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Old 2003-09-13, 10:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Welcome to vehicleside

With the nerf on the Decimator (lets call a apple an apple for a minuete). The new vehicle shielding. (Great idea lets make AMS's more of a plow), Vehicle repairs and rearms without leaving the cockpit (great convenience for the reaver newbs how nice.) And the shitty physics engine/hit detection whatever. It's just not safe to be on foot anymore. Also i really dont want to hear about mines because it takes upwards of 8 mines to kill an ams with full shields god forbid a magrider). My question is, why did they take a known problem and applify it. Now i know what people are going to say, the majority of battle occurs in doors, but since you need to cross from your respawn point to the place your fighting your going to get run over a lot unless your in a vehicle.

But because I like to post solutions here is what I propes.

Return the Decimator to normal, this was the grunts (especialy the NC grunt) only answer to MAX's and other hard targets.

Increase the reaver and liberator timers to 10 mins. Which is cut in half if you have a dropship center.

Remove the autorepair ability of dropship centers and especialy airtowers. Find a difrent ability (maybe a sort of in continent hart perhaps?). Give the ability for all vehicle drivers to make favorite inventory loadouts at all bases reguardless.

Implement a AV mine. Visible at all times, not set off by infantry. Two iis enough to take out a heavy tank.

Make all AV weapons common pool.

Anything lighter then a tank (and the ams) should slow down whenever it hits someone, the heavier the armor, the bigger the slowdown.

Make the magmower make noise. Self eplanatory. Also if you want to make it a hovercraft make it act like a hovercraft, they cant strafe or spin on a dime.

Ejecting from an aircraft should take 3 seconds.

Pilots of aircraft other then the gal and lib should have to do so in standard armor.

There i'm done
The courageous man needs needs no weapons. The practical man wants them all. The ambitious man has plans for the practical one.


Lord give me strength of arm, will, mind, and the accuracy of shooting to preserve them all.
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Old 2003-09-13, 10:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
First Lieutenant

Make the magmower make noise. Self eplanatory. Also if you want to make it a hovercraft make it act like a hovercraft, they cant strafe or spin on a dime.
Not letting it be able to climb a 45 degree steep hill and still have the speed to run over and kill infantry would be nice.

Sorry, but hover technology doesn't really help 30 tons of steel trying to climb and incline, unless you're on Auraxis.
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Old 2003-09-13, 10:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
IronWolf's Avatar

You have some good ideads, dout SOE will even blink but you bring up points, The AMS gets on my nerves ALOT so i understand but my idead was to make the undeployed version have alot less armor but having the same armor when deyployed.What you said about the NC needing the decimator...i've been killed by a phonix many times well i coudent even see where it was coming from, as for the magmower....TO SOLVE ALL VEHICLE PROMBLMES JSUT MAKE IT SO WHEN YOU DO RUN SOMEONE OVER YOU TAKE ALOT MORE DAMAGE, i mean hitting a anchored MAX at full speed is like hitting a wall.
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Old 2003-09-13, 11:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Sergeant Major
00AgentDuck's Avatar

i mean hitting a anchored MAX at full speed is like hitting a wall.
If you mean hitting a wall with a wrecking ball then yeah. When you think about how much that tank weighs and the weight of the max the tank wins in mass. And traveling at about 60kph times it's mass, that's a whole lot of force. Also you say it's anchored but I don't think those spikes sink to deep into the ground, maybe a few feet but not enough to stop a tank.

And making AV mines makeing a heavy tank die from two mines, that's to powerful I think. A tank driver wouldn't last a minute at a base. And when you think about tanks, you normally think of a huge, very heavy, hunk of metal with guns, not some pea shooter or a vechicle made out of cardboard.

Everyone has complaints about the tanks, mine happens to be with the vanguards one hit kill 150mm ammo. Also the vanguard is very silent and I get run over by it about as many times as I get run over by a magrider. And when you think about it, VS is based on mobilty, and when it climbs the 45 degree angle, you only goign about 10 kph, since I drive a magrider.

Decimator still does very good damage, and in groups tanks don't stand a chance, or maxes. Those sheilds don't add veyr much more sheilding, considering one minor crash in my magrider with a sheild takes it down to about 4/5ths sheilding. The repair station is just as good as a engineer, just not mobile.
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Last edited by 00AgentDuck; 2003-09-13 at 11:26 PM.
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Old 2003-09-14, 12:08 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
CraZy's Avatar

thats silly....
lol why 10 min for Reaver? tired of getting killed by the rockets? noise? as you know the most common thing in tanks that makes noise is: engine and his movement but the Mag has hovering ability so there is no sound as for engine its from Vanu....
overall ideas are dumm
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Old 2003-09-14, 12:42 AM   [Ignore Me] #6

Ok ok i just have to laugh for a second, an NC complaining about about reavers!?! Hello sparrow, I'll tell you what, I'll support your idea on the reaver if you get rid of the fire and forget AND machine gun rate of fire on the sparrow. You have the absolute best AA platform in the game and he's complaining about reavers. Uh also remember the sparrow can hit libs at 400m top of the ceiling, the burster can't.

