SmokeJumper, you said that it was suprisingly difficult to keep defenders from respawning, I was wondering if you could expand on that comment a bit?
The reason I ask is that I am worried about possible scenarios where an attacking team simply has to wipe out the defenders and then assign most of the squads to camp the spawn tubes. Do respawns happen en-mass or are they individual? Also is there a small safety zone where attackers cant go so that defenders have a bit of breathing room after respawning? If so would this be like TFC where there are rooms with locked doors and sentry turrets, or like Global Ops where attackers are instantly killed if they get too close to the respawn zone.
I understand that there will be forces arriving from outside the base to help with defense, and that the defenders could respawn outside as you said, but I imagine the majority of the defenders will be respawning at the base for most of the battle and defenders coming from outside have a distinct tactical disadvantage, much like attackers.
This post by NapalmEnima also worries me:
And with a handy inventory terminal, they can pretty much fire continuously, not needing to worry about running out of ammo. That'd put a dampener on anyone even remotely interested in going out that door. So all you have to do is wait for those 15 minutes to tick away, and keep out the reinforcements.
Although this is a relief:
I'm pretty sure you can only lay mines in a friendly SOI. So no mining the enemy spawn chamber.