Fun Political Thread.. the Are you a Left wing, or Right wing person! - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2003-01-18, 12:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Major General
MrVicchio's Avatar
Fun Political Thread.. the Are you a Left wing, or Right wing person!

Okay, the Left/Right Political test:

Read each question, then answer it.. 1 or 2. Add up the numebrs of all your answers to get the results.. Dont read the end till you are done!

1. In reguard to tax cuts; A tax cut means that:

1: The Government ALLOWED me to have more money

2: I keep more of MY money

2. Barbara Striesand is an intelligent person in reguards to the direction this country should go.

1: Yes

2: No

3. Diversity is a primary concern when picking collage students.

1: Yes

2: No

4. The media has a:

1: Right Wing Bias

2: Left Wing Bias

5. America is Hypocritical in sending weapons inspectors around the world looking for WMD when in fact, the greatest concentration exsists right here in the USA!

1: Yes

2: No

6. Guns should only be owned by a government, people have no need or use to privatly own one.

1: Yes

2: No

7. MLK Day should be renamed Civil Rights Day in honor of ALL the people that helped change the Country:

1: No

2: Yes

8. The greatest threat to world peace is the USA.

1: Yes

2: No

9. The UN has the sole Morale right to decide when and where military force is used in the world.

1: Yes

2: No

10. Pray at a High School Football game is demeaning and insensitve to some people thus should be banned.

1: Yes

2: No

11. Bi-Lingual Education is a good and benificial thing for immigrant children trying to learn in our schools.

1: yes

2: no

12. One Day, the world will be a united planet, its time to end National Soverignty:

1: Yes

2: No


If your score is 12.. You and Babs would be best of friends

13-15 You really Wish Al Gore had been allowed to be President as was his right.

16-18 You are center of the road

19-23 Your views are closer to that of Dubya.

24 You are a card Carrying member of the RNC

There ya, go a FUN Political Thread!

BTW my score was a 24
Back from the internet!
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Old 2003-01-18, 12:31 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
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Old 2003-01-18, 12:37 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
Bighoss's Avatar

none of my solutions were on there ! I just say we should carpet bomb everything that way no one can argue with us when we declare war on Iraq
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Old 2003-01-18, 01:14 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
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I think your test might be a bit bunk, I got a 22.
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~ Vincent van Gogh

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Old 2003-01-18, 01:21 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
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23 here. Vicchio, these political posts are geting redundant to the point of trolling. I mean honestly, you alone are poping these up faster than questions about beta.
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Old 2003-01-18, 07:36 AM   [Ignore Me] #6
Major General
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Sheesh, I thought after all the fighting we might a little fun... I found that on a friends web site and thought you might get a kick out of it.. sheesh!

Besides, I posted thia after midnight, and you see.. my brain is part female.. ya know, like cinderella... after midnight it turns into a pumpkin
Back from the internet!
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Old 2003-01-18, 08:53 AM   [Ignore Me] #7
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15, although I'm Canadian and I couldn't vote. BTW, they ahd a mock election in Canada based on the American after that election and Al Gore raped all...heh...Sort of interesting.Maybe it's the gun issue. I don't know nyone under 60 who has guns and those people who have **** lock them somewhere because they hunt with them. I guess there are people who like guns and think that it's their right, even though it says nowhere that it is in Canada. Sort of funny. I am in tge midst of reading news so I'm shouting off info. Sorry. I won't read anymore
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Old 2003-01-18, 09:16 AM   [Ignore Me] #8
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17 here. center of the road for me. bwahaha
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Old 2003-01-18, 09:25 AM   [Ignore Me] #9
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23 baby, just cause MLK day is for him, not civil rights. The press wants to make it about all civil rights and all that crap, but it's his day, not theirs.
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Old 2003-01-18, 12:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
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South Carolina only recently started observing this holiday. The only way the state would agree to observe this holiday was to have a Confederate day also.
If you hear a voice within you saying, 'You are not a painter,' then by all means paint boy, and that voice will be silenced.
~ Vincent van Gogh

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Old 2003-01-18, 12:57 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
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This answer is to make one "Uber" holiday called "Worship Scott Day"
-Note Scott is my real name....
OH NO I SAID MY NAME!!! Now the internet people will find me and...
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Old 2003-01-18, 03:22 PM   [Ignore Me] #12

I dunno, I got a 21, and most of the time I agree with Lex.
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Old 2003-01-18, 03:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
Major General
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Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
23 baby, just cause MLK day is for him, not civil rights. The press wants to make it about all civil rights and all that crap, but it's his day, not theirs.
ACtually, I got that one from Dr.Savage and his opinion is, they took away Washington and Jeffersons birthdays to honor all presidents.. why then dishonor all the other civil rights workers and leaders? HE says this not in ANYWAY to take away from Dr.King, but rather to be more inclusive.
Back from the internet!
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Old 2003-01-18, 03:40 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
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"I don't see how a party inclusive of everyone could appeal to anyone."
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Old 2003-01-18, 04:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
Lieutenant Colonel
Lexington_Steele's Avatar

Originally posted by MrVicchio
ACtually, I got that one from Dr.Savage and his opinion is, they took away Washington and Jeffersons birthdays to honor all presidents.. why then dishonor all the other civil rights workers and leaders? HE says this not in ANYWAY to take away from Dr.King, but rather to be more inclusive.
Then do we need to turn Confederate day into North and South Day?
If you hear a voice within you saying, 'You are not a painter,' then by all means paint boy, and that voice will be silenced.
~ Vincent van Gogh

Sit Back, Relax, and Enjoy the Action.
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