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Old 2003-10-16, 08:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Terran Sniper
First Sergeant
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From the Darkness

Im gonna write one chapter and y'all tell me what you think. if you like it, ill keep goin.
Chapter 1

A bitter wind fogged up his visor as Trigger scanned the tower for targets. Trigger...he'd been called that for who knows how long. Once this respawn technology came out, if he got sick, he'd just kill himself and respawn. A figure popped up to see where that damn sniper was. Trigger saw him. Lots of yellow. Prime target. The crosshairs steadied themselves on the bridge of his nose. A squeeze of the trigger , and the New Conglomerate bastard was sent scurrying back into his hole. He immediately switched to another bolt driver from his Reinforced Armor's second rifle slot.
He'd been out here for days, and his constant vigil was getting old. He slowly crawled back to his mini-base, his name for an AMS with a Mosquito inside its cloaking sphere. He climbed into the AMS and drove away from the tower for about 3 kilometers. then he walked back to the Mosquito and took off, destroying the AMS along the way.
It was a short hop from Ceryshen back to the Sanctuary, so he decided to avoid the ever-present NC guard and enjoy a little time alone to think. He was about thirty klicks out when he got a hit on radar. He turned off autopilot, preparing for a dogfight. The craft came in sight, and Trigger could see the red markings of the Terran Republic. This must be his escort home.
And it was. As the craft came nearer, he recognized it as his friend, Serpant. It was like that in their outit. Nobody knew each other's real name, in case of capture. Trigger then realized something. Serpant was supposed to be with the rest of the outfit on Cyssor.
"What are you doing here?" he asked. "You're supposed to be in Cyssor."
"Orders came in this morning," came the reply. "There's a covert attack thats gonna happen soon, and our outfit got tapped. Colonel chose our squad for it."
Damn, must be big thought Trigger. If they pulled out the best squad in the Repuplic for a covert mission, its gotta be big.
"What d'ya say we see what this little tango's about?" asked Serpant.
"Do we have a choice?" said Trigger.

End of Chapter 1

now, what do ya think?
Terran Sniper is offline  
Old 2003-10-16, 09:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
Major General
Peacemaker's Avatar

Not bad. Please continue.
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Old 2003-10-16, 10:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Terran Sniper
First Sergeant
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more tomorrow (if possible) now i must sleep.
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Old 2003-10-16, 10:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Lieutenant Colonel

No More Now!
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Old 2003-10-17, 11:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
Terran Sniper
First Sergeant
Terran Sniper's Avatar

As you wish, my Lord Reaper.

