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Old 2003-11-02, 03:02 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Ait'al's Avatar
Talking ITs a conspiracy

I know why my qoutes arent geting accepted. lol

"home of the why do home of the qoutes always get accepted"

Hammas modifying htem all and putting them in as his own.

Awaiting approval:
- It's PSU and Ie Healped!
- 2 out of 3 dentist eat colgate!
- How do you feed a hungry man!
- Sticky pine!!
- Ive got a squeeky in my pants!
- If mondane qoutes dont float your boat, Read this one!
- Where whoring doesnt pay!
- I give up. Take my qoute.
- (DO NOT include the PSU: part )if you remove the space between part and ) you can not use it as a qoute!
- If you are reading this there has been a critical error on your computer. Immediatly exit to dos and type deltree!

- Im not a whore! Ive never even had sex!?
- Why cant i stop posting?
- Why are you ignoring me?

- Oct 31, 2003 5:39:13 AM EST
- You have submitted 8 quote(s) in the past 12 hours out of a possible 10.
- Do you use speed? Get juno speedband and never run out!
- This game will not work on bread alone. It also works for peanuts!
- (DO NOT include the PSU: part
- REDRUM AMMAH!!!!!!!!
- i give this game a shiling!
- Christina Applegate is hot!
- MMMMOOOOOOO damnit!!!
- Whoa! That guy
- Der! If you dont stop pointing that at me.....
- Stop drooling hamma on my shoes.
- Everyday i come here, i get a little dumber.
- MMMOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
- Am i supposed to get headaches everytime i look at this site?
- What did you say? No i dont like squeeky toys!?
- Help me, i live in a box!
- Hey you, get out of the way, my triger fingers stuck!
- La la lala lala... la lala la la Dum Dumdum dudumdededum. O'de to a smurf!
- Can you see me?.......... think about it.
- Shoot me and die!
- I'm hungry more qoutes
- I have a 100% rejection rate!......well almost
- Crack the planet!lol
- Home of the STFU and stop posting qoutes that say "Home of the".
- Can you see me!.......... think about it.
- I know where you live Strygun!
- I'm watching you Squeeky!
- the asses get a kickin, and a keep on tickin!
- Come get me, I dare you!
- I control the vertical, the horizontal.......
- I will consume you all!
- Home to the only administrator who hasnt had to face teh threat of delltree... YET!
- I own your mind now!
- You can't escape me Hamma!
- Stop rejecting qoutes Hamma!
- Some things are just none of your damn business.
- With new bubble scrubbing action!
- look at that thing go!
- You have to much time on your hands
- Originally qouted by ------ This thread sucks!
- This qoute has been rejected!
- Where 95% of people have heard of a tampon but have never seen one.
- Where shit on a shingle is given an entirely new meaning.
- Remember, only the realy stupid qoutes get accepted.
- Hamma automatically rejects my qoutes!8)
- Has anyone ever actually seen Hamma?
- That qoute really sucked!
- The next qoute sucks!
- These qoutes suck!
- Do i smell something cooking or is it PSU.8\
- Why does he keep saying prawn?
- Sigh!!!!
- Hmama has no pweor hree!
- Where there are less vanu than a barrel of monkeys.
- You can hear it, but it can't hear you,
- Qoutes.., what are qoutes?
- We dont play this game, we just pretend to!
- We dont play this game we just pretend to.
- Hey my porn is here....oh you!!!
- UPS for the slighty dislexic!
- It's ticking, why, why is it ticking!!
- It's brown, it's in a box, and it comes with a delivery charge.... wait!?
- PSU: It's ticking, why, why is it ticking!!
- PSU: UPS for the slightly dislexic!

Last edited by Ait'al; 2003-11-02 at 03:06 AM.
Ait'al is offline  
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Old 2003-11-02, 03:03 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
PSU Admin
Hamma's Avatar

I havent modified a quote in months. I only fix typos.

PlanetSide Universe - Administrator / Site Owner - Contact @ PSU
Hamma Time - Evil Ranting Admin - DragonWolves - Commanding Officer
Hamma is offline  
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  PlanetSide Universe > General Forums > The Lounge



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