Strygun took some time and created a text transcript of our first Ask The Devs interview:
Hamma: Ok, the first question was submitted by Gohan_VA, "Do you have a release date yet for Core Combat?"
Dallas: Absolutely, it is going to ship on October 27th, and it will be in stores probably October 28th for most of you, end of this month.
here to check it out.
Update from Strygun: I've typed up the live questions that were done at the end of the interview too. You can find them on
page 3 of the article. Here's a quote from that page:
Marsman: One question from AntiVisual, "Are you planning on implementing the fame and glory screens?"
Dallas: That's, actually yeah that's high on the list. In fact, we've been passing some documents around about this, about what features may come up over the next few months, and that's one of the things on the list. So, again, can't give you an official date on it, but it's something that we absolutely think is a cool thing, something to see in the game, after a base capture, see who had the most kills, see who actually performed the hack, that kind of thing.
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