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Recursion [OOO0]



Leader: DominusLudus

Created: 2016-01-02 11:56 AM

[OOO0] PlanetSide 2 Wiki

Total Chars XP Kills Deaths Time Played
101 1270750742 2457457 841365 1842d 4h 58m
Average BR Average XP Average Kills Average Deaths Average Time Played
63 12581691 24331 8330 18d 5h 45m
Online Online Last 30 Days Online Last 7 Days Leaderboard Rank Download
1 (0.99%) 43 (42.57%) 35 (34.65%) #508 CSV Export Roster

# Name Reverse Sort Order BR XP XP/Min K D K/D
1 XucphraVS 45 1325528 368.41 2706 1055 2.56
2 xm42vs 17 135787 352.69 420 131 3.21
3 xlaMenace 51 1484763 812.23 3069 548 5.60
4 xGhstmarauderVS 18 98295 372.33 231 62 3.73
5 WizzyEVS 16 109673 464.72 256 106 2.42
6 WElNERTlTS 27 262861 284.17 593 268 2.21
7 Wazixx 84 4939477 576.70 8535 2842 3.00
8 VSBlaxxen 86 15953598 595.22 42586 14757 2.89
9 V522Lancer 95 5577530 837.09 6167 1693 3.64
10 utterchaosVS 100 26563647 740.62 61343 23112 2.65
11 UncleRuckis 108 26271604 675.90 47944 11195 4.28
12 TwistyVS 42 1062496 414.88 3033 641 4.73
13 TSGTQVS 93 22670446 340.27 51168 16190 3.16
14 Treeman09 92 10110263 340.05 26507 11776 2.25
15 tomeVSE 88 47432033 704.90 111309 32424 3.43
16 TKMachineBroke 82 18160207 637.40 28520 7110 4.01
17 Thugenomical 50 2179226 477.27 6372 1064 5.99
18 Thugalicous 46 1299720 535.30 3146 803 3.92
19 ThePurpleChampion 98 7599002 548.47 16959 6591 2.57
20 TheCoolWhip 59 2654324 461.14 6968 1091 6.39
21 TheBanStands 94 9270793 691.03 25180 8969 2.81
22 TelestioVS 67 3360111 596.29 6519 2114 3.08
23 SwiggitySwootyGetDatBooty 24 226654 394.18 511 150 3.41
24 SuaveManos 22 158093 309.38 505 179 2.82
25 SpacemanPS2E 93 14521998 635.12 38413 12877 2.98
26 SirCerealBoxVS 116 21369095 749.53 53882 12367 4.36
27 SelbstverwaltenderAuserirdischer 35 8261471 1,061.48 9052 3512 2.58
28 Sayl4 27 452993 340.60 1203 290 4.15
29 Sattori 83 25863562 447.92 37433 11757 3.18
30 SaTheHandVS 24 340674 376.85 572 279 2.05
31 sankamanVS 61 59752135 267.47 91808 35547 2.58
32 Saitama 100 63380447 808.35 155209 44172 3.51
33 ROYA1TY 41 1103138 509.53 2714 900 3.02
34 RobaniviscNSO 64 10313707 724.23 10379 2395 4.33
35 RemlyV 54 1777138 420.43 4745 1070 4.43
36 RebeccaQvs 79 71122200 359.70 119757 25855 4.63
37 RapidVS 61 2334842 628.15 4040 1493 2.71
38 PossiblyPlebCannon 85 7307101 607.41 24097 6012 4.01
39 PACKETLOSS 71 4738593 508.98 12094 2789 4.34
40 p3VSUE 22 10805537 1,468.74 21254 4340 4.90
41 ookookgoblina 85 18138942 688.07 53913 16152 3.34
42 NSarisVS 14 53290 223.91 108 64 1.69
43 Norugamre 49 17158408 337.21 37611 13457 2.79
44 Nightrat 56 2238796 494.00 5994 1316 4.55
45 NethVS 47 1231843 450.56 3396 825 4.12
46 Mavpls 8 19227 143.49 39 16 2.44
