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Old 2004-02-15, 04:20 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Major General
Peacemaker's Avatar
Tanks real roll

Any military guy will tell you the same thing about a tank. Easy to kill from the air, they require defence from enemy airial attack. After a little bit of a discussion in IRC I came to the conclusion that all tanks should be nerfed from shooting down aircraft. A tank should NOT be able to shoot down enemy aircraft with its main gun. Coaxial and mounted is a diffrent story. This is mostly refering to the Magrider and the Vanguard. The vanguard has no need to use its main gun on aircraft, the 20mm owns aircraft at medium range. The Magrider on the other hand. Well everyone knows about that. God damn sniper AA platform. It should not be like that. A tank with no AA or friendly air should be just asking to get wasted. Not shoot down enemy aircraft. Give the mag a mounted gun on top and everything would be even. (cant delevate it all the way to ground so infantry and tanks have nothing to worry about) Then make the main guns on all the tanks simply "bounce or deflect" off of the aircraft but still do minimal damage to them (1/4th current). Simply put, make the tanks be what tanks are supposed to be. Infantry owning, friendly infantry SUPPORTING, juicy targets for aircraft. Sick and tired of 5 mags rollin down from a base that can own anything in the air and ground. Same for Vanguards. Please not Im not bitchin against prowlers b/c the 12mm on that is crap vs aircraft and its very hard to mid air with it. Its acctualy what a tank should be. A death trap vs aircraft.
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Old 2004-02-15, 04:31 AM   [Ignore Me] #2

yea I agree fully. This also helps promote organized team play.
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Old 2004-02-15, 04:47 AM   [Ignore Me] #3

I'm fully prepared to give up the mag's anti-air abilities to be able to 1sk infantry without having to hit them square in the jimmy.

And if splash damage isn't in the cards, I'd still want a tighter COF to hit INF with.
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Old 2004-02-15, 05:03 AM   [Ignore Me] #4

If mag can 1 shot infantry then not being able to shoot air with the gun would be ok, but the mag will never get 1 shot infantry so we will be able to shoot air .
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Old 2004-02-15, 05:18 AM   [Ignore Me] #5

You can one shot infantry, you just have to hit them dead on. At least I think so--I do it often enough, but they might be damaged already. I'm usually driving. I don't mind the motion screwing up my aim, but it really cheeses me off that after all is said and done, I still miss the direct hit a lot because of the cof.
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Old 2004-02-15, 07:00 AM   [Ignore Me] #6
shadow58's Avatar

Nah Seer even direct hits with the main cannon don't kill troops instantly.

So yeh if you're gonna take away Mags anti-air capabilities then what have us VS got.

A hovering pile of shite that gets totalled driving over rough terrain, does minimal damage to infantry yet can't barely mow anyone in it anymore.

ShadoW58 BR23 CR5 Assassins | Rambo58 BR20 CR1 INI Elite | 2003-2005, Werner
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Old 2004-02-15, 08:32 AM   [Ignore Me] #7
Sergeant Major

ok I say no, why? We're in the freakin future boys and girls, In other words = Future + Tanks = Tanks that can do alot more then 20th century tanks. So you get me?
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Old 2004-02-15, 08:40 AM   [Ignore Me] #8

I've always thought the tank's real roll was a Kaiser, or perhaps Sesame Seed. Something tougher than a Dinner Roll, after all these are tanks, and they are tough.
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Old 2004-02-15, 09:15 AM   [Ignore Me] #9
First Lieutenant

Originally Posted by shaizan
I've always thought the tank's real roll was a Kaiser, or perhaps Sesame Seed. Something tougher than a Dinner Roll, after all these are tanks, and they are tough.
Never ever again.

P.S. I have been one shotted by a mag several times

Last edited by ORANGE; 2004-02-15 at 09:15 AM. Reason: added a ps
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Old 2004-02-15, 09:48 AM   [Ignore Me] #10

You are crazy, if you are hit by a 100 mm shell, there is no way that thing is going to deflect. If you are dumb enough to get low enough to get hit or fly straight at the tank which most reavers do you should die for your stupidity.

Learn to work in groups of reavers it will help your chances of taking out tanks.
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Old 2004-02-15, 09:55 AM   [Ignore Me] #11

As far as the magrider goes.. i don't wanna hear any bitchin about that thing.

First of all.. the driver can gun in it.. which really makes a big difference during slow times when you can't find a gunner. Second, you can STRAFE, which makes it easier for the driver to gun the thing he's lookin at, and dodge attacks.

You guys talk about the fact that you can go over water like it's stupid.
Well i'll tell you, on cyssor, when the only way we can get to you is along a huge bridge, and all of you guys are just sailing on over the water toward us, that is a HUGE advantage.

