Originally Posted by Peacemaker
True they did take over the world and that pic was taken at 8:30 EST .... AM! I was on at 3 am last night and their were no TR on. They just all attacked at 3am. not much of an accomplisment. Do it mid day and ill be impressed.
I was there with an NC alt (only play NC on Emerald) and that's not exactly true. While NC did have the numbers on both TR and VS, TR and VS pretty well commit suicide by focusing completely on Amerish where they were fighting each other and the NC was ignoring them. Once the NC had locked the rest of the world, they came to Amerish with some units scattered on each of the remaining conts. When the last TR base fell, their population fell by over 10%. They cut and ran when they'd gotten run out of Dodge. The VS and TR had fairly equal numbers to each other all night, and the VS were putting up a significantly larger fight to hold on to their bases. The TR just seemed pretty well scattered, not sure whether to try and make way into a locked NC cont or try to hold their Amerish bases as long as possible. They split their forces and felt the effect.
To say there were no TR on is just false. There were no TR on after they'd lost their bases.