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The capoeira boys [CABO]



Leader: EvilchenSagtDanke

Created: 2017-04-02 01:26 PM

[CABO] PlanetSide 2 Wiki

Total Chars XP Kills Deaths Time Played
85 2061348567 2210380 1262914 4767d 6h 4m
Average BR Average XP Average Kills Average Deaths Average Time Played
76 24251160 26004 14858 56d 2h 3m
Online Online Last 30 Days Online Last 7 Days Leaderboard Rank Download
1 (1.18%) 18 (21.18%) 8 (9.41%) #133 CSV Export Roster

# Name BR XP XP/Min K D K/D Reverse Sort Order
1 BagManWithAPlasmaGun 8 19310 191.19 5 22 0.23
2 AusSoulGamingVSMiller 9 32712 113.98 11 43 0.26
3 Dianogahh 30 475895 270.09 208 344 0.60
4 lIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIl 97 39324231 368.71 10621 15840 0.67
5 purplespek 25 262060 221.71 214 270 0.79
6 idkdou 34 832939 180.76 949 1118 0.85
7 andry44 84 39323449 196.70 32749 37331 0.88
8 Kryhl 55 3599077 202.51 4068 4618 0.88
9 SickWillieMcGoo 100 101726848 234.94 59155 66638 0.89
10 TakeAwayVS 100 30011679 247.54 22609 25312 0.89
11 Ropenator099 82 21439512 320.98 16919 18451 0.92
12 Bratvat 48 14228972 187.03 11345 12112 0.94
13 iWinR 114 26550651 228.12 39863 42289 0.94
14 RoboRuu 63 3489089 358.41 2227 2198 1.01
15 LordnakkiVS 99 14083067 179.08 11681 11240 1.04
16 23engineers 112 24597058 208.25 35308 33189 1.06
17 MIXEN123 82 37146777 326.31 31117 29294 1.06
18 Ajiro47 48 1654338 283.03 948 846 1.12
19 LERRYTHEKING96 80 37123087 305.36 39571 35107 1.13
20 polypop 120 50103661 228.14 43186 38171 1.13
21 TheLIFETAKER 76 6610186 302.59 6344 5455 1.16
22 Fuerss 58 29209364 243.69 57915 48818 1.19
23 Avenchii 99 15200292 253.49 25803 21540 1.20
24 DlRTYDEED 82 3517352 427.38 1607 1332 1.21
25 Nowan321 72 29464539 318.84 47079 38989 1.21
26 SpugYeti 87 9013382 239.30 13129 10656 1.23
27 xxFurykiller 33 553782 221.25 419 342 1.23
28 TakeAwayX 19 26239509 346.60 20165 16000 1.26
29 LifeTaker7 100 15662621 265.35 18288 14246 1.28
30 TangoNeverDies 91 10041419 245.55 6658 5137 1.30
31 Morgranau 46 1486866 270.54 1575 1169 1.35
32 UrsaMajorVI 74 5385367 267.82 6025 4176 1.44
33 Jukelo 77 52618160 301.94 42619 28458 1.50
34 TheCapoeiraBoy 89 6106189 392.71 3726 2436 1.53
35 itsalwayscollisionboxes 100 25421909 240.09 35182 21657 1.62
36 wipC 70 25192377 1,338.67 1599 980 1.63
37 Leotchepoto 99 14729011 236.29 36033 21762 1.66
38 BlitzBreed 84 8666027 238.40 7863 4685 1.68
39 404SkillsNotFound 109 22264678 201.22 30519 18017 1.69
40 b0ladef0g0 76 83378548 232.12 89212 52598 1.70
41 KALGUUR 59 2842052 399.73 1580 928 1.70
42 TheSlamer 75 32691870 239.44 39370 22966 1.71
43 LadyLixiss 81 6598371 368.21 5105 2953 1.73
44 lightpsychoVS 100 27119650 221.23 18379 10571 1.74
45 NecroL0rd 90 10081311 216.79 8515 4705 1.81
46 SpandxNinja 90 6807807 309.07 4682 2570 1.82
47 Vuzz13 97 93427488 195.77 74710 40568 1.84
48 VanuStuffOfSTuff 77 39316718 441.23 75476 39962 1.89
49 TheFoxonFire 97 46222126 395.08 69565 36493 1.91
50 IlianaVS 83 37944000 282.02 38843 20280 1.92
51 CruniacV2 83 49069573 475.23 22542 11608 1.94
52 FalkeOnMiller 58 2578624 322.33 2187 1108 1.97
53 TMK4 109 22374139 238.87 37598 18229 2.06
54 Boterino 13 51571 379.20 109 52 2.10
55 VanuToof 68 31123711 277.58 66043 29853 2.21
56 RoboRaxa 72 38946928 454.79 24465 10825 2.26
57 EvilchenSagtDanke 96 127504965 377.65 142260 62108 2.29
58 RobotsagtDanke 73 3846676 342.41 4230 1843 2.30
59 ElysiumDisco 96 13663848 567.25 6887 2974 2.32
60 PressureCookerWithACrack 90 33690985 350.51 35267 15112 2.33
61 2point36 100 89049755 318.59 102398 40795 2.51
62 eppzVS 99 35505004 345.50 44800 17820 2.51
63 N00b4fr33 96 11957373 412.28 19984 7959 2.51
64 Crunica 86 8883867 471.89 5220 2062 2.53
65 M8erino 60 39795323 552.25 52005 20583 2.53
66 TheresaOrslowski 80 7116665 390.72 2768 1044 2.65
67 Cal2360 93 18783395 513.18 14536 5407 2.69
68 Hullemagga1 66 42614109 272.11 47279 17395 2.72
69 AncalagonThePurple 87 16766910 507.00 29144 10516 2.77
70 IfYouCanReadThisOneOfUsIsDead 62 12498362 395.81 12322 4433 2.78
71 ShpilerKiller 120 82846019 382.06 92691 33071 2.80
72 MaliciousDamageEnforcer 97 8500854 398.90 7880 2671 2.95
73 RegenOO7 111 19783551 253.30 22611 6834 3.31
74 NidermitdemKampfholtz 49 13779472 503.82 20699 6173 3.35
75 ModestSupernova 100 56739694 446.12 85077 24969 3.41
76 SaintPaulVS 61 2882625 538.10 2463 674 3.65
77 ConsumeMyC4s 31 560714 526.99 532 139 3.83
78 GrumpyDawgVS3 33 466005 566.92 242 57 4.25
79 HonkingandBonking 99 13490501 648.30 10686 2401 4.45
80 tankkiller1 28 12049136 363.96 10687 2276 4.70
81 shootiusmaximus 90 85379201 373.36 120403 24752 4.86
82 TheMagrider 52 2329256 588.20 1723 354 4.87
83 Barcut 79 5912118 419.81 3892 791 4.92
84 maliciousdamagegunner 45 1518064 414.09 1224 248 4.94
85 Maliciousdamage 88 9452191 430.94 6787 896 7.57

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