847 120.84 1832 4460 0.41
178 BonethroneXS 21 214920 148.22 171 363 0.47
179 Bnanas 60 4161373 151.46 5467 3576 1.53
180 BlueTempestTR 40 1246494 391.49 1096 815 1.34
181 Bludrippa 44 1133388 229.43 1324 984 1.35
182 BlitzDaPanzer 49 1523335 301.95 922 1477 0.62
183 bladeseven1 36 930189 217.79 645 696 0.93
184 BlacktoothII 23 305430 175.23 263 495 0.53
185 BigTraKK 24 197556 146.23 152 280 0.54
186 BigTimeWaifu 17 119333 129.29 73 158 0.46
187 Bigbitz 44 1318492 194.76 1425 1583 0.90
188 BashaDaBasha 11 52645 81.75 72 144 0.50
189 BaronCorrupt 41 1116479 227.67 630 1118 0.56
190 bamowmihead2 20 197751 97.90 365 640 0.57
191 B0nedog 13 86492 207.41 90 133 0.68
192 Axsees 9 32861 146.05 37 71 0.52
193 AuraOfSouls 32 918328 141.72 976 1027 0.95
194 Atos110 7 15166 115.77 12 46 0.26
195 AshgarnDaSavage 53 1989917 307.04 2768 1648 1.68
196 Ashgarn 22 345990 248.91 223 330 0.68
197 ARES30c 1 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
198 Annibull 36 510551 185.05 635 359 1.77
199 Angeraxe 33 787830 260.61 1090 1054 1.03
200 Amtranik 15 135767 158.42 198 153 1.29
201 AllTheCelticAncestors 25 368068 143.38 264 755 0.35
202 AlexandreGFX 12 60192 121.85 129 146 0.88
203 Aaron50 24 405588 161.46 440 794 0.55
204 86Rowdy 76 6385929 160.43 11078 10765 1.03

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