47 MannusPlasmus 59 2069390 523.37 3313 1127 2.94
48 MalkonsentoVS 99 30046264 707.87 64979 19249 3.38
49 MaenFraem 100 42297100 541.53 71458 22277 3.21
50 LyntiVS 71 4085856 483.53 13076 2801 4.67
51 LostNTime 75 42825804 353.75 86477 44919 1.93
52 LogInBabeIts2AMTimeToScytheCrutc 97 9028180 1,018.64 10812 3955 2.73
53 LilBitofSwagrBreakdwnSexualStyle 48 1763486 695.93 4362 1359 3.21
54 LibGunner 58 29398486 359.53 40072 18735 2.14
55 LavenderLady 116 15538635 414.88 7843 11171 0.70
56 LaserEVS 50 1447188 507.25 2846 1355 2.10
57 LagWarrior 78 5462150 556.06 17387 4000 4.35
58 L053R 81 5272116 484.39 17546 4194 4.18
59 L00xyVS 36 734377 399.33 1900 633 3.00
60 KQKQLY 39 1272855 583.34 4071 801 5.08
61 KohzarVS 94 7644672 702.31 15030 5722 2.63
62 Killjaden111 86 8461068 334.09 21002 6151 3.41
63 KatsMeowVS 54 2101693 329.57 2559 1458 1.76
64 KALU2 24 190745 305.68 374 297 1.26
65 KahnlumVS 37 786509 381.80 1901 567 3.35
66 JustGottaFeel 84 8233332 642.03 18473 6983 2.65
67 JesselynVS 55 2000256 425.77 3761 1424 2.64
68 IIJ4UEME3 76 4000782 419.55 2571 1543 1.67
69 HSzaKa0 92 10646588 726.09 26310 8414 3.13
70 HouseWaifuVS 21 226199 276.87 686 162 4.23
71 HIGHAPMLOWBMI 50 1599855 502.94 3929 1307 3.01
72 GinAndJuiceVS 32 495691 336.52 945 158 5.98
73 GaemOevr 100 208903872 422.42 300546 120331 2.50
74 FortaleiVSE 53 2319759 758.09 5889 1779 3.31
75 FelizIII 15 64626 285.96 107 48 2.23
76 farmassistant 78 13492727 472.58 16687 5046 3.31
77 doyouknowdeywey 8 27580 229.83 89 47 1.89
78 DominusLudus 43 1056749 385.67 2844 550 5.17
79 DockHolliday 71 20574761 346.69 28833 16267 1.77
80 DisenfranchisedVSE 76 4612804 661.24 11532 3202 3.60
81 DiscipleSaitama 100 52335602 595.97 121385 53497 2.27
82 DernnVS 81 5045404 492.91 11676 4089 2.86
83 DenseAvalange 64 13577869 1,611.81 18531 4803 3.86
84 DDKaneVS 52 1480622 636.55 2276 729 3.12
85 DannitDan 99 48109092 369.27 107478 48148 2.23
86 DankstyMcgee 18 169773 252.64 512 222 2.31
87 DaniTheLagWizard 25 327854 746.82 662 165 4.01
88 DANIBULLSEYE 79 6542853 1,068.05 10841 1950 5.56
89 Czaraiba 6 9929 268.35 29 10 2.90
90 ComputiverseVSE 64 4122258 583.15 14423 2786 5.18
91 CarolBaskinsDidIt 60 2144109 413.20 4680 1317 3.55
92 BrowncakesterConnery 71 5816329 434.74 12843 4278 3.00
93 BellamyBrothers 77 8406667 288.07 14293 3116 4.59
94 BayerischeMotorenWerkeAG 93 8712399 968.47 18025 4942 3.65
95 AveErebus 47 1475772 519.64 1893 319 5.93
96 Audi 58 9613915 865.03 18812 6447 2.92
97 asphyxy 82 6780376 487.59 7335 2641 2.78
98 Arkizyr 97 9012803 556.69 20211 5574 3.63
99 AmethystLulu 100 40238149 679.25 96165 31106 3.09
100 200pingKid 83 5984108 429.25 16407 4577 3.58
101 62BU 33 971436 313.67 510 261 1.95

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