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Leader: happyhappyhappydog

Created: 2019-08-27 08:43 PM

[GOB] PlanetSide 2 Wiki

Total Chars XP Kills Deaths Time Played
118 1777808666 3195136 1078725 2122d 13h 4m
Average BR Average XP Average Kills Average Deaths Average Time Played
65 15066175 27077 9142 17d 23h 42m
Online Online Last 30 Days Online Last 7 Days Leaderboard Rank Download
0 (0%) 38 (32.20%) 28 (23.73%) #373 CSV Export Roster

# Name Reverse Sort Order BR XP XP/Min K D K/D
1 2CertsIs2CertsNC 56 2699716 704.52 6436 2016 3.19
2 150mspilot 4 3297 299.73 8 3 2.67
3 AdhesiveGoblin 39 503292 553.07 1105 448 2.47
4 Aeflic 84 175158548 568.02 435250 134177 3.24
5 AgresticAuditor 64 3770555 694.52 8867 2580 3.44
6 AliciaFrog 36 646946 146.37 518 1654 0.31
7 AllGaussNoBreaks 90 9250330 630.60 15515 5898 2.63
8 Artelinde 25 256678 224.96 297 195 1.52
9 AverageGaussSawEnjoyer 56 1851116 844.87 2060 707 2.91
10 AveragePlanetsideUser 44 7580082 731.60 7725 3878 1.99
11 AzagarrNC 47 14239614 631.47 11997 1366 8.78
12 BlueStatria 100 30905736 510.21 64314 22439 2.87
13 BOARDINGHOUSEMANAGERCHAODONG 97 21677210 658.42 45261 17715 2.55
14 Boldraw 31 8818839 661.48 16531 5837 2.83
15 boldwarrNS 20 135327 463.45 321 157 2.04
16 Bubbles509 96 7440799 586.54 14376 3679 3.91
17 CallMehPaindroid 61 2384029 720.90 4429 1455 3.04
18 CallMehPainNC 78 48196872 683.33 96180 24542 3.92
19 ChiliCheeseNuggets 93 15371137 836.52 29568 7989 3.70
20 CoIin 17 157915 485.89 90 39 2.31
21 Colin 74 36230063 773.93 40160 14932 2.69
22 CombatSturgeon 48 1184675 649.14 2945 1954 1.51
23 Cryptic7 55 10974048 718.86 23830 7609 3.13
24 DarkRey 23 21405997 500.69 42234 18658 2.26
25 Davryc 70 3095167 466.91 1239 916 1.35
26 DeadlyPP 100 19085652 655.93 39053 10905 3.58
27 dnsNC 80 7016990 716.97 16576 3627 4.57
28 DuelMeAirIfDareltsFairISwear 70 4092665 798.72 4278 609 7.02
29 EMPOWERED0002 99 35075189 881.24 70939 19248 3.69
30 EMPOWEREDNSO 91 16248343 1,070.80 29807 9004 3.31
31 EncoderNC 39 7959086 757.58 13560 5009 2.71
32 EternalNS 41 841819 574.23 2073 711 2.92
33 EternalRebel 100 42593709 616.34 91003 26709 3.41
34 FatherTimeNC 55 15579451 432.94 38311 13032 2.94
35 forkaarl 44 1505809 476.82 534 589 0.91
36 FrogmikeNC 16 65361 535.75 21 12 1.75
37 FuchsiaVoid 56 11157599 598.01 9849 2924 3.37
38 GeomotrixNC 66 12375876 799.37 21254 7094 3.00
39 Get0nMyLevel 78 20775503 1,024.03 12459 2791 4.46
40 GiggityGu 74 5285319 490.97 6132 2110 2.91
41 GOBSP1nks 36 752869 477.10 2244 620 3.62
42 GroupiezNC 74 14371943 704.09 31645 9602 3.30
43 H2SO4MarauderE 71 17863048 647.56 29648 13835 2.14
44 HaiLStr0mNC 90 7259496 739.33 13064 3886 3.36
45 happyhappyhappydog 99 30946808 890.53 41637 12840 3.24
46 HermanWaIker 55 2977241 627.18 6894 1774 3.89
47 Hero 52 2383767 675.86 6569 2699 2.43
48 IdentityBot 96 6912253 759.25 12153 4102 2.96
49 IGotTheVachette 88 8587247 686.27 21041 6512 3.23
50 Impressionable 94 8773395 833.97 15301 4794 3.19
51 ISurvivedCAIButOnlyGotThisHelmet 82 15321053 523.49 15318 6146 2.49
52 ItchyGhost 83 7214454 648.61 13859 5376 2.58
53 JordxnNC 25 222205 610.45 379 160 2.37
54 KhorrorNCE 90 22200556 771.84 38680 15414 2.51
55 Khorrorr 58 11859406 1,029.64 24539 7703 3.19
56 KrizaBorack 87 5779014 539.44 5358 2060 2.60
