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NeoLuxEterna [NLUX]



Leader: NoJumpers

Created: 2019-12-09 05:54 PM

[NLUX] PlanetSide 2 Wiki

Total Chars XP Kills Deaths Time Played
193 894447319 1072657 1077603 2834d 2h 31m
Average BR Average XP Average Kills Average Deaths Average Time Played
48 4634442 5558 5583 14d 16h 26m
Online Online Last 30 Days Online Last 7 Days Leaderboard Rank Download
0 (0%) 21 (10.88%) 5 (2.59%) #1481 CSV Export Roster

# Name BR XP XP/Min K D K/D Reverse Sort Order
1 ShotgunAsian 32 656631 279.66 1362 362 3.76
2 JesseNC 31 526371 426.56 1354 377 3.59
3 Wreeeeee 63 3813084 164.80 4596 1539 2.99
4 BuckPlankchestMcIronStag 74 29186225 372.55 71039 27270 2.61
5 SjfO212 96 11025796 317.14 18527 8710 2.13
6 ImMentallyIll 22 274880 424.20 713 357 2.00
7 PrideOfHalfMeme 29 543188 292.51 1252 636 1.97
8 cooepr5113 84 9264430 176.26 13833 7188 1.92
9 TheJokers3rdWife 68 30235894 442.57 61056 31862 1.92
10 BooshyBeary03 35 818865 256.22 1125 597 1.88
11 RestTimex 47 40381319 228.75 73038 39994 1.83
12 dolescent 57 2066367 306.58 3012 1774 1.70
13 AquariusHeart 43 1467968 168.75 3068 1895 1.62
14 Dragon00000 96 11179285 261.83 12361 7656 1.61
15 TheFlyingMouseMan 40 1394584 187.87 1946 1219 1.60
16 Vonrar 31 493975 261.22 930 588 1.58
17 Bulletorus 9 76730363 190.69 59154 37836 1.56
18 ReconScout32 85 9479876 196.33 12760 8492 1.50
19 00Inkydog00 52 1124106 295.04 1216 820 1.48
20 HydraPPP 90 11160147 260.42 17495 12005 1.46
21 qif 22 213683 241.18 544 378 1.44
22 GIGAT0NBALLS 39 1005873 291.47 821 596 1.38
23 Mcarthyism 80 5952786 251.62 11865 8788 1.35
24 WAITwutman 78 4695615 288.73 6327 4678 1.35
25 ThatSmell2 15 107281 325.09 97 73 1.33
26 RareRose 21 156288 305.85 197 149 1.32
27 ZoSo159 52 14182095 315.92 18347 13967 1.31
28 KarlMarxII 42 13874059 253.31 15546 12095 1.29
29 BooshBearNLUX 19 165674 226.64 226 176 1.28
30 HunterX118 71 3708661 297.76 4102 3197 1.28
31 LordFungi 84 6467799 253.63 8473 6802 1.25
32 IIIIREDNECKIIII 70 3850572 230.19 6190 5104 1.21
33 ItsJustEeyore 12 22637953 282.13 38085 31443 1.21
34 AxlStream 91 7149244 288.16 9028 7684 1.17
35 DaybrokeGames 58 1629671 299.79 1678 1462 1.15
36 LutherOgle 69 5130560 259.20 8147 7189 1.13
37 KajedAnima1 89 12529733 173.88 18776 16837 1.12
38 Eiyron 104 21442193 240.82 17758 16280 1.09
39 Shimutatsu 104 15969117 244.27 19086 17479 1.09
40 EMPPINKY 18 130433 144.28 272 252 1.08
41 Ibura 35 839812 217.62 1489 1393 1.07
42 JmanThe5th 37 942213 179.43 1426 1332 1.07
43 JarlFroBen 75 6510172 252.86 8478 7991 1.06
44 DanielLBS 22 316507 167.02 569 543 1.05
45 Sigrace 96 9183897 217.46 8695 8299 1.05
46 UntiltledZeesGeese 93 7557795 223.10 9242 8796 1.05
47 wrightpaKilla 34 624850 197.49 1455 1385 1.05
48 1nkydog 100 25063743 248.16 25208 24534 1.03
49 Drakoh 51 1671490 177.78 1482 1432 1.03
50 SweetishSlinky0 36 710030 145.98 705 707 1.00
51 Rag3quitlife 41 1652221 206.79 1620 1650 0.98
52 Yag 45 1887440 167.98 2414 2469 0.98
53 Wintir 35 836879 237.61 1281 1316 0.97
54 DaddysLittleVegetable 13 64172 130.17 110 114 0.96
55 ThiccGibby 96 10765475 257.70 9772 10305 0.95
56 IrrelevantScrub 81 28041924 339.36 25815 27431 0.94
57 angelcakie 39 985085 237.71 1209 1308 0.92
