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PSU: caution: my be annoyed by n00bs
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2003-07-28, 04:46 AM | [Ignore Me] #1 | ||
First Sergeant
As we at PSU love to speculate and chat about new features..
Since our current tanks (mag,Prwl,van) are labled as "medium tanks" anyone have any speculation on common pool and race specific Heavy tanks.
Never mess with a Gal pilot on PMS New Sig! did you make it on the sig? The second one he was in his skeeter |
2003-07-28, 04:53 AM | [Ignore Me] #2 | ||
I think they're going to be rolling meatshields, as we in EQ like to call them. Like how some people barricade entrances with sunderers, I think the heavy tank is just going to roll into a base, take a shit load of hammering and dish out damage as it veers out the back entrance.
I'm probably wrong but what can get much bigger than a vanguard or a sunderer? I'll be surprised when I see the first sketches of them though. |
2003-07-28, 05:17 AM | [Ignore Me] #3 | ||
First Sergeant
I invision a TR tank that has multiple turrets, maybe 2 turrets like the current tank, 1 anti veh 1 anti personel, and a 3rd turret something similar to a skyguards turret. 6 ppl tank.
Kind of like a mobile weapons platform. - actually looking at all the current tanks, all I can invision for a "heavy tank" is something similar to a mobile weapons platform.
Never mess with a Gal pilot on PMS New Sig! did you make it on the sig? The second one he was in his skeeter |
2003-07-28, 05:25 AM | [Ignore Me] #4 | ||
Second Lieutenant
I kinda imagine something as big as say a double wide sunderer capable of taking 2 or 3 times as much damage standing up to even Liberator bombs. Speed will suck and be hidiuosly slow but who cares. As long as you keep moving they can't OS you. 3 to 5 man crews equipt with counter measures, targeting and tragectory features. A deployed feature allowing you to use an external eq term. A self contained unit. This baby operates on NTU and must be recharged at a warpgate. Sanctuary purchases only because of the sheer size, power, and entertainment of seeing how far you can get one.
2003-07-28, 07:23 AM | [Ignore Me] #6 | ||
There will be no heavy tanks, if there are, they will be similar to the current tanks but with more armor and/or bigger guns. If I remember correctly the Prowler was (and may still be) classified as a heavy tank with it's 3-man crew.
Some say power corrupts, I say the corrupt seek power. |
2004-11-01, 09:29 PM | [Ignore Me] #7 | |||
PSU Code Monkey
2003-07-28, 07:33 AM | [Ignore Me] #10 | |||
First Sergeant
Spoil all our fun we gotta do somethin while at work, and inventing imaginary heavy tanks is this threads attempt. So go burst someone elses bubble of reality :P
Never mess with a Gal pilot on PMS New Sig! did you make it on the sig? The second one he was in his skeeter |
2003-07-28, 09:26 AM | [Ignore Me] #12 | |||
First Sergeant
Yeay finnaly TR get a med tank
Never mess with a Gal pilot on PMS New Sig! did you make it on the sig? The second one he was in his skeeter |
2003-07-28, 10:03 AM | [Ignore Me] #14 | |||
First Sergeant
Never mess with a Gal pilot on PMS New Sig! did you make it on the sig? The second one he was in his skeeter |
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