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Old 2003-08-11, 06:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
First Sergeant
Eliaas_Demens's Avatar
Morning Rumble!

Due to my tendancy to not sleep more than about four hours, and my lack of employment, a social life, or responsibility of any sort, I find myself logging onto PlanetSide in the single-digits of the AM. While you'd think playing an MMOFPS at 6am would be horribly dull, I have to say - it's some of the most fun I've had on PlanetSide.

Sneaking into a facility with only one or two enemies inside can be a real thrill. You never know quite where they are, or what they're doing. At the same time they're trying to predict your next move, and ward you off their turf. Or playing defense can be just as thrilling. Declare a random facility as yours. Patrol the base, set up traps, watch for incomming enemies. You'd be surprised just how much of a hoot a simple one-on-one can be.

One of my favorite dirty tricks to pull on a solo hacker is to wait patiently inside a Phalanx. Harassers, Basilisks, and other small vehicles are often preferred by solo troops for their ability to sneak under radar. So, let them cruise on into your base and dismount - then let loose with the bullets. I can only imagine the surprise on my opponents face when a previously silent turret suddenly opened up a family-sized jar of Extra Strength Whupass.

Besides... half the people on in the mornings are on dial-up. Easy kills.
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Old 2003-08-11, 07:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
First Lieutenant

Yea, I enjoy the small skirmishes late at night myself. It gets to be a lot more personal and that's usually when I meet some of the nicer players in the game.

Last night I had a great conversation with the gunner of a Vanguard I was trying to kill with my Lightning. After about 10 minutes of ambushes and chases he finally got me and I then started stalking them with my dual Decimator load out in Reinforced. It was just like big game hunting. We had a lot of fun stalking each other and talking smack. I eventually got a new Lightning, but his driver came off a hill bad and got stuck up on a tree while I got taken out by a Reaver who came along and spoiled the fun

The guy was really nice and I now have an enemy on my friends list.
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