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Old 2004-06-23, 07:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Sanc Strikes?

Did they ever go live? Haven't played in a long time due to lag; just heard rumors before I quit.
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Old 2004-06-23, 07:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #2

To the tune of Black Sabbath:

They, did, not go live.
They and balance did not jive.

Yep, it's lame, but sortof accurate.
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Old 2004-06-23, 09:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Sergeant Major

What was sanc strikes? Where you could attack the sanc?
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Old 2004-06-23, 09:40 PM   [Ignore Me] #4

Supposedly, if you locked all the continents, you could go into the enemy's sanc.
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Old 2004-06-23, 10:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
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that would have been awesome!
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Old 2004-06-23, 10:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
Major General
EarlyDawn's Avatar

I'm sure terran emerald would currently agree =/

And for the record, the concept was that you would be able to attack an enemy sanctuary if you locked all three of their home continents.

The primary reason it was scrapped by the devs was because it was pointless. There was no planned reasoning or mission behind the invasion, it was just that; an invasion. It was said that they might reconsider it when there is a purpose or incentive behind it.

I personally think that they should dovetail Sanctuary Strikes, Orbital Platforms, and the force dome concept. The invasion is initiated when all of an empire's home continents are invaded and held for over 48 hours. At that time, the warpgates unlock and the siege can begin. The sanctuary is layed out much differently. The three villas are capturable, but each is protected by force domes. Not the new capitol style force domes, the old ones. They must be drained with ANTs and Flails.

Once the domes are brought down and the villas captured, defenders must HART in from the orbital platform. Vehicles cannot be brought down excupt in drop pods through the expendature of outfit points. The three villas essentially serve as "sub capitols", as it were, for the fortress. Once they are captured, the dome around the fortress drops.

A truely massive tructure, the fortress would represent each empire's ideal.

The TR fortress would be covered in fast firing weapons, and redundant spawn facilities making it a very difficult place to attack. While it may be possible to attack and disable one spawn facility, there would be several more that would need to be captured to totally disable the base.

The NC fortress would be representative of the Conglomerate's focus of overwhelming firepower. Although not brandishing as many emplaced guns as the TR fortress, the NC fort would have a plentiful amount of heavy weapons, like 150mm tank cannons, 35mm chainguns, and very defendable gates, walls, and spawn rooms.

The VS fortress would emphasize versatility and manuverability by actually being a collection of several buildings, some of which flying. The VS fort would show a mastery of ancient tech by using ziplines between these floating towers, and shield mod-like screens over critical area. The construction of the Vanu Soverignty fortress would make any ONE attack mode ineffective. Attackers would have to use a combination of air and ground, and infantry to sieze it.

Once you fight your way into the well defended citadel, you can sieze the empire's AI core. This would have a 12-hour lifespan, and would follow LLU/Module rules. The main mission after siezing the AI core would be to escort it to your sanctuary. Safely delivering it would copy it's solid-state nanite databases and designs into memory for a week. The empire that stole the core would then have access to anything and everything specific to that empire for a one-week period. HOWEVER, this core can be stolen back by the defending empire, or intercepted by the third empire. Guard it well.

The defenders can raise the shield on their fortress by siezing just one of their villas back. The only way they can invalidate a core in transit by an enemy empire is to actually bring it back to the fortress. They can relock the warpgates and reenable logins at the sanctuary by unlocking (not necessarily recapping) all three (or however many will be reimplemented down the road) home continents.
I know it would be *monumentally* difficult to achieve. That's the idea. It's almost impossible, but it still gives and empire something to strive for.

Last edited by EarlyDawn; 2004-06-23 at 10:41 PM.
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Old 2004-06-24, 05:17 PM   [Ignore Me] #7

Originally Posted by EarlyDawn
...The empire that stole the core would then have access to anything and everything specific to that empire for a one-week period...

Would this include MAX's, 'cause that's be great!
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Old 2004-06-23, 10:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
First Sergeant
KIAsan's Avatar

No, that would have sucked. Think what it's like now with last stand warp gates and last continent now.

Yeah, it has potential to be a great thing, but the devs would F* it up as usual and we would end up with a huge mess on our hands.
KIAsan [BWC]

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Old 2004-06-23, 10:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
Major General
EarlyDawn's Avatar

That's why I'd say that population needs to be balanced first.
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Old 2004-06-23, 11:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
Lieutenant General
Baneblade's Avatar

I still plan to do Boomer art on the TR HART Building.
Post at me bro.

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Old 2004-06-26, 07:51 AM   [Ignore Me] #11
Staff Sergeant
AltaEgo's Avatar

Originally Posted by Sobekeus
I still plan to do Boomer art on the TR HART Building.
Haha. "Not Likely"
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Old 2004-06-23, 11:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #12

Nice idea EarlyDawn but maybe lower the time to 24 hours or less instead of holding it for 48 hours. i thought it was a good idea. that would be really fun.
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Old 2004-06-23, 11:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
Major General
EarlyDawn's Avatar

Yeah, 48 may be a bit excessive. I can agree with 24.
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Old 2004-06-24, 09:49 AM   [Ignore Me] #14
Sieldan's Avatar

Damn ED, I really like the sound of that. I would love to see one of those battles. Any one else invisioning battles like Minas Tirith and Helms Deep?
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Old 2004-06-24, 09:59 AM   [Ignore Me] #15
Lieutenant Colonel
SilverLord's Avatar

I hope after this next patch they can start working on alternate base layouts and the contient work.
DARK, VS, old sig ^_^

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