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Old 2004-07-21, 09:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Cadaverous_Fly's Avatar
Pop cap too low?

I'm a newb who has some questions about the continent pop cap. I know you can only have 166 people from your empire on a cont but how do they prevent you from going on a continent with too many people will your galaxy crash? will the warpgate not work? Also do people frequently hit the pop cap? Does it negatively affect gameplay or is the pop cap right?

cap capacity

Theil never hit from all the way over... (Artillery shell lands and detonates) Shi...!( secondary munitions explode) - Quoted to mad larking in a game of battlefield 1942

Why oh Why said the Cadaverous Fly should i not eat this lovely pie? - this stems from my love of pie and the crappiness of my poetry

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Old 2004-07-21, 09:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #2

The warpgates dont let you in and the drop pods wont drop. A lot of people chill in the warp field waiting.
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Old 2004-07-21, 10:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Sergeant Major
Eldanesh's Avatar

It is possible to break the pop cap, people can still decon into the cont and log into the cont. Also a galaxy only needs one spot to get all the people in it into a cont.
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Old 2004-07-21, 10:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Mag-Mower's Avatar
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so, your saying, if there were 5 spots left, and there were 5 galaxies, each filled with 10 people, you could beat the pop lock by 45?
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Old 2004-07-21, 11:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
Sergeant Major
Eldanesh's Avatar

Well, I would not bet on it because of lag and player reaction times, but theoretically yes, there is nothing stopping that.

With the old hart bug and the more recent one for BWGs it was very easy to beat the poplock and often times the server would just crash because there were way too many people on it.
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Old 2004-07-22, 05:54 AM   [Ignore Me] #6
Sploogey's Avatar

Originally Posted by Mag-Mower
so, your saying, if there were 5 spots left, and there were 5 galaxies, each filled with 10 people, you could beat the pop lock by 45?
with a full sunderer in each (if u can do that never tried) so its more around 80 spots over or something
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Old 2004-07-22, 12:03 AM   [Ignore Me] #7
Staff Sergeant
Meursault00's Avatar

Lag is a problem with increasing the pop-lock. Think about it, a zerg is likely to hit one base, and hit it hard. Think of all players in that base, all the polygons, all the models, all the blah blah, I can go on forever.
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Old 2004-07-22, 06:11 AM   [Ignore Me] #8
Brigadier General
Lartnev's Avatar

Originally Posted by Meursault00
Lag is a problem with increasing the pop-lock. Think about it, a zerg is likely to hit one base, and hit it hard. Think of all players in that base, all the polygons, all the models, all the blah blah, I can go on forever.
Well actually all the models and all the polygons are more likely to crash your computer than the server

However you're right in that the sheer amount of bandwidth and traffic would begin to grind a server to a halt.
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Old 2004-07-22, 09:33 AM   [Ignore Me] #9
Sergeant Major
Eldanesh's Avatar

Originally Posted by Lartnev
Well actually all the models and all the polygons are more likely to crash your computer than the server

However you're right in that the sheer amount of bandwidth and traffic would begin to grind a server to a halt.
I rememebwr on emerald when cyssor was practically poplocked for a week straight, towards the end of the week you could see the server crying.
There would be moments where everything would freeze and then people would reappear where they were 5-10 minutes earlier, people would appear to fly through hills, etc.
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