Quotes thread (again) - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2003-07-19, 06:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Banned for no reason
1024's Avatar
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Quotes thread (again)

Post the quotes you've submitted, have been accpeted ,ro rejected, here:

- Because your last addiction got you in jail
- Because your other addiciction is illegal
- Because your other addiction costs money
- 1024 needs a life
- Hamma Time
- Can't Touch This
- hamma freestyles like eminem
- death is a guy with no pants, his name is Hamma
- Where women and cheese go great together
- Hamma gets e-mails abot putting his pants on
- a division of UPS

- Hamma speaks mexican
- PSU taught meh how teh spell liek a ph43red l33t n00b
- Bceaasue oyur ohter addiciton skewr up yoru thiknign
- Because your other addiciton has less chance of giving you a seizure
- Because your other addiciton destoys your brain less
- Because your other addiction has no solid dealer
- MC Hamma
- I rock your socks up down and all around
- ban.
- where guys iwth n opants are born
- Poles Sulking Up
- I keep spare pants in my locker for when BOHICA comes
- This quote has been placed in a queue and teh admin will reject it.
- Remeber the "Which empire are you?" threads from beta?
- Incompetent runs from SigBots
- if life is abitch, and her name is {{eMaGyN}}, then is death Hamma?
- eMa is nice
- Where Hamma loves to frolic
- Lets go get lost
- This isn't a quote, you just dont like me, do you? send me a PM in response -1024
- Where everyone has sanity has their
- What exactly makes this a quote?
- Hamma is going to reject this quote -1024
- The quote thingy is borked
- [Quote removed by admin.]
- ANT fun = ramming speed!
- Squeeky gave a shoutout to his mom for bringing him a #1 from MCdonalds
- 1024 hates his title
- 1024 should make sigs for everyone.
- aka Poop Suckers from Uranus
- Hamma's home away from ho- oh no wait, just his home

1024 is offline  
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Old 2003-07-19, 06:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
Lieutenant General
Lonehunter's Avatar
Re: Quotes thread (again)

Originally posted by 1024
- This isn't a quote, you just dont like me, do you? send me a PM in response -1024
- Hamma is going to reject this quote -1024


- No affiliation with UPS.
- Mosquitos, Mauraders, and Prowlers, OH MY!
- Make love not war. Well maybe a little.
- Mayhem, Chaos, Peace, What's the difference?
- Ignore the environment, it will go away.

- Planetside: The only place where you can kill Bayney and get away with it.
- Smurfs, Barnies, and Cherries OH MY!
- When do we get to ride the bombs coming out of the Liberator?
- Please Show Underwear
- Blame Canada!
- Guns don't kill people, wait, yeah they do.
- The Terran brought the NC and Vanu into this world, and they can take them out.
- Got Nukes?
- Violence, the only way of life
- The world is going to Hell, and I am doing my part.
- Winners never quit and quitters never win.
- "Kill'em all let God sort them out" -U.S.M.C.
Originally Posted by Higby View Post
And if you back in 2003 decided you wanted to play RTS games, between then and now you'd have dozens of RTS games you could have played. If you decided to play MMOFPS' between then and now, there were none
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Old 2003-07-19, 06:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
The Mensa Troll
Mtx's Avatar

- 1024 needs a life

My favorite quote is..

"When is divorce ever final?"

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Old 2003-07-19, 08:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Lieutenant Colonel
NeoTassadar's Avatar

Not much new for me:

- 0.000001% Nazi free.
- Dolphin safe
- I wanna droid!
- Lancer GOOD. Prowler BAD.
- I see the light...IT BURNS!
- Those complaining about no headshots will be stabbed.
- (Insert subliminal message here)
- What do you mean, no wookies?
- Avert your eyes!
- We got nukes, knives, sharp sticks...
- Are you still reading these?

- Not to be taken orally.
- Rhode Island is neither a road, nor an island. Discuss.
- Why can't more people protest like the Vietnamese Buddhists?
- If you can read this, you don't need glasses.
- It's a bit nutty
- Mr. Spock, set phasers to extra-crispy
- *Praying for acception*
- I see benefit of pointed stick
- Save a tree...wipe with an owl
- This one will be rejected for sure...
- Mmmmm...toasty.
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Old 2003-07-19, 08:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
Pns Ndabut
EineBeBoP's Avatar
Misc Info

- "WTF? somebody dosent like PSU 2.0! Thats it, :banned:" -Hamma
- Hamma = Teh Roxxors!
- Manlove offered by the post!
- Where PnsNdabut is a GOOD thing.
- No PnsNdabut for you!

