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Old 2012-06-12, 05:28 AM   [Ignore Me] #151
Re: Stomp on harrassment from the start

Anytime you take it seriously you give them power over you. Laugh and let them vent it and cool down, don't get it serious, when one get killed, he's ego got hurt: Swearing can beat pain research

And Ghostdog (movie):

[after Vinny shoots a policewoman]
Louie: Jesus, Vinny. You just iced a woman, you know that?
Vinny: You know what you are, Louie? You're a fuckin' male chauvinist pig.
Louie: What do you mean, I'm a male chauvinist pig? You just shot a broad.
Vinny: A cop. I just shot a cop. They wanna be equal? I made her equal.
Finally: I used to be a polite gamer like you, then I took World of Tanks to my HDD ...
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Old 2012-06-12, 05:36 AM   [Ignore Me] #152
Re: Stomp on harrassment from the start

Yes racism, sexism and homophobia should be stomped. There is of course a difference between 'having a joke' and just being outright rude and offensive.

i.e i dont think saying 'the Vanu are a bunch of girls' is offensive.

A decent ignore system will go a long way, especially if you can see something on your actual display like an icon next to someone's name if you have ignored them. This way you don't even have to play near them in the game world.
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Old 2012-06-12, 05:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #153
Re: Stomp on harrassment from the start

I think that a lot of people have the wrong attitude with regards to behaviour on the internet. It is not the person getting harresed that should get a thicker skin, it is the person harresing that should shut up. I´m not saying that i expect the internet to be as clean as a political party, just that if you are playing a game, it should be possible to enjoy that without getting bigotry, sexism and hatred thrown your way. This is for both sexes, not just for women.
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Old 2012-06-12, 05:45 AM   [Ignore Me] #154
Re: Stomp on harrassment from the start

Although I agree that some behavior is just not acceptable, (extreme racism, racist harassment, homophobic harassment, pretty much any personal attacks that you go out of your way to commit) there's always going to be those instances where people are going to rage and lash out and call you a name, troll you, ect. trying to be a badass. In those minor circumstances I don't really understand why people get so upset, this is the internet, we live in a cruel world. Turn on your mature language filter and suck it up.

This really has nothing to do with being a man or a women, unless you're using your voice nobody knows the difference and they're going to treat you the same as they would any other player until you reveal yourself. I've played with many female gamers and the only disrespect they've gotten was brought on them by themselves by creating drama.

Last edited by Phellix; 2012-06-12 at 05:50 AM.
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Old 2012-06-12, 05:48 AM   [Ignore Me] #155
Re: Stomp on harrassment from the start

Originally Posted by chipshop View Post
read some of this (TRIGGER WARNING)

i currently am not playin online games because this has became such a problem for me. equally to givin up bF3 not just because of how ruined the game is but because of how horrid the outspoken community is. "rape" is a joke word, homophobia and sexism is all acceptable conversation. i find it fascinatin that racism is so frowned on - the almighty N word - yet it is acceptable to hate on anythin else.

"chick" is not a good word by the way - unless you're hangin with the chicks...a little like gwyneth paltrow recently did in paris.

origin accepts gamernames with rape in the title. lets hope baserape doesn't stay.

in chat in these games when someone says somethin that is offensive i chat back "sorry i find that offensive...could you please stop"...somethin like that. sometimes (but not often enough) people apologise, more often than not they increase the talk. when i say somethin offensive i mean threats of violence, sexual violence, racism and general hate speech.

if we want to have a decent community there needs to be a zero tolerance attitude. that is how PS2 will become the genre/game/whatever changer. if in chat someone finds somethin offensive, others should not do nothin. or else that is as bad as bein a bully. and is that what you want to be?

the excuse "this is america - we have freedom of speech" argument is is not is the internet. and the excuse "this is the internet" is equally obscene. i don't know in what context it is acceptable to bully someone because of their differences. in northern ireland there are laws against usin hate speech (that's where i live).

so i say be brave and stand up to hate and bigotry and demand SOE do the same. like seriously if in RL would you stand by?
See, the difference between the real world and an online game is people are not saying these things to you face, to you, they are just trying to get a rise out of you in a virtual world.