58 Sandman95123 61 3777751 205.59 3443 3748 0.92
59 BoboKiss 83 7572529 326.78 10224 11244 0.91
60 Baemah1012 84 6680701 241.38 8000 8903 0.90
61 NSCommissar 57 1816074 205.09 2559 2845 0.90
62 CaptainBoolin 44 1034864 160.59 1732 1947 0.89
63 SonicBlue22NC 31 564857 328.02 372 416 0.89
64 Alexander1353 118 26447473 322.82 41827 47365 0.88
65 Bdmcgh 50 2068758 290.03 1367 1546 0.88
66 ColtMagnumPL 69 4167290 188.85 6388 7295 0.88
67 crazyalix 120 33086018 218.04 43864 50290 0.87
68 SquidofYork 57 3154644 238.32 4409 5077 0.87
69 Keigoris 47 2084202 121.33 2995 3494 0.86
70 IRLCade 47 1866316 197.39 3723 4433 0.84
71 Viirell 29 373285 221.53 377 449 0.84
72 gantz12 20 192164 240.81 188 227 0.83
73 Radchekk 24 219873 169.66 314 378 0.83
74 Ransom19 45 1347389 233.80 1814 2193 0.83
75 nutzo858 21 236542 118.27 336 409 0.82
76 Ssilentknight 12 63623 192.80 69 84 0.82
77 MrGruntpoclyps 68 13738926 241.30 14770 18317 0.81
78 Rob1nfir3 44 1362269 200.60 2158 2705 0.80
79 ShrimpyGuy 53 2393132 226.49 2165 2718 0.80
80 fabname 73 4290615 326.83 3647 4634 0.79
81 NCChewieInHD 58 3912907 226.65 3326 4224 0.79
82 NINETEENPLUS 99 13555903 163.29 5065 6398 0.79
83 Ninjayyz 83 7935630 243.63 7825 9878 0.79
84 DreamCheese 41 1240809 151.76 2014 2588 0.78
85 Masarukun 27 442481 351.73 385 492 0.78
86 SpaceTurtle2 96 14420426 146.84 25132 32164 0.78
87 CronLordOfChaoss 48 1529351 179.92 1218 1578 0.77
88 TrashCompact 58 1648332 244.41 1430 1849 0.77
89 damien777 71 5141996 252.79 2373 3116 0.76
90 Gription 75 6883023 201.09 8972 11871 0.76
91 JavidLeMeme 76 6664467 168.78 8422 11053 0.76
92 KnightHawk2 68 5027560 221.49 6778 8963 0.76
93 LemonLoli 93 10070790 201.52 11008 14964 0.74
94 RenButHesACapitalist 78 4936183 294.77 4712 6341 0.74
95 thesquish123 36 665912 196.49 671 902 0.74
96 ArgunFellhammer 67 3583984 215.14 3418 4687 0.73
97 AssaultNC 44 1841820 228.60 3333 4560 0.73
98 R0astyMyToasty 53 2612539 248.96 2590 3560 0.73
99 SteveVIIII 68 4081312 242.56 4593 6310 0.73
100 VeryBlank 30 626665 107.49 1422 1948 0.73
101 WantToTouchit 73 5218002 288.46 4872 6631 0.73
102 HandOfSilent 27 469812 300.39 431 611 0.71
103 Ayle 56 2246450 162.43 2716 3853 0.70
104 Dionagon 58 12519697 253.02 8622 12309 0.70
105 Grailums 23 381695 63.38 1004 1450 0.69
106 NeoJocroEterna 6 13145 89.42 31 45 0.69
107 Shalazan 44 1470722 165.90 1192 1774 0.67
108 Raastefer 55 2498930 230.10 1119 1704 0.66
109 theanalator4 67 2931537 202.89 2568 3951 0.65
110 TJash100 64 4108224 148.97 4850 7469 0.65
111 MarkusArtemis 17 143594 155.40 231 363 0.64
112 PapaDidDeathLoops 65 4181130 199.25 3832 5957 0.64
113 Taiyo 94 11376155 172.72 15311 23897 0.64
114 Zhezz 18 148732 139.26 312 484 0.64
115 UNRELINQUISHED 23 230934 185.94 238 380 0.63
116 FDFDFDFDFDFD 29 418750 156.13 598 966 0.62
117 NoJumpers 100 38721564 204.18 29393 47313 0.62
118 trapmanben 18 183765 145.61 236 379 0.62
119 BenTheGenet 46 1280366 165.96 1520 2493 0.61
120 BobRipfaceEbbens 36 933007 193.25 895 1461 0.61
121 autopornstar 36 1052193 140.67 617 1020 0.60
122 Binkoln 32 551752 136.88 836 1388 0.60
123 EvilerAvro 85 4313204 199.49 3747 6239 0.60
124 Ghostagel1208 41 1077158 239.26 512 847 0.60