57 lastminuteringersarecringe 1 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
58 LaureManaudou 91 9549214 783.69 9466 3987 2.37
59 ldentityNC 73 3141964 692.67 6244 2009 3.11
60 LegendarySmokeyNagata 91 9750422 619.43 25081 8184 3.06
61 Leghaemogoblin 64 2614171 414.62 3414 2291 1.49
62 Lia 99 31771513 1,211.13 59758 16688 3.58
63 LingeringSmellOfCheapCigars 82 7328365 626.03 9401 2899 3.24
64 lnsomniaNC 55 2032073 735.99 5096 1371 3.72
65 LowGraphicsIsCheatingNC 98 20610909 787.79 52072 13677 3.81
66 luude 83 5480510 733.18 13642 5093 2.68
67 Luwucy 85 24679211 427.83 49323 20938 2.36
68 MiYoungJeon 100 88176833 557.94 194540 72037 2.70
69 Nakiarr 67 21758559 688.30 37765 10284 3.67
70 Nalupem 40 13677638 702.43 10389 2509 4.14
71 NiccyWiccyUwU 54 1607090 416.13 2063 1422 1.45
72 NishikinoNC 87 6982838 527.09 11578 5295 2.19
73 Nizong 34 685786 448.23 1390 471 2.95
74 NoQueuesNC 28 395229 959.29 1205 241 5.00
75 NSWizard 51 11019055 756.34 21832 8817 2.48
76 pastic 67 3947212 426.77 3086 1751 1.76
77 PatheticDaltonGunner 45 1334993 557.18 3351 1003 3.34
78 PewPewPengPau 51 2132834 447.04 1625 445 3.65
79 planetnineN 87 17322490 425.09 26910 21410 1.26
80 PuddlesNC 50 1290120 792.94 1220 591 2.06
81 Quintmason 90 20815012 287.39 37227 21079 1.77
82 Res1dont 56 1773593 464.41 3775 1897 1.99
83 RieszNC 92 36584612 310.34 40854 26247 1.56
84 SaCaMackeyNC 58 3181183 590.86 3254 1248 2.61
85 sadMerc 34 17280497 665.81 32547 16978 1.92
86 SadRouter 41 8507266 722.18 18023 9203 1.96
87 SanguinarNC 78 32439481 290.28 38936 9595 4.06
88 SeniorFreedom 86 8570824 599.86 8219 2557 3.21
89 Shoctor 65 29297645 565.64 65096 17875 3.64
90 ShootingBozos 44 10062537 1,081.76 19425 6714 2.89
91 SinkerNCE 40 10880606 789.08 17215 4916 3.50
92 Slatter1NCE 78 4064690 722.23 4460 1959 2.28
93 SlatterMeDaddy 90 13572287 508.69 15770 8952 1.76
94 SmelborpWasTaken 99 15986183 689.80 32610 13017 2.51
95 Smelbot 53 2223618 616.30 5855 2559 2.29
96 SoSickOfJoeMama 48 1665580 538.33 4057 1665 2.44
97 spewnc 56 2010842 725.67 3742 1122 3.34
98 SpyNC 41 18121905 636.91 35209 11994 2.94
99 SuzerainNC 45 21796260 833.45 50225 16587 3.03
100 swclone1 90 142841318 444.19 173451 55008 3.15
101 Synovuss 91 53893360 835.63 109628 28787 3.81
102 TearsAreTheLeastGrossBodilyFluid 29 377473 704.24 641 292 2.20
103 TiltedStraight 93 25903389 923.01 43554 14808 2.94
104 TJK0 85 14702228 844.37 35634 9685 3.68
105 TJK1 100 92735991 515.89 179362 65828 2.72
106 tomNCx 72 5275786 662.45 4694 707 6.64
107 TwelveincherNC 54 1896870 372.67 3159 918 3.44
108 USAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSA 70 4998651 533.36 16176 5138 3.15
109 UwUGreattank 74 65450110 537.50 73976 15028 4.92
110 ValrynNCE 89 7629971 997.25 11051 2053 5.38
111 varundance 1 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
112 Wh0sEcstasy 51 2539354 500.86 4103 626 6.55
113 WhiteLobsterNC 63 2653344 602.21 1896 1053 1.80
114 WildInternational 10 23619 284.57 12 24 0.50
115 Windows8WasABigMistake 78 4156283 436.72 5489 1536 3.57
116 WodoNC 60 2276583 615.63 5259 2341 2.25
117 xMameloukNC 91 6787389 477.95 14155 5963 2.37
118 Zac 39 10522183 683.48 20512 6613 3.10

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