Also, you magriders are shooting all of us while you're on the water, but we can't shoot back with out tanks cause nothing but a direct hit is going to do anything since we can't hit with splash damage. And i'll tell you right now, the chances of hitting a magrider directly on water with a prowler cannon is slim to none.
You have a lot going for you, but you just have to use it right and quit yer bitchin hehe
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Old 2004-02-15, 11:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #12
Major General
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Point is that the game would be alot better if tanks acctualy needed support to do their jobs. As it stands now a tank is a mobile fortress that can do anything it wants. And im not saying nerf just the mag. All three need it. I dont mind getting waxed by a PPA or the Vanguards 20mm but whens the last time you heard of a tank downing a heli with its main gun?

As for the 1 shot kill. Id say make it 1 shot agile, but not Rexo. You guys have a sniper tank so you really cant make it 1 shot rexo too. It being a sniper tank is the reason its so damn effective as AA. But its not an AA platform, all tanks are designed to have anti aircraft support and support the infantry into getting to their objectives. A tank cant do its job with out infantry.
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Old 2004-02-15, 01:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
Second Lieutenant
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Originally Posted by Peacemaker
Point is that the game would be alot better if tanks acctualy needed support to do their jobs. As it stands now a tank is a mobile fortress that can do anything it wants. And im not saying nerf just the mag. All three need it. I dont mind getting waxed by a PPA or the Vanguards 20mm but whens the last time you heard of a tank downing a heli with its main gun?

As for the 1 shot kill. Id say make it 1 shot agile, but not Rexo. You guys have a sniper tank so you really cant make it 1 shot rexo too. It being a sniper tank is the reason its so damn effective as AA. But its not an AA platform, all tanks are designed to have anti aircraft support and support the infantry into getting to their objectives. A tank cant do its job with out infantry.
I agree with nerfing tanks. IMO everything should be nerfed, including all vehicles, deci., and a helluva lot more. But that is for another topic.

As for nerfing the mag. I have gunned countless times in Mags, and I agree, it is easy to kill aircraft, providing they come one at a time. But what else does the Mag have? Contrary to popular belief, the Mag cannot 1-hit kill anything besides a stealther. No, not agiles, and I'm quite certain it's 3 to a Rexo right now, correct me if I'm wrong, haven't tried to kill the Rexo since the buff (as the bug kind of decreases the population of Mags). Some smart person said one of the other Mag advantages, the fact that we can hover water. And on Cyssor, as they mentioned, it is an advantage I would give anything to keep. No more bottlenecks on bridges, etc.

Unless you have a very superb driver, and with an amazing gunner, you cannot take a tank 1v1. I have, but with a godlike driver. People have to start to drive a tank more like an assault buggy then a tank. The PPA is the beamer of tanks. It is not good. The Mag can't mow like other tanks, and there is no logic behind that, as it is all we had going for us.

Originally Posted by Pilgrim
Ever tried to hit a reaver with the Van Cannon? It's not that easy.

If someone can do it, then more power to them! It still takes two Direct hits on an aircraft to kill it, and you won't get those unless the pilots stupid and hovering 20 yards off the bow and spamming rockets at you (not to mention that all the tanks have a huge blindspo where they can't hit anything in the air)

And while it does take a crap load of rockets to down an MBT that's a good thing. You dirve a tank alone towards the enemy, and you may survive... but not by alot. Everything, and everyone open up on you.

Nothing is overpowered about tanks... it's just your tactics are underpowered. use groups. 2-3 reavers should own any tank with the only exception being a well gunned MAg... but even then it's had to hit eraticaly moving targets.

Don't nerf something just because you're not good enough to work around it!
Well put Pilgrim. Oh, and 3 reavers own ANY tank, including Mag, I don't care how good of a gunner you have.

Originally Posted by Peacemaker
Ppl call it a tank killer, it can hold its own against aircraft tho. Not right.
That was a good joke, "ppl call it a tank killer,". That is a fuckin good joke.

Tanks should have air support, infantry support and all of that in real life. In real life. This is a game, where snipers need no spotters, where tiny terminals hand you armor, where there is no death. If you wanted something more lifelike, you wouldn't of got PS.
Sig. by Flakman
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Old 2004-02-15, 11:30 AM   [Ignore Me] #14
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I like that, but you could also make that aircraft more effective against the tanks, it takes almost a whol invatory of rockets to kill a mag.

All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others.
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Old 2004-02-15, 11:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #15
Sergeant Major

21st century tank gunners don't have pinpoint accurate eye implant reticles either. You're playing the wrong game if you're hoping for modern day realism.
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