Ok so onto the rest, I actually totally agree with the decimator points. I personally didn't think it needed any changing, I don't remember anyone complaining about it either. But your point about the NC needing the decimator is hogwash, you have the JH, and the phoenix does kick ass. Has the longest reach of any sniper rifle, beyond horizon shot capability, plus its like 2x the damage that the striker does. How many times have i been at a vehicle term only to have half my health wiped away by a phoenix shooter that is beyond visual range and even LOS.

I'd continue but it won't really matter, SOE won't care. I really don't know where they get their feedback but I don't think its from here.
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Old 2003-09-14, 01:42 AM   [Ignore Me] #7
The one, the only
SandTrout's Avatar

Originally posted by Caspertoo
...machine gun rate of fire on the sparrow....But your point about the NC needing the decimator is hogwash, you have the JH, and the phoenix does kick ass. [The phoenix] Has [as long of] reach [as] any sniper rifle, beyond horizon shot capability, plus its like 2x the damage that the striker does. How many times have i been at a vehicle term only to have half my health wiped away by a phoenix shooter that is beyond visual range and even LOS.
I didn't feel like makeing 2 separate quotes, so I used the standard fomat that journalists use. I also took the liberty of changeing a few things so that they make sence.

Your statements are ignorant and wildly inacurate.

First off, have you ever used a sparrow? It fires about as fast as a Sweeper, maybe slower. It definately has a slower ROF than the falcon. Should I also point out that the Burster is widely used as an anti-infantry artilery platform? But thats besides the point.

Secondly, the NC most definately need the decimator for killing MAXes indoors. The JH takes all 16 AP rounds to kill a MAX, and that takes a while to unload, especialy in a hot battle zone. The phoenix is useless indoors, as it has no dumbfire mode and only 1 round capacity, which means 2 things: A) you're not moveing for a split second while the missile is in flight, and B)You have a LONG reload time before you can fire your next shot. This is not to mention that you have no idea if you're being hit while guideing the missile outdoors. The only things that can't outrun or dodge a phoenix are infantry and MAXes, and you still have to wait for detonation before you can BEGIN the reload procedure.

Also, the Phoenix is not nearly twice as powerful as the striker. It takes a striker a little more than 3 missles to kill a MAX(any battle damage, and the MAX is dead in 3 shots) which at worst means you have to deal with 1 reload, and the Phoenix takes 3 missles to kill a MAX, which means you have to reload 3 times in addition to the missile travel time to its target. With the striker you can fire all 3 missles, THEN gain a lock and the missiles will head to your target, which means a LOT of damage very quickly to any aircraft or vehicles.

About you being at half health and a phoenix killing you, that is absolute BULLSHIT unless you were in a stealth suit, in which case you're an idiot for not being stealthed. Against infantry, the Phoenix does 25 health damage per shot except infil, which I'm guessing does 50ish health damage(this is based mainly on damage values of weapons on agile vs infil with other weapons).

However, I will agree that the range on the burster probably does need an increase to deal with those pesky liberators. My possition on reavers is that they need an armor nerf(they have more armor than a light tank for fuck's sake!)
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Old 2003-09-14, 02:35 AM   [Ignore Me] #8
Lieutenant Colonel
dscytherulez's Avatar

Nice post SandTrout i was gonna do something similar but u saved me some time One thing i dont agree with is the burster as anti infantry...the burster cant hit anything closer than 10 meters, therefore indoors its almost useless, but i remember when i had my sparrow it held its own in indoor battles.

But everything else is detailed and accurate imo, nice work
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Old 2003-09-14, 03:55 AM   [Ignore Me] #9

I think trout was referring to from distances, it's not uncommon to see a locked down burster max on top of a tower or the courtyard of a base engaging distant targets infantry max and planes.

Crazy. Have you ever been near a hovercraft of any type? They make a lot of noise, anything that generates a large magnetic field (Magrider, think about it) generates a lot of noise.

My god you get A) A tank with a foreward and main gun B) direct fire so aiming is much eisier aiming C) both weapons can engage low flying aircraft and troops on walls. Yet you want to bitch about making it non silent. Fuck a wraith and and basalisk makes more noise then a mag and you dont find it a little bit odd.
The courageous man needs needs no weapons. The practical man wants them all. The ambitious man has plans for the practical one.


