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Old 2003-11-25, 11:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Teh Masturbator
Squeeky's Avatar
Live Action Role Playing

Oh god. Nothing like a bunch of sun deprived nerds running around with padded melee weapons bashing eachother like fucknuts.
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Old 2003-11-25, 11:22 AM   [Ignore Me] #2

I pretty much feel the same way... Except it could be worse... Sun deprived nerds sitting in front of their computers bashing each other like fucknuts
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Old 2003-11-25, 11:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #3

I'll take paintballing over that part of the fun is hearing them feel a bit of pain
/\that is more like renaissance fair with foam swords
lol darn "fucknuts"
Long Time Gone, joined in 2003. Coming back to get ready for PS 2.
Learning the Ropes and looking for a good European Outfit,
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Old 2003-11-25, 11:54 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
Inventor of Dirt
xuur's Avatar

dunno guys. some of these folks take this sorta thing very seriously. while alot of em are surely as you described (pale white nerds, sweating just walking out to the field let alone during a fight), some of em can lay a serious whoopass on you with those oh so 'soft' weapons.
In God we trust. Everyone else, keep your hands where I can see them.
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Old 2003-11-25, 11:55 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
Lieutenant Colonel

Ahhhh Nerds! Run Away!
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Old 2003-11-25, 11:58 AM   [Ignore Me] #6

I've been a member of the SCA for a few years now, there's nothing soft or padded about the weapons we use.
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Old 2003-11-25, 11:59 AM   [Ignore Me] #7
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Old 2003-11-25, 12:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #8

maybe, but I'm a wealthy nerd
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Old 2003-11-25, 12:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
Lieutenant Colonel

^wealthy nerd
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Old 2003-11-25, 12:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #10

@black /\ stupid nerd, cant afford to play with the other nerds
Long Time Gone, joined in 2003. Coming back to get ready for PS 2.
Learning the Ropes and looking for a good European Outfit,
Otherwise am with the VS Azure Twilights
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Old 2003-11-25, 01:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
First Lieutenant
Pilgrim's Avatar

SCA is ok at least you get to beat others with sticks and have freaky sex with really skinny goth chicks!

The LARP that always freaks me out is the Vampabes. They still run around at night downtown talking in bad accents with fake fangs. I swear I wish I could develop a good psychosis that would allow me to be insane enough to believe they were real when I was staking them....

But then again, like the SCA you get to have freaky sex with skinny goth chicks... wihtout the satisfaction of beating on another person with Ratan I just don't see the apeal!
The only real test of Courage is the last!
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Old 2003-11-25, 02:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
The Mensa Troll
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Hamma, Rayzer.. somebody bust out that video of those dorks in the woods pretending they are wizards and shit. One of you posted it on CDL a long ass time ago. You know.. the one where that fat guy keeps throwing tenis balls at the "monster" while shouting "lightning". Then the monster guy touchs one of them and says "death" and the dude just falls over.

That video was halarious. We seriously need to find that video.

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Old 2003-11-25, 03:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #13

SCA is a bit different than that. Less fantasy/DnD/magic spells and crap, more historical reenactment.
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Old 2003-11-25, 04:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
Spider's Avatar

*cough* You laugh about white pasty nerds but we a game here called Bicolline and it consist of a gathering of about 2000-4000 people.

They have small towns built... most or all of them have plate armor various weapons... trained horses etc.

I actualy participate... I have bought a horse and a small Inn (in-game) so I don't actually own those two things but still... I have a suit of persoalised armor, breast plate/spaulders and other things like chin guards and chainmail to go under all that... (all of it black of course)... a latex naginata as well as rapier and main gauche and a short composite war bow...

Althought you might laugh at all this lemme tell you there are no pasty nerds aside from the shopkeepers and other merchants. Think about it... we carry 50-70 pounds of metal for 5 days and receive alot of hits during that time period...

We play hit-location... meaning you get hit on the leg you lose it. Certain types of armor adds so much to your hp on specific location... You have 2 hp in all of your limbs... you lose it after no more hp and each weapon as specific damage.

Anyways... let me tell you the very last fight is impressive. 2000 vs. 2000 other people or so... the grounds rumbles its total chaos and you got maybe 30 - 40 people on horses. (They can receive hits by weapons and won't feel shit... trained for it... they never kick or anything it's pretty cool... and they kinda watch where they step avoiding anything that could hurt someone.)

Here's a couple of pics...

Who said the girls werent all that pretty? or cute? (the girl on the corner left her name's Katrina... she's with my group most of the time...)

(what I was saying about horses etc.)

Small military convoy!

Again... a small group of fighters...

I'm not kidding when I say we got small villages going on... you can see fortresses in other pics...

That's the site... in french thought.

We got everything going on... peasents... nobles, alot of fighters! Even a little bong action!

Still think it's all nerdy? No magic in this piece of the woods... all big fights with alot of big scary people!
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Old 2003-11-25, 04:20 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
PSU Admin
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This thread digusts me.

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