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Old 2003-07-22, 01:06 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
If you were an Evil Villian

If you were an evil villian what kind of evil villian would you be??

Would you be the typical bond type evil villian who plans on dominating the world with just 1 superweapon that can be destroyed by a spy and a sexy chick??

Would you be the evil villian who wears a hockey mask with a meshti and kills people??

Would you be the evil villian who kills the hero personally without gloating about your evil plans???

There are many different kinds of evil villians and they have all been stereo typed in movies. What kind of evil villian would you be and what type of superweapon would you have and how would you start to dominate the world??

I would be the evil villian who would kill the hero personally the first chance I got and then dominate the world with 2 superweapons of destruction.
I would have a super laser that can destroy anything and a floating fortress of doom.

I would start by blowing up Canada because no one would miss anything that comes from canada except for hockey players and that would show the world I mean buisness.
Then I would blow up the UK because that is were all the good spys come from.
After that I would blow up all the Dell PC factories and then the Gateway PC factories.
Then I would blow up all the wal-mart parking lots so that no one would be able to park at wal-mart ever again and there would be endless traffic jams around every wal-mart MWHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....
The Most evil thing I would do would be to blow up the TV studio sets were they film The Teletubbies and Barney and everything within a 500 mile Radius so that not speck of Yellow, blue, pink, or purple fuz will exist. It will be nothing more than a steralized crater of nothing.

I would use my superlaser to destroy santa's workshop and elfs and everything else in the north pole that is associated (Even deer) with santa clause. Then I would land my fortress of doom over the remains of santas workshop and rule the world from there.

That is what I would do if I were an evil villian MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA.....
Skullhead is offline  
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Old 2003-07-22, 01:15 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
Major General
BUGGER's Avatar
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i'd have teh casual, doublebladed lightsaber/spoon and a hockeymask.
PS Storys:
The Eraser
The New World (5Chap.)


Living is easy with eyes closed.
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Old 2003-07-22, 03:28 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
HawkEye's Avatar
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I would use my superlaser to destroy santa's workshop and elfs and everything else in the north pole that is associated (Even deer) with santa clause. Then I would land my fortress of doom over the remains of santas workshop and rule the world from there.

not santa, what did he do. leave him outta of ur evil plans. if u kill him who will deliver my presents. leave santa alone.
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Old 2003-07-22, 08:00 AM   [Ignore Me] #4

Originally posted by HawkEye
not santa, what did he do. leave him outta of ur evil plans. if u kill him who will deliver my presents. leave santa alone.
Its the best way to get ride of hope in the world for the little children. Besides since all the wal-marts have no parking lot and no santa to deliver presents... well its not that hard to figure out what would happen MWHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH......
Skullhead is offline  
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Old 2003-07-22, 08:36 AM   [Ignore Me] #5

teletubbies is an english program, and seeing as you already blew us up.... no need.

i'd be a evil villain pirate who lives on an island alone and would rule evil supreme over it!
Kaltagesta is offline  
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Old 2003-07-22, 09:15 AM   [Ignore Me] #6
First Sergeant
Sandman's Avatar

I would build an army of androids (or is it cyborg thats half human half robot?) and make myself one andd kill every human on earth and every animal except kittens, then i would make a kitten king and we would worship him until the end of time.
Sandman is offline  
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Old 2003-07-22, 09:17 AM   [Ignore Me] #7

but then it turns out you made all the cybord/androids out of discarded SP00N metal, and that they are all biding their time to strike at the kittens!
Kaltagesta is offline  
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Old 2003-07-22, 09:22 AM   [Ignore Me] #8
First Sergeant
Sandman's Avatar

down with spoons, up with kittens
down with spoons, up with kittens
down with spoons, up with kittens
down with spoons, up with kittens
down with spoons, up with kittens
down with spoons, up with kittens
down with spoons, up with kittens
down with spoons, up with kittens
down with spoons, up with kittens
down with spoons, up with kittens
down with spoons, up with kittens
down with spoons, up with kittens
down with spoons, up with kittens
down with spoons, up with kittens
down with spoons, up with kittens
down with spoons, up with kittens
down with spoons, up with kittens
down with spoons, up with kittens
down with spoons, up with kittens
down with spoons, up with kittens
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Old 2003-07-22, 09:28 AM   [Ignore Me] #9
Lieutenant Colonel

If I had to be a bad guy, I'd be an Agent Smith sorta villain. He's a superpowerful suit that kicks the crap out of everyone, loves kittens, and eats spoons!
4 days left 'til 4 more years.
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Old 2003-07-22, 09:48 AM   [Ignore Me] #10

Doesn't anyone care that I blew up canada???
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Old 2003-07-22, 09:59 AM   [Ignore Me] #11
Lieutenant Colonel

I would start by blowing up Canada because no one would miss anything that comes from canada except for hockey players and that would show the world I mean buisness.
4 days left 'til 4 more years.
Mr1337Duck is offline  
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Old 2003-07-22, 10:55 AM   [Ignore Me] #12
Dark Reign
hey hey ho ho hey hey ho ho

I will be the evil santa clause villian instead of ho ho ho people will know me as hey hey ho ho hey hey ho ho and instead of delivering presents I will deliver many pakages with the signature WTF on them and much plastic explosives and on Chrismas everyone will die......muhawaahawahwawa
This is it I am The One!! Neo get over yourself!!!!!
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Old 2003-07-22, 10:58 AM   [Ignore Me] #13
Lieutenant General
Onizuka's Avatar

i would never been a evil villain, thus it paines me to think this way.
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Old 2003-07-22, 11:35 AM   [Ignore Me] #14
Spider's Avatar

I do. Most people would miss canada because:

a) no peacekeepers
b) no curling!!!!
c) alot of your natural ressources come from us!
d) beer that doesnt taste like water!
e) It's canada

Blow the US nobody like them!
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Old 2003-07-22, 12:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
The Mensa Troll
Mtx's Avatar

I don't know about all that but if I were Jedi....

<a href="http://www.gaijindesign.com/lawriemalen/jedi" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.gaijindesign.com/lawriemalen/jedi/anakin.jpg" width="285" height="123" border="0"><br>:: how jedi are you? ::</a>

I'd be the older more vioent Anakin. I'd also be boning a badass chick and cutting the heads off any Kittens that come near me. Fuckin pests....

EDIT... to hell with you forum!


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