none accpeted. need 20ccs of "teh funnay"
EineBeBoP is offline  
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Old 2003-07-19, 08:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
Lieutenant General
Lonehunter's Avatar

Originally posted by NeoTassadar
- Rhode Island is neither a road, nor an island. Discuss.
- Why can't more people protest like the Vietnamese Buddhists?
I've heard that about Rhode Island before
Weren't those the guys who set themselves on fire?
Originally Posted by Higby View Post
And if you back in 2003 decided you wanted to play RTS games, between then and now you'd have dozens of RTS games you could have played. If you decided to play MMOFPS' between then and now, there were none
Lonehunter is offline  
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Old 2003-07-19, 08:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #7

Reality is for people who can't handle video games

^ made by Adun
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Old 2003-07-19, 08:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
The Mensa Troll
Mtx's Avatar

Video games are for people who can't stand reality.

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Old 2003-07-19, 08:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #9

PSU: Camels are silly!
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Old 2003-07-19, 08:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
PSU Admin
Hamma's Avatar

Approved: 23
Denied: 0
Success Rate: 100.00%
Approved quotes:
- It's what's for dinner.
- Killing fans since October 02'
- You mean there are other fansites?
- Preponderant Sig Unloaded
- Please insert more coins and try again.
- you can't handle eMa's jelly.
- Perfected water landings.
- Your quote is denied.
- Stays crunchy even in milk!
- Corrupting youth since '02
- Preferred by Felines everywhere.
- All your balls are belong to us.
- It's all about family.
- Reuniting long lost family members since '03
- Haha you guys have cars in Canada?
- dude, that thing got a hemi?
- Where lightning is a sacred word.
- Political Science Universe
- Its not a game. It's an addiction.
- Where is the equipment terminal at?
- Damn, I need a cert terminal in my house.
- Planetside: Increase the divorce rate.
- Down more than a $2 Whore.


PlanetSide Universe - Administrator / Site Owner - Contact @ PSU
Hamma Time - Evil Ranting Admin - DragonWolves - Commanding Officer
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Old 2003-07-19, 09:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
Second Lieutenant

Stats for Flameseeker
Approved: 114
Denied: 133
Success Rate: 46.15%
Approved quotes:
- Home of the Spoon.
- Space for rent.
- Don't feed the whores.
- Winner! Click ->here<- for cash!
- Got ammo?
- Don't your eyes hurt from this tiny text?
- What the heck is this text box for?
- Ze goggles! Zey do nothing!
- Hey, where are the jetpacks?
- When lakes attack....
- If you can't see this, get rid of your 28k.
- Spam served for lunch, breakfast and dinner!
- Where outfits AREN'T clothes.
- Help me! I'm trapped in the forums!
- Home of the Newbie Burger.
- No shirt, no shoes no service. Guns ok.
- Don't let friends join the MLWA.
- NC: They have No Competiton.
- 50% less fat than the official site!
- Grief points are good, right?
- I am not a crook.
- It turns milk red!
- Explosions served daily.
- We make counterfeit pennies.
- Yes, this is a cult.
- ANTs are like tanks, only they don't have armor or guns.
- Help me! Hamma has enslaved me!
- 99 billion served, or is that McDonalds?
- I'm winning in this Grief point thing!
- All calls up to 20 minutes only $.99!
- What's html?
- Disregard that last quote, monkeys hacked my computer.
- Ahhh! Ye shot me Lucky Charms!
- Boy I hope this quote gets approved.
- A TR, an NC, and a VS are stuck on an island....
- I can't run that Solitaire thing, but will PS be ok?
- Warning: Do not surf website while bathing. Electrocution may occur.
- Is a 152 MhZ processor good?
- Will my 6 1/2 RAM run the game?
- Home of the Bad Quotes.
- Home of the: Why do "Home of the" quotes always get accepted?
- Why did you shoot me in my buttock?
- NC: They're GRREEATTT!
- Where Hacking is a fact of life...
- Insulting yo mamma since 2003.
- Home of the PS Addiction Support Group
- Down with Google-related brain-damage!
- Hacked by Chinese! Run for your lives!
- Home of the Uber-Secret Midget Army.
- Eating modems alive since 2003.
- Accepting Bad quotes since 2003.
- Help! Hamma has chained me to a keyboard to write these quotes!
- Accepting "since 2003" quotes since 2003.
- Just my $0.02.
- Will my 8.8k modem run this game?
- Line for stalking eMa, begins here.
- Common Pool 4 eva!
- Son of a diddly...
- A spammy part of a balanced breakfast!
- AHHH me arms!
- No, we don't serve mayonnaise.
- Bill Gates is the Devil, and someone just ate Apple!
- We're not laughing with you, we're laughing AT you.
- Look! A drifter! Let's kill him!
- You are very sleepy, VERY SLEEPY...
- Why did the Vanu cross the road?
- Look ma! No HTML!
- Quick! Get me the Spam Department!
- Nah, Standard Armor is fine. -Famous Last Words.
- It's all in the mix...
- Heh, n00b, hacks are bad. Don't be a hacker!
- Why doesn't anyone like Vanu? Oh yeah, now I remember.
- Get down! They're throwing rubber duckies!
- Beware the power of stupid people in large groups.
- :Insert Hamma Skeeter joke here:
- I was Harrassed by a Prowling Marauder!
- WTH is a Mag, and why do I want to ride it?
- Liar! My comp needs no stinkin Graphics Cards.
- Only $.10 a minute after that!
- Hey, Vanu don't shoot like girls! Girls are way better.
- I'll REK you, you stupid hacker.
- We love to see you smi....I mean die.
- Gotta go gotta go gotta go right now!
- ACE? No HART for you silly MAX, LOL! GG, no RM, TTYL!
- What? Ten quotes an hour? Stop suppressing me!
- It's my turn to make fun of Hamma!
- It's whats for...well, you can't really eat it.
- No flaming you retarded moron!
- Why are the NC so obsessed with birds?
- Don't say mole...
- This message will take over your mind in 20 seconds.
- Is mayonnaise a weapon?
- I'm Common Pool, thankyouverymuch.
- ANTs are for sissies!
- Home of this Quote
- Hey, I think my jetpack is broken.
- But how do you go when you're wearing the thing?
- OMG! You killed Hamma! Bastards!
- NO MORE STALKING eMa! Pass me the binoculars.
- Beware teh lakes!
- Lakes destroying our Skeeters since 2002.
- Nerd tested, nerd approved!
- That was naturally occurring lag.
- It's Deja Vu! PSU: It's Deja Vu!
- PSU: Do NOT include PSU part in quotes. Oops.
- Got NTU?
- Yes, we ARE too sexy for you.
- Hey you've got something on your shirt...
- So, will I get paid for this quote?
- i dot gropped as a child
- Shooting AGN Cameramen since 2003.
- Now taking slow computers and beating them with a stick.
- Congratulations, you can read.
Searo is offline  
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Old 2003-07-19, 10:20 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
Major General
BUGGER's Avatar
Misc Info

