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View Poll Results: What class should carry ammo packs?
LA (as currently implemented) 60 21.90%
HA 69 25.18%
Engineer 115 41.97%
Medic 19 6.93%
Infiltrator 2 0.73%
MAX 9 3.28%
Voters: 274. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 2012-06-09, 09:02 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
First Lieutenant
Immigrant's Avatar
What class should carry ammo packs?

Ok, we already have a debate going so let's see what community thinks by making a poll. Ammo boxes are controversial subject by themselves however I support the idea that one class should be able to carry 1-2 boxes with them for field supplies.

Here is my take on the situation:

LIGHT ASSAULT - They are currently given this role however there are fears that they will abuse this by going completely solo. They could just jet-off to some inaccessible point to other classes and stay there for long time resupplying themselves. Also if you think from lore perspective why burden the jet-packing class with ammo boxes? However if carrying ammo boxes would actually limit their ability to jet-pack I would be more welcoming to this idea. Also from the personal perspective of that class it will be the easiest for them to get back to nearby Galaxy for resupply since they are the most mobile class.

HEAVY ASSAULT - They are my favorite for this role. From lore standpoint they are the bulkiest softy class and thus should have most carry capacity, also they have enough mobility to be good at this role. Also I presume that their will have least favorable ammo consumption/capacity ratio, so from class perspective they will run out of ammo the most. Of course I can see concerns that they could be turned into walking Ammo dispenser with unlimited supplies however this shouldn't be true if these requirements are met - 1. one (default) or max two ammo as a tradeoff for some other piece of equipment (energy shield i.e.), 2. their have least favorable consumption/capacity ratio for ammo. 3. they should only be able to carry Ammo for anti-infantry weapons like rifles not for AV weapons like rocket launchers.

ENGINEER - They are my second candidate for this role, however I think they will have too much things in their bags and it would be inadequate to force them to sacrifice something like deployable turrets and covers or landmines for ammo boxes. I think that they would be overburdened with this task also dropped on their back.

MEDIC - Makes no sense from lore and game play standpoint. Also being able to resupply yourself with ammo and heal yourself seems OP imo.

INFILTRATOR - No sense from lore standpoint, they should pack lightly and play alone most of the time. Their support roles is sniping and scouting.

MAX - Some people suggested this class as Ammo distributors however I wholeheartedly disagree. I can see some of the point behind this suggestion however I think there are more cons. First from both game play and lore it doesn't make much sense... my take is that MAXes are meant to be weapons of destruction not walking ammo dispensers. Dropping this task in their hand won't be fun for them, especially if they couldn't resupply themselves with that ammo and if they could then it would be OP. Also they are the slowest unit in the game and making them carry ammo supplies is not efficient for ammo distribution. Also they will be the most in need for field resupplies once they run out of ammo since it will be the hardest/most time consuming for them to run to nearest Galaxy, so they should definitely be able to be resupplied in field if that option existed in the game yet putting that ability in their hands would make them OP imo.

Please vote and share your opinions.

EDIT: For new guys reading this, I actually now stand even more firmly behind the idea of HA being the Ammo pack carrier. However since we don't know ammo pool for HAs assault rifle I would even be fine if it's reduced to smaller size if it's too big right now and the rest of the ammo is provided in form of Ammo packs which others can use to resupply too if in vicinity. Engineers aren't suitable for this roles and would be OP imo.

Last edited by Immigrant; 2012-06-09 at 05:37 PM.
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Old 2012-06-09, 09:11 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
Kran De Loy
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Re: What class should carry ammo packs?

After my knee jerk reaction of absolute hate for ammo dropping, it's easy to realized that with the inventory system being removed it's a logical step over to compensate for the lack of inventory.

I agree with many of the points in the OP except you almost left out that LA are a quickly killed class. Yes they're the most mobile thus they're the easiest and quickest to get to allies in need as well as they are the only ones that can get to troops effectively cut off from any other class.

Also they're easy targets to shoot down.

That said LA should keep the ammo drop as is.
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Old 2012-06-09, 09:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
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Re: What class should carry ammo packs?

Who needs ammo? You can just shove a stick up your butt and beat the enemies to death like Garrus.

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Old 2012-06-09, 09:21 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
Re: What class should carry ammo packs?

I'm for keeping it on LA. Any lone wolf fears are mitigated by the fact that they're the second lightest armored and are limited to carbines instead of long-range rifles.

