Originally Posted by TheAngelOfWar
i have a feeling this was run by a computer. simply too precise for a human. look at how he sends those last minute fireballs in midair to take out that ONE guy about to fly off the screen just to keep the 1up combo going. then again, these are japanese we're talking about here...
Not a computer, I see people pull crap like that in games all the time. It looks super impresive to a relative novice but in fact it's pretty much just routine for people who have put that much time into a given game. A great example of this would be DDR/Stepmania. In Stepmania my little brother can get AAA (a, for the most part, perfect score) on songs with his off hand that I can't even finish with my good hand and he has friends who can do certain songs with their feet on a DDR machine that he can barely finish them in Stepmania.
The real question is how many runs did it take for him to get to that point. Once you play the same 15-20 minute seqence over and over a couple hundred times it starts to kinda just become habitual