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Old 2012-06-03, 11:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Lightbulb Ammo Converter

After reading through the Looting thread, i thought of an idea to get ammo from people. So here goes.

The item will be called an 'Ammo Converter'. It takes up a slot in your inventory. So maybe the utility slot. This allows you to scavenge ammo from the battlefield instead of relying on an ammo box or running all the way back to the spawn area.

How it works by lore is by breaking down the ammo that you find on enemy corpses into nanites that then create the ammo type that you have. So if playing as TR, and you run over an NC body and take his ammo, you deconstruct his bullets and re purpose them into your ammo type, and vice versa and same for VS.

How it works in game play: You run over to a body, you stand near it and press a button to activate. You see a stream of nanites from the dead body and go the device (Or instead you see a little timer fill up in your crosshair). Depending on how long you stay there is how much ammo you get, so maybe a minimum time of 5 seconds. But you can only get ammo dependent on how much the enemy had left. This could also apply to your deployables like grenades or mines, so if i was a Light Assault, and i run over an Engineer and take his ammo, i won't get mines, i will get grenades, and vice versa. So i can't become a Light Assault that has mines. I will only get grenades.

The device could have a cool down of maybe 30 seconds to recharge as it has to have enough power to deconstruct then reconstruct nanites to make your ammo/equipment. So it will be balanced.
Or instead of a cool down, just every 5 or so seconds you get half or a full magazine.

As a side note: I thought that maybe each faction gives a different ratio of ammo because of their ammo types. It could make things un-balanced but heres what i am thinking.

If i am TR and convert NC ammo, that gives me maybe 3 bullets per 1 NC bullet, because of bigger bullet size and such.
Now collecting VS ammo, because its energy based and more powerful then TR and NC ammo, i will get maybe 6 bullets per 1 VS bullet.
As NC i will get 1 bullet for every 3 TR and 2 bullets for every 1 VS bullet.
And as VS i will get 1 bullet from 6 TR bullets, and from NC i will get 1 bullet from 3 bullets.

That last part can be ommited if it sounds too complicated or un balanced. But feel free to discuss and add your own ideas.

(Any numbers you see are not the final numbers, they are just random numbers i thought of that sounded balanced, they can be changed at any point).

Last edited by Toppopia; 2012-06-05 at 05:54 AM.
Toppopia is offline  
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