Chapter 2

As Trigger and Serpant came on approach, Trigger noticed a figure standing next to a building near where they landed. As they climbed out of their cockpits, the man came over, very business-like.
"Can we help you?" Serpant asked as the man drew nearer.
"Yes, as a matter of fact, you can," came the reply. "I'm looking for two men, go by the names Trigger and Serpant."
"Found 'em."
"Oh, in that case, Colonel Jospin wants you in his office by noon today. I can't discuss details here."
"We already know what it's about. We'll be there at noon."
"Good. Gentlemen."
And with a shake of their hands he was gone.The men went their seperate ways, Serpant off to the VR Training rooms and Trigger to his locker. Well, one of them. He had so much gear that he needed four, all serving different combat types. He placed his armor and bolt drivers in the sniper locker, then all of his other gear in the other lockers.
After all his gear was stowed, he went to the Vehicle terminals and called out a Basilisk. He loved these little things. His favorite pastime was riding through the training facilities and scaring the bejesus out of the newbies. Which is what he did. One of them even let off a grenade out of fright. It was great.
But as always, noon came by, and Trigger dressed in his best armor for his meeting with Colonel Jospin. He walked into the office, wood paneled like all officers' offices are, and took a seat. The colonel was examining a map of Forseral.
"What's happening on Forseral?" asked Trigger.
At that moment, Serpant strode in, his face flushed and his breathing deep and heavy.
"What'd I miss?" he asked.
"I was just about to start," replied Jospin. "This facility on Forseral, held by the VS, has withstood all of the Republic's efforts to capture it. Several times we have assaulted it, only to be turned back by those bastards. If we capture this facility, we will have captured a vital roadway that will help our campaign tremendously. Our last hope is stealth, and I'm tapping you two.
"The VS are expecting an ANT delivery in four days. Obviously, you can't be on it, so you'll be following behind it wearing Infiltration Suits. You must leave absolutely no trace, until you hack the Control Console. Once you do, set all turrets to Auto and let them wreak havoc. While the VS are wondering what happened, you two should go to and equipment terminal and get reinforced armor and a mini-chaingun or a dual-cycler MAX and finish the rest off. Our drop team will then come in by HART drop and occupy the base. Questions?"
"I have one," said Trigger. what do we do if we're seen by someone with a Darklight implant?"
"Abort mission and head home."
Trigger nodded. He had no more questions, and Serpant had none either.
"I suggest you take these next three days preparing and changing certifications. I will meet you at the Southeast Warpgate in four days. Be well rested and eat your veggies. Bring only what you can carry in the inventory of and Infiltration suit. Dismissed."
Trigger and Serpant stood and fired off a crisp salute then walked out. Each knew exactly what the other would do. Serpant would change certs then go have a wild time with the enlisted men at the club while Trigger would Change certs and train. Then train some more. Then spend a full day in peace. He didnt know how much he would get after the mission started.

End of Chapter 2

review again, please
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Old 2003-10-18, 04:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
Terran Sniper
First Sergeant
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Forget the reviews, here's the next chapter

Chapter 3

On the third day, Trigger stood outside the Vehicle creation building. Serpant was late, as usual. They were going to meet here for last minute preperations. Serpant would call up a couple of Wraiths while Trigger went to his locker to get Serpant an Infiltration suit and get some weapons and ammo.
Trigger had finally had enough waiting. He left a message with the clerk inside to tell Serpant to go ahead and get the Wraiths. He ran to his locker and keyed in the combination. The door slid open and he reached in and pulled a suit for serpant. He then got out the pack for his suit and filled it with jammers, plasma granades, and a Repeater with ammo. He did the same for Serpants back, only with an AMP. Serpant believed in what he called "old-style" shooting-pump out enough bullets and you'll eventually hit the target.
When Trigger arrived back at the vehicle creation building, he found Serpant waiting beside two Wraiths.
"Got the suit?" he asked.
"Right here," replied Trigger. "And I took the liberty of filling your pack for you. I think you'll find everything to your liking."
Serpant took the pack and examined its contents.
"Well," he said, "you did everything right except for one thing." He took out a small flask and slipped it inside. "You never get that part right."
"That's because I never bother with the stuff. Messes with your senses and reactions."
"Granted, but it is great stuff."
"Shall we get going? We're running behind as it is."
They mounted their Wraiths and took off. Serpant took the lead. He set a course straight through the compound and switched on the stealth mode.
Here we go thought Trigger as he switched on his Darklight implant. He switched on the stealth mode of his own bike and suit, disappearing into thin air. The crowd was thick, everybody having just come out from their mid-day meal. They darted from side to side as people stepped in front of them. Then came the VR Training facility. The newbies stared in wonder at the dust trail heading their way, and at the tire tracks in the ground as they rubbed the same dust from their eyes.
They reached the warp gate to Forseral in no time. They rode inside, switching off their stealth modes. As they stopped in the center, Serpant's voice drifted over the radio.
"Are you ready for this?" he asked.
"Hell, no. I'm never ready," replied Trigger.
"Well, sucks to be you, then!" said Serpant as the warp sequence started.

