Spawning vehicles while wearing the wrong armor
Restricting which armor you can wear while driving certain vehicles is good for balance, but it can be inconvenient when you need to switch to the appropriate armor before running all the way over to the vehicle pad.
If you gave the vehicle pad the ability to remove a players current armor and replace it with armor more appropriate to driving the selected vehicle, it would streamline the process of getting into a vehicle and allow for a lot more balancing options.
You could have basic armor be the only armor (or one of a limited number) that can pilot a vehicle, yet still allow even someone in a MAX suit to be able to spawn the vehicle.
When that MAX got up to that terminal and spawned the vehicle, they would just get a pop up saying something like:
"The armor you are wearing is unable to drive/pilot the vehicle you have requested. Would you like to spawn the vehicle anyways and lose the current armor you are wearing?"
With little "Yes" or "Cancel" options.
Then they either get their armor replaced with a default driving loadout, or they get the option to choose one of their own loadouts as long as that loadout is compatible with the vehicle they wish to drive.