I've been told that an SOE insider has claimed that SOE has directed the PS2 developers to focus on releasing new stuff for gamers to buy (for money) and not non-profit things like game optimization and the like.
While this is hearsay, I would not be surprised if it's true. All the for-profit banks and companies that I've worked for in the past have always prioritized for-profit activities first at the expense of all else.
Originally Posted by HiroshiChugi
I hope the FPS optimization issue is finally fixed because at this point, I'm more comfortable and happy playing on the shitty-ass servers on APB: Reloaded than Planetside 2... If that doesn't say something, I don't know what is. I'm playing on a 2011 laptop and am getting BETTER FPS on APB: R than Planetside 2! What the hell SOE?!?!?