125 ComplexRiver 16 140625 404.09 75 127 0.59
126 Deucei 66 4811458 179.32 7590 12815 0.59
127 Arcaiay 3 2442 135.67 4 7 0.57
128 GeneralFatassNC 79 5517501 183.34 3442 6052 0.57
129 PvtHoit 31 590302 193.10 247 430 0.57
130 FoxySoro 29 432892 195.00 405 719 0.56
131 Raven5150 68 4473528 163.85 3146 5637 0.56
132 SuggestionsOfWar 30 536337 156.50 1068 1918 0.56
133 daeklord 45 1581563 129.64 1458 2654 0.55
134 Finder1212 26 429349 231.83 257 469 0.55
135 Lietuvis16 43 1270593 249.48 758 1380 0.55
136 Doofguy 54 2123750 138.22 1574 2925 0.54
137 Hobbes101 51 2334706 323.50 1929 3565 0.54
138 LieutenantSheniqua 50 1984886 220.32 1735 3256 0.53
139 Nolag32 46 1290572 213.25 861 1613 0.53
140 ThehappyMug 56 2601121 195.62 1524 2888 0.53
141 WarGryphon 19 175119 101.99 120 227 0.53
142 WolfPrincess 57 2797590 168.05 1579 2968 0.53
143 SolacePrime 36 968497 237.09 496 962 0.52
144 MichalosaurNC 27 371736 194.52 300 594 0.51
145 Flamangoing 30 552242 211.83 322 662 0.49
146 LimitedShelf568 71 4692862 169.58 2466 5058 0.49
147 TheWatcherAl 71 5356393 152.20 2619 5351 0.49
148 Wizard0Sa2 67 4261883 196.12 2245 4559 0.49
149 METAREAPER 37 1063709 127.27 1629 3390 0.48
150 Solaom 76 5882782 157.99 5185 10756 0.48
151 Atomic27 13 63902 137.13 80 171 0.47
152 PhoenixClaw03 44 1534364 186.16 1575 3325 0.47
153 StalinHat 15 113600 154.77 97 206 0.47
154 JLixxx 30 479753 175.61 475 1033 0.46
155 Unit2b75 25 195972 271.05 104 225 0.46
156 BobbiMan 13 59547 153.08 65 145 0.45
157 DemonKingAvalon 13 71868 121.81 93 208 0.45
158 SylusTheDragon 33 578117 170.89 516 1140 0.45
159 tanktime20 15 77656 106.67 85 188 0.45
160 Thiesnutz 84 9980143 125.34 6974 15494 0.45
161 CompyRegis 25 311537 152.64 485 1105 0.44
162 Perlickyou 10 20075 89.22 14 32 0.44
163 DIPS69 32 647815 198.11 430 993 0.43
164 Jackrain044 28 494957 175.89 521 1206 0.43
165 fluckermucker 16 140095 215.86 80 192 0.42
166 HeavyHounds 56 2696411 134.72 2911 6930 0.42
167 Eathic 39 1000828 155.80 1177 2899 0.41
168 Stanleynibs 74 5818699 116.10 5997 14619 0.41
169 URm0mWantsTheD 28 366452 223.45 157 380 0.41
170 xXSPARTENXx1337195 35 902953 124.08 884 2144 0.41
171 SlimiBoi 34 756181 191.15 679 1681 0.40
172 Klov1 13 62425 79.93 60 152 0.39
173 CapnKale 2 908 10.81 3 8 0.38
174 FreyaBallentine 28 342275 172.87 138 359 0.38
175 fluffyFufu 42 1303829 127.04 985 2663 0.37
176 Dronewarroir 21 193362 125.72 244 702 0.35
177 LongFist 42 957855 85.28 856 2419 0.35
178 WarriorMcFighter 52 2506912 118.72 2398 6860 0.35
179 Skullmaster44 38 1156181 150.23 908 2686 0.34
180 TheGankAnAtor 20 136197 84.38 201 591 0.34
181 AlviousVlad 21 165234 104.71 124 374 0.33
182 NChoneybear0996 4 2663 98.63 2 6 0.33
183 Tanul 45 1012699 143.24 724 2168 0.33
184 wrazzydizzle 46 1573276 131.47 1084 3316 0.33
185 Dawgcatcher 10 24904 91.90 24 82 0.29
186 NCGrate 46 1379812 142.91 631 2215 0.28
187 latestra 72 5405278 158.71 3214 11904 0.27
188 Mars4evr 11 22400 69.35 28 112 0.25
189 KamikazeCyka 29 497004 206.14 151 647 0.23
190 ArcAvenger46 9 21613 134.24 9 49 0.18
191 kwazeemodeoh 48 1871716 160.04 776 5267 0.15
192 basedpine 10 26416 73.79 9 75 0.12
193 SeanXT 35 920745 141.02 172 1692 0.10

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