- A third implant? But I already got 2.
- Does the Galaxy have a food cart?
- I lost 30 pounds playing PlanetSide!
- Even NC call 911
- VS: Very Stupid
- Donate money for Hamma's new webcam!
- 4 out of 4 think PSU is great, the 5th guy was killed.
- Houston, we have lunch break.
- We want you to drive the big brown truck.

- If your still here, you've been playing PS too much.
- Making couples split since 2003
- If you could read this up here, still get rid of your 28k.
- Buy vanguards here and get a 5 minute warranty free!
- Sound is a bastard, his name is Squeeky.
- Wears thongs even in a swimsuit.
- If I die and respawn, do I still have to go to the hospital?
- My gun is heavy, you carry it.
- So where's the cheats?
- Ever shook hands with an enemy cloaker?
- I left my porno mag's in the locker!
- These goggles make me look fat.
- Now sells boots that lock themselves to the ground!
- God made me do it.
- Look! Its Viagra!
- More popular than Rosie O'Donald.
- Red and blue wires, why not also a purple one?
- Aww look at he admin, its so cu-AHHH!!! IT'S BITING ME!!! GET IT OFF!!! GET IT OFF!!!
- No if anything I'm more like Han Solo, and your....chewbacca.
- Hamma god? Nonono he's more like one of the wise men, like Elvis.
- I got owned by Hamma and it feels great!
- If PlanetSide gets Game of the Year, will it over throw DisneyLand?
- I have a Kondike bar, rich creaming ice cream filled with chocolate.
- Red or blue wires, why nt a purple one?
- Red or blue wires, why not a green one?
- I had a dream, but Hilary thought I had sexual relationships with that woman again.
- I own a dog, but I'm not sure about you.
- ....freezer....
- I smell queer, where's the queer? Oh theres the queer.
- The F*ck should be a football team!
- Pelvic Senoirs United
- wants more than thongs.
- Words of Wisdom From Admin Hamma
- I smell queer....
PS Storys:
The Eraser
The New World (5Chap.)


