Originally Posted by Mastachief
Nope didn't miss mag.
And you just made my point with everything you listed that's wrong with it.
You've seen planetside2 in beta, the ps3 couldn't hope to handle it.
Couldn't hope to handle what? We saw 50 players in beta footage, I'm not sure that's a particularly great example of "herp derp consoles can't do that". We have seen nothing of any scale whatsoever yet.
Graphics can easily be toned down for consoles, the real technical limitation that they'll have is particle effects, dependant on how the game produces them. When there's 300 explosions going off all creating particle effects that's going to be a bit of a technical hurdle, but there's plenty of tricks that can be resorted to, consoles handle thousands of explosives going off simultaneously in Just Cause 2 just fine, so there's tricks available to circumnavigate those problems.
The issue with releasing the game as a next gen release is cost over benefit. Next gen releases are usually extremely high risk until a year after release when the prices on the consoles drop and the second massive wave of sales occurs. That's not going to be soon enough to make developing PS2 for next gen consoles worthwhile at all.
It's not really about the technology, it's about the bottom line. They'll make it happen if they think it's worth it versus the development problems that would arise. You may be right, it might be impossible for SOE to do it, not because it's impossible overall though but because it may not have been in their plan from the start. When it's not in your plan from the start you don't plan for it, by now they may have made technical decisions regarding architecture of the game that makes it completely impossible, that's not to say they could change that, but the question is whether that would be worth it.