End of Chapter 3

Now you can review
Terran Sniper is offline  
Old 2003-10-18, 07:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
NewCong. Marine
Master Sergeant

Because guns are always better than spoons.
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Old 2003-10-19, 01:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
Terran Sniper
First Sergeant
Terran Sniper's Avatar

Chapter 4 coming soon...

Last edited by Terran Sniper; 2003-10-19 at 01:36 PM. Reason: double post
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Old 2003-10-19, 01:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
Terran Sniper
First Sergeant
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All you FF authors out there, please read my thread "Networking". i think it'd be cool to have all our stories linked together.

Chapter 4

They rolled out of the warp gate on Forseral and switched on stealth modes and darklight implants. As always, they found a secluded spot and discussed strategy.
"We'll ride till about 1km from the base," said Trigger. "Then we'll ditch and destroy the Wraiths. We'll walk the rest of the way to the main gate and wait there till the ANT arrives. We'll walk right in with it and do our thing."
"Don't desroy the Wraiths," said Serpant. "If the mission goes to shit, we'll need them to get back to the warp gate."
"Good thinking. I don't know why I didnt think of that."
"Shall we proceed with our designated objective?" asked Serpant with a mock civilized manner.
"We shall"
They continued with their strategy, parking a kilometer from the base. Trigger dismounted and pulledout his binocs. He looked down at the base and looked for resistance.
"Vanu presence is light," he said. "It's almost like they dont want the place. This'll be a milk run."
He scanned the area around the base, noticing an object that looked as if it didnt belong. A black and crimson boot was visible from under a bush.
"It seems we have a friendly sniper in the area," he added.
"There shouldnt be," said Serpant. "I checked the log of where every TR soldier was on this continent. there shouldnt be anyone within 6 km of here."
"Lets go check 'em out" replied Trigger.
They continued down hill oward the bush, stealth still on. They silently walked up to him and Trigger crawled up under the bush with the sniper. He switched off stealth, to the great surprise of the sniper.
"Who the hell are you?!" he asked.
"Name's Trigger. im with the 4th unknowns outfit. who are you?" said trigger.
"Name's Caduceus, from the Bastard Battalion. what the hell are you doin here?"
"I should be asking that question. ther shouldnt be anyone but me and my buddy within 6 klicks of this base."
"I didnt check in. ive been here for three days."
"we're here on a top secret mission to take that base youre sniping at. would you like to be in on it?"
"sure what do i do?"
"do you have a darklight implant?"
"Keep that on and if anyone comes near us blast 'em."
"Got it. but i have a question. if its a top secret mission, what doyou need me for?"
"They're used to you."
"Oh...well that makes sense."
"In the next couple of days you'll be able to move into that base."
"I'll see you then"
Trigger crawled out from under the bush and spoke with Serpant"
"We got some help now," he said. "He'll be giving us sniper cover until the end of the mission."
"Whats his name?" asked Serpant.
"Holy shit!"
"Ive heard about him! he's supposed to be the best. got messed up during the NC revolt. hes like, half machine now."
"That doesnt do him justice. he survived a VS prison. almost got executed!"
"wait a second, i was there. I was one of the snipers that saved him."
They both stood in silence for a moment. Trigger entered Caduceus into his CUD for their radio frequency. When this was over, Trigger was going to buy this guy a drink.

End of chapter 4

review now, please.
Terran Sniper is offline  
Old 2003-10-19, 10:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
Terran Sniper
First Sergeant
Terran Sniper's Avatar

Ok, due to lack of interest, no more reviews. i will continue typing, adn will nitroduce new characters along the way. and now, ladies and gentlemen, the 5th chapter (mildly soft applause)

