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Old 2003-01-27, 04:38 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Be happy you live in America

Hey peeps, I was on this website called " and saw some of the most grusome and horrible sites ever. It includes The video when Daniel pearl was beheaded,and BIll so and so blows his head off in a court room. That was just some of the stuff, the worst had to have been the video of a russain solider wrapped in a straight jacket by a checneyan soldier, The chech then begins to take the russain soldiers head off with a knife...while he's still alive. Man guys, I learned alot of stuff that I didn't ever want to know. The most important thing was this" Thank god I'm in the USA" There were all kinds of terror acts,starving people and public stonings,and exacutions. I'm so happy were living here and relativiley safe from most of that crap. I know The USA has it's problems, but I don't think I'll ever see A staduim pact just to see 3 women excuted because they were trying to teach kids tha alphabet. Thank god for the USA.
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Old 2003-01-27, 04:48 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
Sputty's Avatar is hilarious(Dont flame me or you'll unleash flames that you wont understand as they come from a l33t and only true l33ts could understand) but I think that their explanations are often wrong. Also, some of the stuff is just boring. Also, it's the truth. It's not like other countries, including America, haven't commited war crimes. Although, it's not as well known because the winner of war rarely have to worry about being charged with them
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Old 2003-01-27, 05:03 AM   [Ignore Me] #3

I don't know if it's "hilarious" but there slogan of "can you handle life" is pretty accurate. Your right about the explanation thing. But the most haunting things weren't war crimes in my mind, It was the taking of human life with such disregard. There was some funny stuff but I was watching the Media section with all of the videos and stuff. There's some shit on there that I wish I could forgett,like watching those Iraqi soldiers string up those peasants and execute them on the spot, then that stringgy little man walks out and just starts unloading his pistol into there heads after there well past dead. That video had me just about ready to let GWB drop the bomb on them..j/ but seriously I hope our Boy's take care out there, If I see any Us soldiers on Ogrish I'll be very displeased...
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Old 2003-01-27, 05:07 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
Sputty's Avatar

If you think human life is valuable you must be close to killing yourself . Just kidding about that, althoughradom useless deaths are numerous.
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Old 2003-01-27, 06:18 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
First Lieutenant
Revolution's Avatar

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Old 2003-01-27, 06:37 AM   [Ignore Me] #6
Sputty's Avatar

Edit and then post it yourself to fit the table of take it off. Also, as I saoid ealier... The crow caws at midnight
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Old 2003-01-27, 04:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
Roxxor your Boxxorz
Yuyi's Avatar

I was relunctant to look at any of the videos the second i saw the front page. How bad are they? I may work up the nerve to look at some videos.
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Old 2003-01-27, 04:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
Major General
Navaron's Avatar

They are horrid. This thread needs to be shut down. Don't reply here, let this thread die.
You First. No more Pearl Harbors.

Vist because we're better than you.
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