I play BF3 a fair amount, and yes it is full of kids whining at each other like any other game. It makes them feel big, when maybe in the real world they have to look up to adults every day. For once they feel like an equal, so they abuse the privilege. I generally just ignore the chat anyway so it doesn't really bother me what they say or who about. I'm quite a good player so I'm used to a lot of abuse anyway ('you cheating ***', 'fuck you', 'you fuck your mother' etc) and sometimes even kicked or banned from servers just for winning (I have never cheated). Just take it in your stride and ignore them, they will shut up eventually. Especially if you start owning their asses (note: i didn't say rape).

rape 1 (rp)
1. The crime of forcing another person to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse.
2. The act of seizing and carrying off by force; abduction.
3. Abusive or improper treatment; violation: a rape of justice.
tr.v. raped, rap·ing, rapes
1. To force (another person) to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse; commit rape on.
2. To seize and carry off by force.
3. To plunder or pillage.

As you can see, rape has more meanings than just sexual. When used in gaming it general just means 'thoroughly beaten' and why shouldn't it? It's almost like you're taking offence just to make a point about it.

People will isolate any minority of break from the norm in online gaming, its a sad fact and it is unlikely to change. Why even let other players know that you are female? Go for a non-descript handle and just ignore anything that is posted in chat.

If you take offence at every small thing someone types on the internet, especially if they aren't aimed directly at you then the internet is no place for you. It is un-moderatable by its very nature.

I mean really, 'asking someone to stop' ... that is just asking for it. It instantly makes you a target. Especially if you say something like 'please could you stop im a girl and i find the word rape offensive' (I realise you didn't write that but I assume that is a good example). What do you really expect to happen? its like telling a child to 'not touch' something.

Last edited by Axios; 2012-06-12 at 05:51 AM.
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Old 2012-06-12, 05:57 AM   [Ignore Me] #156
Re: Stomp on harrassment from the start

Originally Posted by Dagron View Post
Seriously, the best thing i heard so far was in the Extra Credits video: if someone gets muted too often, they should be automatically muted by everyone else's clients.
Eventually no one would hear them and they would either learn to behave or become lonely outcasts.
This creates a much better environment than the zero accountability one currently in place... It would mean if someone wants to be an asshat, they will have to live with the consequences just like irl.
Just read back through the posts too. This is an awesome idea. Obviously it'd take a while to kick in for people, but imagine if an entire outfit muted someone at once.

Also, if people heard about this feature when they started playing a game (lets say it crops up in a tutorial), maybe their 'invincibility complex' would be lessened a little and they would behave themselves when playing with other people that they do not know.
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Old 2012-06-12, 06:00 AM   [Ignore Me] #157
Re: Stomp on harrassment from the start

Also... who ACTUALLY uses public voice chat? I'd use outfit / squad chat but public? If someone pissed me off i'd leave the squad or outfit I was in anyway (or make them leave). Isn't this mostly a non-issue? I usually have voice dialled down in games anyway as I find it removes from the immersion when you can hear people breathing down their mic or dropping their headphones etc...
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Old 2012-06-12, 06:00 AM   [Ignore Me] #158
Re: Stomp on harrassment from the start

I totally agree with the Axios´s post about punishment. People often spew out shit because they dont get punished for bad behaviour. With a game like PS2 where you invest a lot into progressing your character, punishment for bad behaviour should be dealt effectively to people who the general community dislike.
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Old 2012-06-12, 06:03 AM   [Ignore Me] #159
Re: Stomp on harrassment from the start

Originally Posted by Traenor View Post
I totally agree with the above post. People often spew out shit because they dont get punished for bad behaviour. With a game like PS2 where you invest a lot into progressing your character, punishment for bad behaviour should be dealt effectively to people who the general community dislike.
You could even go as far as to 'tag' someone as disruptive. Somewhat like a leaver rating in a game like League of Legends (people quit games early on and ruin it for other because of uneven teams).

Maybe they have a disruptive 'rating' where if a lot of people have ignored them recently or they have been warned by a GM they can be put on 'probation' and their name changes colour etc. The same method could even be used for exploiters (note exploiters, not cheaters. Cheaters should be banned outright).
Think of it as being made to sit in the naughty corner, no one would want to play with you because you have been branded.
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Old 2012-06-12, 09:36 AM   [Ignore Me] #160
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Re: Stomp on harrassment from the start

Originally Posted by Axios View Post
See, the difference between the real world and an online game is people are not saying these things to you face, to you, they are just trying to get a rise out of you in a virtual world.