Chapter 5

Trigger faced the base and glassed it again. He looked down the road to the east, seeing a faint dust trailin the distance. Given what time it was, and the probable speed of the ANT in the distance, he thought they had about 6 hours to get ready for the infiltration into the base.
"I suggest you eat something real fast," he said to Serpant. "We have a few hours to burn before the ANT gets here. We'll go down there in about three hours."
They spent the next few hours eating, drinking, and talking to each other. Caduceus was surprised to find that it was Trigger who had saved him.
"They never told me who the snipers were," he said. They just debriefed me and sent me on my way."
"That happens a lot," replied trigger.
"Trig, it's time," said Serpant.
Trigger and Caduceus shook hands, and trigger walked down the hill with Serpant. Trigger pulled a small vial from his pack and shook out two pills. They were super multivitamins, designed specifically for the soldier. He swallowed them and put the vial back in his pack.
They sat down outside the front gate. After a while, two small pinpricks of light appeared in the distance, growing steadily larger. Then they heard the rumble of an engine. Before long the gates began to open to recieve the ANT and its precious cargo of NTUs. Trigger and Serpant slipped inside as the gates shut, quickly and quietly. Looking around, they saw dead bodies laying here and there. Obviously they were Caduceus's latest victims.
Trigger sealed off his helmet from sound.
"Computer, map of facility." immeditately, a diagram of the base appeared on his visor. He walked toward a door, signalling to Serpant that they would stand on each side until someone used the door. Immeditely after they took their places, a grunt walked out to recieve the ANT. they both slipped inside to continue on to the control room. They wandered around the bottom floor, looking for stairs. Instead, they found the prison block.
Trigger looked in all of the cells, searching for TR prisoners. He found one, too. After making sure the guard wsa asleep, hey hacked the door and walked in, closing the door behind him. He turned off his stealth and shook the prisoner awake, who was sleeping on the floor. They rolled over, and Trigger saw it was a woman.
"Who are you?" she asked.
"My name is Trigger. I'm with the 4th Uknowns outfit. Who are you?"
"Name's Ultraviolet. I don't really have an outfit, I just joined the battle and got captured. What are you doing here?"
"Me and my partner are capturing the base. How would you like out of here?"
"I would like that very much. Except for one thing."
"Whats that?"
"I think the VS would notice if one of their prisoners was suddenly walking around unchecked and naked."
Trigger looked down and she was indeed naked. He would have to do something about that. He walked up to the sleeping guard and made sure he stayed that way. He slipped off his armor and weapons and brought them to Ultraviolet.
"It might be uncomfortable, but itll work."
While she got dresses, Trigger picked up the CUD and arranged it to where she yould not be questioned to who she was. Also was a message to Caduceus not to shoot her. He finished that in about 10 seconds. then he watched Ultraviolt get dressed. She was very attractive, with long red hair and a slim figure. She rolled up her hair and stuffed it into the helmet.
Trigger dragged the guard into the cell and closed and locked it. Then he turned to Ultraviolet.
"Walk out of the base and up the hill. There will be a sniper under a bush directly north of the main gate. Go up to him and wait forme and my partner there, got it?" he told her.
She nodded, and walked out the door. Trigger turned his stealth backon and walked out beside Serpant.
"To the control room," he said. They found the stairs and proceeded to the Control Console. Inside, they found two men. They pulled out their chainblades and disposed of each. Then they closed and locked down the door. Trigger pulled out his REK and hacked the console. After that came the longest 15 minutes of his life.
End of chapter 5
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Old 2003-10-20, 01:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
First Lieutenant
Febnon's Avatar

kinda weird
[ Signature removed by JESUSBEAMS!!! ]
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Old 2003-10-20, 03:22 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
Terran Sniper
First Sergeant
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whats normal?
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Old 2003-10-20, 05:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
Second Lieutenant
Paingiver's Avatar

its kinda weird with the random naked chik and all....
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Old 2003-10-20, 06:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
Terran Sniper
First Sergeant
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i thought all the guys would like that
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Old 2003-10-21, 04:09 AM   [Ignore Me] #15
Teh Masturbator
Squeeky's Avatar

Chelle naked, oh my, mind is clouding with dirty thoughts.
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