As has been mentioned, their mobility means they can quickly get to where the ammo is needed when somebody calls that they're out, and I feel that all the other classes, save medic and infiltrator, are a bigger lone-wolf threat because they're both more heavily armed and armored. Infiltrators, similarly, are a bad choice because they're already built to work behind enemy lines or lone-wolfing as a sniper at range, and ammo should probably be a limiting factor for how long they can work in such a fashion. Medics already have a good support role, and it doesn't feel very thematic.

Keep ammo supply as the LA's squad support role; as people get used to the game, their enemies will work together better, and they'll realize that lone-wolfing isn't the most productive use of their time as a LA.
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Old 2012-06-09, 09:25 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
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Re: What class should carry ammo packs?

Originally Posted by Kran De Loy View Post
Yes they're the most mobile thus they're the easiest and quickest to get to allies in need as well as they are the only ones that can get to troops effectively cut off from any other class.

Also they're easy targets to shoot down.
Point one is also the source of possible abuse and concerns. HP difference between HA and LA won't justify possible cons imo if it's left in the same as in as in PS1 and that is 2:1.

As I said if LAs actually sacrificed mobility by carrying Ammo packs so they can't reach most inaccessible areas to other classes I would find them more suitable for this role then.

Originally Posted by ThermalReaper View Post
We ready saw at E3 guys flying to the roof an resupplying themselves there. However I never saw LA drop ammo for others, so we can tell something. Also it's allowed to theorize and if you don't want to simply don't.

Last edited by Immigrant; 2012-06-09 at 09:27 AM.
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Old 2012-06-09, 09:26 AM   [Ignore Me] #6
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Re: What class should carry ammo packs?

Why do so many people have a hard on for gimping the Jump jets or removing LA's most prominent teamwork role?

So someone goes and camps on top of a tower...they are squishy and only seem to pack the compact rifles.
You gimp the jumpjets to carry ammo and you ensure no one carries ammo.

Everyone else has something to do, except HA and MAX, and I'd rather they be the ones that have to worry about ammo stores.

All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others.
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Old 2012-06-09, 09:28 AM   [Ignore Me] #7
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Re: What class should carry ammo packs?

Originally Posted by ThermalReaper View Post
Who needs ammo? You can just shove a stick up your butt and beat the enemies to death like Garrus.

Haha, not sure you said it right, but you get cool points for trying :P

I like it on the LA since engies already get a resupply station or something whatever to deploy haha.
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Old 2012-06-09, 09:32 AM   [Ignore Me] #8
The Degenatron
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Re: What class should carry ammo packs?

Reposting what I wrote in the other thread:

I think it's fine the way it is. Support roles are suppose to be more vulnerable. That gives the enemy a chance to attack your logistics.

MAXs have a specific purpose: massive attack. Giving them a support role undermines their original purpose.

The idea that this is how a MAX would "pay for repairs" is patently rediculous. I've never expected anything from a MAX I repaired except a hardy "Thanks!". MAXs pay their way by killing everything they see.

Now maybe "Walking ammo create" was a role you could use a MAX for in PS1, but this isn't PS1. PS2 has much more clearly defined class roles. That's something you need to start getting use to.

I don't think an Engy should despense ammo unless it means that he can't repair.

I'm also OK with LAs carying the ammo because it means they can do their jobs as shock troops; out alone deep in the enemy lines. But it also means they have a place within a tight squad structure if that's the way they want to play it.

If this all comes about because of consternation over LAs having both a jetpack and an ammo crate, then make it "either-or". Ut if you're going to take that approach, then why not do it for the engy instead, since they can take a little more punishment.

Give the LAs a suit of spotting tools that let them act as the scouts, instead of giving that to the infiltrators as is the plan now. That way, the classes break down like this:

Inf : Sniper / Saboture
LA : Shock / Scout
Eng: Repair / Resupply
Med: Medic / AI
HA : Support AI / AV
MAX: Frontline AI / AV

Personally, I'm ok with they way the devs are going.
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Old 2012-06-09, 09:35 AM   [Ignore Me] #9
Lieutenant General
Re: What class should carry ammo packs?

Could you add the option "none, Sunderer/ams/equip term/Galaxy suffices".
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Old 2012-06-09, 09:37 AM   [Ignore Me] #10
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Re: What class should carry ammo packs?

Originally Posted by Figment View Post
Could you add the option "none, Sunderer/ams/equip term/Galaxy suffices".
It is said in OP that the subject of being able to supply at all is somewhat controversial, however that's not the question here.

Last edited by Immigrant; 2012-06-09 at 09:51 AM.
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Old 2012-06-09, 09:42 AM   [Ignore Me] #11
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Re: What class should carry ammo packs?