Lord give me strength of arm, will, mind, and the accuracy of shooting to preserve them all.

Last edited by Doppler; 2003-09-14 at 03:59 AM.
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Old 2003-09-14, 08:32 AM   [Ignore Me] #10
Major General
Peacemaker's Avatar

Im still laughing about the guy on the first post saying make the airpads not auto repair. Well then all the guy has to do is land, jump out, walk to an equip term, reload his engy rifle, get back in, and fly away. P.S The phnx has probly the LOWEST range of any of the AV weapons in the game. If you think it can fly for ever your wrong its got a 5 second time limit. Striker goes futher, lancer goes MUCH further.
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Old 2003-09-14, 08:49 AM   [Ignore Me] #11
Staff Sergeant

so much aircraft h8

Besides, remember, this is a game set way in the future, we cant really compare "reality" to it, because the time hasent been set upon us yet
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Old 2003-09-14, 09:44 AM   [Ignore Me] #12

Originally posted by Peacemaker
Im still laughing about the guy on the first post saying make the airpads not auto repair. Well then all the guy has to do is land, jump out, walk to an equip term, reload his engy rifle, get back in, and fly away. P.S The phnx has probly the LOWEST range of any of the AV weapons in the game. If you think it can fly for ever your wrong its got a 5 second time limit. Striker goes futher, lancer goes MUCH further.
Right but at least that way they have to A) Get the engy cert B) Land their vehicle.

Is it really justifiable that it takes your average grunt say, 8 cert points. (reinf + med assault + AV) to have a chance of even hitting an air vehicle? Then to top it off give enemy air a way to repair without the engineer cert, a way to reload without getting out of their plane. (which was the time you had the best chance of taking them out)

Exano, the future argument does not work because the weapons tech shown in planetside, and the combat doctrine especialy represents a step back rather then a step foreward.
The courageous man needs needs no weapons. The practical man wants them all. The ambitious man has plans for the practical one.


Lord give me strength of arm, will, mind, and the accuracy of shooting to preserve them all.
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Old 2003-09-14, 11:59 AM   [Ignore Me] #13
The one, the only
SandTrout's Avatar

May I point out that in Opperation: Iraqi Freedom(Note: I'm only presenting this on it's military merit, not any political basis) featured MASSIVE use of vehicles both in combat and movement. The infantry devisions moveing in from the south were all in vehicles, and a major part of the assault was from aircraft bombing enemy targets.

Maybe Planetside isn't useing enough vehicles as would realy be required in this type of war. Vehicles for fighting outdoors, Grunts and MAXes for fighting indoors.
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Old 2003-09-14, 02:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #14


The problem with your analagy is planetside fails to take into account guns versus butter. Nor does it take into account maintenance and other functions that limit the application of vehicles.

For example for every one sortie flown a F-16 requires upwards of 100 manhours of maintenance.

My other problem with your analagy is that infantry in planetside lack the ways to deal with vehicles that real world troops do. Claymores, AV mines, artilery, airstrikes and advanced RPG's. (Do not use the fact that an RPG will not scartch an abrams, I know difrently, the iraqis just dont have enough of em and dont hav eht eproper training.)

Planetside really doesnt have enough ground in it to properly encompass a vehicle heavy war. Planetside thinks in kilometers, vehicle war thinks in 100 and 1k kilometer incriments.

No branch of the military has a unarmed vehicle designed to run people over. This is A) Unpractical B) Hard on your troops minds.
The courageous man needs needs no weapons. The practical man wants them all. The ambitious man has plans for the practical one.


Lord give me strength of arm, will, mind, and the accuracy of shooting to preserve them all.
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Old 2003-09-14, 03:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
Second Lieutenant
noxious's Avatar

Originally posted by Doppler
Is it really justifiable that it takes your average grunt say, 8 cert points. (reinf + med assault + AV) to have a chance of even hitting an air vehicle? Then to top it off give enemy air a way to repair without the engineer cert, a way to reload without getting out of their plane. (which was the time you had the best chance of taking them out).
This is because no one is supposed to be self-sufficient. The most self-sufficient build you can have at br20 is probably ma/ha/av/rexo/med/engie/ams and any other 3 cert certification of your choice. Even then, there are still times when you could use something different. While the average grunt can't engage that reaver, if you've got an AA max working with your group, that reaver will not pose a threat. All AA maxes (while not always able to make the kill) ARE able to force enemy aircraft to run away, often without allowing them a single kill.
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