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Old 2004-06-19, 11:00 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Lieutenant Colonel
Dream game

List a bunch of genres and describe the most awesome game you can imagine for them. Don't worry if it would require a god computer to run it.

I'll start

MMO-I'd like to see an MMO with lots of planets and space stations and stuff, where you could buy a ship to fly around with and land anywhere, and then get out and do the rest of the game. The game would be mostly foot-based, but it would have space travel and stuff, too. Like SWG is trying to be. And I'm a crafter in MMOs, so a good crafting system is everything. But I don't like it to be boring, like Runescape. I'd rather that it be like SWG. Somewhat slow paced, but you get stuff done easily enough, unlike Runescape where you set up a macro for a few hours and went off to do something else, and your services are really needed by lots of people, and there's a nice market for things that aren't armor.

RTS-I'm not a big RTS player, but I'd like to see a game where entire planets are generated. You would have big cities all over the place, and there would be a galactic map to look at all nearby planets, and you'd have to look at a globe of a selected planet that would show where your troop concentrations are. Then you'd pick an area and it'd zoom into a world-view. Imagine stockpiling tens of thousands of tanks and infantry somewhere, then loading them all onto a fleet if cruisers and sending them down in drop-ships onto a hostile planet. Or if you're getting the crap kicked out of you, loading a buch of civillians onto a bunch of transports and sending them off at high speed to the other edge of the game area, well beyond their scanners, to rebuild a new empire. I'd really love to see a game like that.

And I don't mean that crappy empire earth thing where space is just like water, just to be clear.

Shooter-Anything that's fast-paced and fun. These days they all have that cone of fire stuff, but I'd kinda like to have another high-speed, super-accuracy shooter. Like Quake 3, that was fun, and it was like that.

Action-To be honest I really liked Deus Ex. I guess that's more of a shooter, but it's not a mindless game of kill-everything that isn't necessary. I'd like to see a game like that, though not necessarily in the Deus Ex universe. If you can't guess, I'm kinda into sci-fi games.

Stealth-A stealth game that isn't absurbly hard. A game that normal people can beat, and other people can play on harder difficulty. At minimum settings of difficulty it's only got a few guards wandering around, at max there's a whole bunch everywhere.

I'll think of more later.
4 days left 'til 4 more years.
Mr1337Duck is offline  
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Old 2004-06-20, 03:07 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
Lieutenant Colonel

A game with no bugs.
ZionsFire is offline  
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Old 2004-06-20, 03:09 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
Lieutenant Colonel

4 days left 'til 4 more years.
Mr1337Duck is offline  
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Old 2004-06-20, 06:38 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
Lieutenant Colonel

Damn, haven't you made this thread like 5 times before?
Smaug is offline  
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Old 2004-06-20, 07:20 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
Lieutenant Colonel

No that was "What is your dream game?" You know like jeopardy.
ZionsFire is offline  
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Old 2004-06-20, 10:51 AM   [Ignore Me] #6

No, we have had a number like this, and i swearmr duck has told us about his space game before...
Kaltagesta is offline  
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