Originally Posted by Rbstr View Post
Why do so many people have a hard on for gimping the Jump jets or removing LA's most prominent teamwork role?
Because most of us (and I use that sparingly) have a large FPS backround and know the mentality of players. Giving an ammo pack (which is already lame cop out mechanic for solving the issue of running out of ammo) to extremely mobile class would only lead to selfish gameplay. I.E. camping.

Originally Posted by Rbstr View Post
So someone goes and camps on top of a tower...they are squishy and only seem to pack the compact rifles.
You gimp the jumpjets to carry ammo and you ensure no one carries ammo.
Obviously, you're aware, or you can someone rationalize that somehow the LA class having ammo would lead to camping. Using some excuse or narrow minded solution to problem doesn't solve it all. Camping would still be an issue, regardless of how squishy they are or what weapons they have would be neither here nor there.

The issue is the fact that camping would endure at all. Yes, camping is going to happen regardless, but when you give players easier to tools do so, it's obviously going to be more prevalent.

Originally Posted by Rbstr View Post
Everyone else has something to do, except HA and MAX, and I'd rather they be the ones that have to worry about ammo stores.
LA's class ability should just be the fact that he has jump jets. Is that not advantageous enough? Why does he need to have ammo packs, or call down orbital strikes or summon Fire Bats from Hades that have a 15% chance to cause corrosive damage to undead targets that deals 8% ice damage over 12 seconds? Simple answer, he doesn't. Jump Jets serve fine as a class ability. He gets a huge mobility boost. I say again, he doesn't need anything else.

Leave the support roles to a class that's support oriented. Like the Engineer.

I've posted this in another thread but I'll post it here as well:

The Engineer is the only class that should be given the ability to resupply friendlies with ammo:

Originally Posted by Death2All View Post
I thought that the only class that makes sense to give ammo to other plays would be the Engineer. I always thought they should have some device on their ACE that let's them deploy a dispenser a la TF2 that gives friendlies ammo.

It certainly increases teamwork much more than dropping an ammo pack on the floor ever would. Plus it would add a dynamic of setting up ammo dispensers near the front line to keep the fight going and ensure you wouldn't lose your foothold. Logistics like that are what make Planetside awesome, everyone should have a role, whether it's killing the shit out of people or being the giving ammo to everyone else.

Down with ammo packs! They're unobtrusive and a lame cop out mechanic for solving the issue of ammo resupply. It's just shitty in my opinion.

If you honestly believe that somehow giving LA's the ability to drop ammo will make players more likely to play more of a support role (which you obviously don't sense you clearly addressed that camping would happen given such circumstances) then you're a mongoloid that has lost all merit when discussing which abilities should be given to which class.


Last edited by Death2All; 2012-06-09 at 09:44 AM.
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Old 2012-06-09, 09:43 AM   [Ignore Me] #12
Lieutenant Colonel
Re: What class should carry ammo packs?

What class should carry ammo packs?
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Old 2012-06-09, 09:49 AM   [Ignore Me] #13
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Re: What class should carry ammo packs?

Originally Posted by Rbstr View Post
Why do so many people have a hard on for gimping the Jump jets or removing LA's most prominent teamwork role?
Please leave your observation on what sexually arouses other for different kind of forums. HA have no support role as well yet I suggested that something should be "gimped" from them too in return for being able to carry few ammo boxes. It's a trade-off thing not trying to gimp LA.

Sorry but it makes no sense to me that jet-packers carry ammo crates. If we presume that at Galaxies you could pick up new boxes of ammo this would make Ammo too accessible since LA can jump over the wall and are most mobile - multiple times in comparison to other classes. HA seem to be middle ground in respect to these facts and I find them more suitable. They are mobile enough yet aren't too mobile so we won't see ammo crates all over the place, also they don't pack nearly as much firepower or HP as MAXes do. HA will in reality be medium class in this game (MAX are true heavies) and the name is actually a misnomer and can lead to unnecessary prejudices and fears.

LAs should scout imo, that is what this class natural support purpose is.

Last edited by Immigrant; 2012-06-09 at 09:59 AM.
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Old 2012-06-09, 09:58 AM   [Ignore Me] #14
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Re: What class should carry ammo packs?

i said heavy assault, as it stands they have know support role in ps2 .
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Old 2012-06-09, 09:58 AM   [Ignore Me] #15
Top Sgt
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Re: What class should carry ammo packs?

those of you voting light assault.. Devs have already said it's gonna be switched from LA's to something else

to what class we don't know yet.

As I stated in my other monster thread on this

To me make engineers be able to construct ammo dumps/caches that are destroyable by the enemy also.

Last edited by Top Sgt; 2012-06-09 at 09:59 AM.
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