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Old 2004-04-29, 04:46 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Gunslanger's Avatar
What's Up TR?

So i log on Emerald (i think it was-the middle server ) about a week ago to use my n00b BR 4 TR. i get on, and TR don't own NOT ONE SINGLE FACILITY!. so i IA so i can get some xps cuz BR 4 sucks. i'm at a tower with a bunch of TR that SUCK! i mean, i went on the tower roof and a guy was shooting at a reaver with a punisher! the worst part was he was standing right next to a turret!!! every time i IA'd, TR were at another tower which we had no possible reason to defend and were getting PWN'd. OMG, i mean it was sad! i tried to play for awhile, but everywhere the TR went, they got pwned...i just left shaking my head. makes me want to use my TR and help you poor guys out. but, i get bad ping on that server living in UK and all.
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Old 2004-04-29, 06:15 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
First Lieutenant

Yup. I rarely play my NC character anymore.

I started a TR character on Emerald to help out with the population imbalance along with a lot of other long-standing NC players.

It just sucks that the main reason NC wins is because of numbers. Yes, Emerald NC also does have very good tactics, but most of the 4th empire fools don't even follow those tactics.

I guess I lost the sense of accomplishment you get when you feel like you've worked hard to win...but you really don't get that with 35%+ population.

Last edited by WritheNC; 2004-04-29 at 06:18 AM.
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Old 2004-04-29, 10:53 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
First Sergeant

I have a TR and NC character, one on Markov (NC) and one on Emerald (TR). I don't feel bad about switching since A) they're on different servers, and B) they're on different servers. And I agree with Writhe in that it sucks when you realize the only reason you won was because you had 3 times the enemy's numbers. I usually have more even matches on Markov, but Emerald I often find myself on either the overwhelming majority, or facing 3-1 odds against me. It sucks.
[Damn now my sig is too big. #%)!]
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Old 2004-04-29, 11:01 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
Lieutenant Colonel

TR on emerald suck because 80% of them are n00bs and the vets we "use" to have switched over to NC
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Old 2004-04-29, 03:12 PM   [Ignore Me] #5

I wouldn't say that all of our vets have left. If anything, we have what could be the best Outfits in the game, i.e. The Dragonwolves, BWC, The Wolverines, etc... The problem, like has been said, is that our numbers are often a 25% or below, in addition to the fatc that we do have a lot of n00bs.
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Old 2004-04-29, 06:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #6

Originally Posted by TheN00b
I wouldn't say that all of our vets have left. If anything, we have what could be the best Outfits in the game, i.e. The Dragonwolves, BWC, The Wolverines, etc... The problem, like has been said, is that our numbers are often a 25% or below, in addition to the fatc that we do have a lot of n00bs.
Don't forget (SOL) Navy sure we may be small in numbers but when we are on we get shit done.
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Old 2004-04-29, 06:22 PM   [Ignore Me] #7

Heh, I'm afraid I don't know of you guys .
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Old 2004-04-29, 06:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #8

Originally Posted by JakeLogan
Don't forget (SOL) Navy sure we may be small in numbers but when we are on we get shit done.
Really? I wouldn't think thats possible against a massive NC zerg.
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Old 2004-04-29, 10:17 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
Lieutenant Colonel
SilverLord's Avatar

Originally Posted by TheN00b
I wouldn't say that all of our vets have left. If anything, we have what could be the best Outfits in the game, i.e. The Dragonwolves, BWC, The Wolverines, etc... The problem, like has been said, is that our numbers are often a 25% or below, in addition to the fatc that we do have a lot of n00bs.
Lol. I bet you guys are teh best, you guys arn't even present on command.

Shadow Dynasty
The Enforcers
Terran Death Company

All of which work with each other ALL the time.
DARK, VS, old sig ^_^

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Old 2004-04-29, 10:57 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
Lieutenant General
Dharkbayne's Avatar

Originally Posted by SilverLord
Lol. I bet you guys are teh best, you guys arn't even present on command.

Shadow Dynasty
The Enforcers
Terran Death Company

All of which work with each other ALL the time.
I'm in the BWC, just joined today, and I can say, they're pretty damned good. I've never heard of half of those outfits. Points != skill
[Sig removed by forums changing color. Ph34r the design change.]

+200 Cool Pts
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Old 2004-04-30, 03:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #11

Originally Posted by SilverLord
Lol. I bet you guys are teh best, you guys arn't even present on command.

Shadow Dynasty
The Enforcers
Terran Death Company

All of which work with each other ALL the time.
On command? You mean command chat? If so, that's probably because we're quite small, and only have two CR5's. But pretty much all of the Emerald Terrans know uf us, we're a powerful force in ULTRA (powerful and ULTRA, sortof an oxymoron, I know), and we focus on spec ops. It's that simple.
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Old 2004-04-29, 10:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
First Sergeant

Originally Posted by Black
TR on emerald suck because 80% of them are n00bs and the vets we "use" to have switched over to NC
All of our so called vets got bored and started other characters. I used to be dedicated and i must say...CEP is one of the hardest things to get as TR because all you can ever get CEP for is resecuring a hack. Tr is always on the defensive, that in addition to the fact that SAT's are in two days and AP tests are to follow are the reasons that i didnt renew my sdubscription. Plus, everyone who starts off as TR cant get used to the constant defense and no offense and ends up switching to a more favorable empire. Most of the time its the one with over 40% population on a server, not to mention any names :::cough:::Emerald NC:::cough

= Crack addict
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Old 2004-04-29, 03:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
Diddy Mao
Second Lieutenant
Diddy Mao's Avatar

TR just need to find their mojo
You last visited: 03-18-2005 at 01:50 PM - lol time flies
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Old 2004-05-05, 12:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #14
Sentrosi's Avatar

Originally Posted by Diddy Mao
TR just need to find their mojo
We have found our mojo and it is good.
Commanding Officer

To the next idiot who says the PS2 Devs do not listen: See this Thread
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Old 2004-04-29, 04:52 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
First Lieutenant

TR just need to find their mojo

I can see a TR sitting there shrugging his shoulders and going, "I'VE LOST MY MOJO!!!"
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