I play BF3 a fair amount, and yes it is full of kids whining at each other like any other game. It makes them feel big, when maybe in the real world they have to look up to adults every day. For once they feel like an equal, so they abuse the privilege. I generally just ignore the chat anyway so it doesn't really bother me what they say or who about. I'm quite a good player so I'm used to a lot of abuse anyway ('you cheating ***', 'fuck you', 'you fuck your mother' etc) and sometimes even kicked or banned from servers just for winning (I have never cheated). Just take it in your stride and ignore them, they will shut up eventually. Especially if you start owning their asses (note: i didn't say rape).

rape 1 (rp)
1. The crime of forcing another person to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse.
2. The act of seizing and carrying off by force; abduction.
3. Abusive or improper treatment; violation: a rape of justice.
tr.v. raped, rap·ing, rapes
1. To force (another person) to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse; commit rape on.
2. To seize and carry off by force.
3. To plunder or pillage.

As you can see, rape has more meanings than just sexual. When used in gaming it general just means 'thoroughly beaten' and why shouldn't it? It's almost like you're taking offence just to make a point about it.

People will isolate any minority of break from the norm in online gaming, its a sad fact and it is unlikely to change. Why even let other players know that you are female? Go for a non-descript handle and just ignore anything that is posted in chat.

If you take offence at every small thing someone types on the internet, especially if they aren't aimed directly at you then the internet is no place for you. It is un-moderatable by its very nature.

I mean really, 'asking someone to stop' ... that is just asking for it. It instantly makes you a target. Especially if you say something like 'please could you stop im a girl and i find the word rape offensive' (I realise you didn't write that but I assume that is a good example). What do you really expect to happen? its like telling a child to 'not touch' something.
its how normalised the word rape has baserape is just a standard term now. when its used i just wince a bit. its not great like. and yes you are right rape has other meanins than just that of sexual violence but it is the trigger which has wised me up now.

i cannot think of a good reason why someone should while playin an online game have to deal with past abuse bein triggered. and there are people who are playin online who are comin to terms with a history of abuse/trauma. in fact i wouldn't be surprised if videogames is a very likely place for people to go to feel empowerment.

i was playin red orchestra 2 the other day and there was a kid playin and a couple of folk were all like "suck my cock" "i'll gonna fuck your ass" "you'll drown in my cancerous sperm" malarchy. and the kid started with "i'm just tryin to play" "give us a chance" but eventually was sayin stuff like "you're dicks so small" or somethin like that. i found that quite funny (i mean i found it sad cause there you go another generation gonna be talkin shite like the rest of them) this idea of grown men askin children to suck their penis. i find it quite funny that online in these games it is acceptable to be a peado. really...what the feck like? its not cool to ask children to suck your penis.

my girlfriend joked to me the other day that she would be waste deep in sperm in her own sandwich shop the amount of times she been asked to make sandwiches and have ejaculation on her.

i use to do rape jokes all the time...i'd get drunk at parties with my mates and we'd have all kinds of word games where we'd replace tv show and movie titles with the word rape. "game for a laugh" would be "rape for a laugh" things like that. it could be hilarious sometimes. buffy the vampire raper. once it went too far...people took offence...fights happened - fights got broke up -people were cryin, cursin - a lot of fun was ruined. woke up the next day tryin to defend it and eventually went...fuck...that's not really funny. i don't do the rape jokes anymore.

so the thing is...regardless of its other meanins. its is never cool to threaten people with it. even when in your bedroom...on the internet. nice and safe.

i exaggerated when i said i don't play online much for the crap talk...its really cause a lot of the games frustrate me. when i have good pals to play with and some decent teamwork...sure its all craic. its the best craic.

and yeah askin someone to stop...people do you know. wouldn't you? and if it is askin for it and they don't stop...then yeah - thats when ignore comes into play. all they are doin at this point is makin wabs of themselves.

anyways TLDR i'm sure
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Old 2012-06-12, 09:40 AM   [Ignore Me] #161
Second Lieutenant
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Re: Stomp on harrassment from the start

i'm pretty sure there will be no public voice chat, having 100 people in 1 room talking just doesnt work and causes unnecesary lag.
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