Living is easy with eyes closed.
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Old 2003-07-20, 01:13 AM   [Ignore Me] #13
Lieutenant Colonel
NeoTassadar's Avatar

Originally posted by Hamma
Denied: 0
Success Rate: 100.00%
That's a given.
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Old 2003-07-20, 01:41 AM   [Ignore Me] #14
First Sergeant
Revenant's Avatar

- Where everyone knows your name!
- .... and why am I covered in ants?
- I'll get you Hamma! And your little Squeeky too!
- Why can't I play the DEV Empire...?
- What's that smell....?
- Spam! A well balenced meal for a troll
- Will Wolfenstein 3D prepare me well for PlanetSide?
- I saw Sig Bot on Emerald last night!
- Hamma crossing, next 20 threads
- Now lice free!
- What's this... "PlanetSide"... you speak of?
- To reduce stress levels, stay out of the Political Debate Forum
- Now introducing new Diet PSU. And Lemon Twist PSU
- Seriously dude... Where's my Harasser?
- Dude... Where's my Harasser?
- Batteries included
- Punking off EQ fans since '02

And instead of posting all my rejected ones, here's the ones that should have made it:

- No YOUR rejected!
- Best quote... ever!
- I'm more smarterer than you!
- You've reached the end of the internet. Please go back now
- Boy... was that last quote garbage eh?
- If this quote doesn't make it... Hamma needs some major nerfing.
- Without any chicks here, we can walk around with our pants off.
- If you're laughing at these, you should see the ones that aren't accepted...
- Holy grief points Batman!
- Good grief, points Charlie Brown!
- Any money Hamma just rejects our quotes so he can submit them as his own.
- The Liberator! Bombing you into liberation since 2003!
- So... like, when do we get payed for these quotes?
- The DEVs made a new gun! They're called the The Sex Pistols
- And you thought you had problems!
- [Quote Awaiting Approval]
- Do qutes withe spelin mistaks get acceptid?
- Any money this quote doesn't make it!
- So a Vanu, priest and Squeeky all walk into a bar....
- We Rock the Casbah
- Put your hands in the air! Like you just don't care!
- They mated. Say hello to "Sqamma"
- When the Devs were handing out empire colors, the Vanu were last in line.
Revenant is offline  
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Old 2003-07-20, 03:38 AM   [Ignore Me] #15
Lieutenant General
Jaged's Avatar

Approved: 71
Denied: 63
Success Rate: 52.99%

Approved quotes:
- Remove head from sphincter, than play Planetside!
- Remove head from sphincter, than post!
- This is the upper right hand corner of the page.
- Go away.
- Vanu: The only military that fights in purple spandex.
- Leave now before you become one of Hamma's minions.
- Because real life is to.... real.
- Must obey Hamma...... Must obey Hamma......
- Who needs a girlfriend?
- Find the error in this sentence.
- Im not as think as you stoned I am.
- The next best thing to real life.
- Don't hurt me!
- flaming cats: because bombs are too expensive
- We eat babies.
- Hamma was here.
- Let the The New Word Association Thread die!
- Hi mom!
- So how do I get to this PSU site, again?
- Pennsylvania State University
- Get off the computer, and get on with your life.
- All that and a bag of psychedelic mushrooms!
- No touchy!
- side-affects similar to sugar pill.
- Don't knock masturbation, it's sex with someone I love.
- I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members.
- If you cannot read this, please ask an admin for assistance.
- If it weren't for electricity we'd all be watching television by candlelight.
- Please don't feed the admin.
- Now available in 5 fruity flavors!
- May I salvage your earwax?
- I like eggs.
- Creaming a Vanu in an enforcer: Priceless
- PSA: PlanetSide addicts annomous
- Because we care.
- Beware of Hamma.
- Please don't pet the Hamma.
- Ask your doctor if Planetside is right for you.
- Accepted everywhere you want to be.
- Mr. Vanu, meet my shotgun.
- Not to be inserted anally.
- May cause headaches and nausea.
- Stop looking at me.
- Do you know where your grandma is?
- If you are reading this, than I am already dead.
- The happiest place on earth.
- Dude, wheres my Galaxy.
- Look at all the cute Vanu!
- Nazis not included.
- Silly Hamma, Planetside's for kids!
- Now with real strawberries!
- Help us!
- Kiss me, I'm gay.
- Look ma, I'm on PSU!
- > all
- We don't care, because we don't have to.
- This is your brain. This is your brain on PSU.
- Take a shower. You smell.
- In case of flaming threads: Stop, drop, and roll.
- Click here for absolutely nothing!
- Home of PSU.
- Apply lubricant before insertion.
- This won't hurt a bit...
- We like it raw!
- Stirred, not shaken.
- Tastes like spam.
- Mosquitos with machine guns?
- Real life is over rated.
- Its a bird! Its a plane! Its sigbot!
- Bad cop. No donut.
- WARNING: Must be 18 or older to enter.
Jaged is offline  
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