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View Poll Results: Should SOE make a NON-BFR Server?
YES 22 50.00%
NO 22 50.00%
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Old 2004-11-27, 05:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
LBSheep's Avatar
new server

Should SOE make a server with out BFR's for the PS players who HATE them?
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Old 2004-11-27, 06:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
OfaLoaf's Avatar

No. Should SOE make a server for all the people who hated the _________ buff, the flail, or Reavers? I think not! Making specific servers gets quite messy after a while.
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Old 2004-11-27, 06:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Sergeant Major

well today after being repeatedly owned by bfrs I realized I hate BFRs too. But still it is part of the game and we just got to live with it. Kind of stupid to avoid an entire area of planetside... plus it'll make the caves just that much more useless.
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Old 2004-11-27, 08:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Lieutenant General
Baneblade's Avatar

I made the very foolish decision to invest in BFRs. God what a mistake, if even one person has a Jammer, consider yourself dead.
Post at me bro.

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Old 2004-11-29, 10:06 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
Kam's Avatar

Originally Posted by Sobekeus
I made the very foolish decision to invest in BFRs. God what a mistake, if even one person has a Jammer, consider yourself dead.
Um, your a nub at it then. I got my adv merit in 3 hours and have used the air varient with dual AI ever since. Jammers are extremely easy to avoid, and since I have the adv targeting and audio amp on all the time I can see anyone if they try to run up to me. I also have darklight if I think there is a cloaker about. Still, in close combat I get jammed but I just put it into run mode and go back about 50 yards and then turn around and kill whoever was there. (Even jammed run mode is faster than regular walking.) However, BFRs are not as overpowered as they used to be. I went BFR hunting by myself yesturday and all alone I killed five, three in a row without dying. You just have to know what your doing.

Back to the server issue, they will not make anymore servers when they are considering merging the two US servers. If they did, the already dwindling pop would die. You can see this on Markov because the NC owned so hard, we had little to no resistance for the entirety of saturday and sunday. (The TR just gave up :/ We actually asked the vs and tr to come fight us) I find the condition of planetside sad to say the least.

Last edited by Kam; 2004-11-29 at 10:10 AM.
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Old 2004-11-27, 08:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
Master Sergeant
GeneralRazor's Avatar


PS, now, is not true to it's original form. What made it original..

Instead of following the path that they (PS) made, they are choosing the path more (recently) chosen. Appeasing.

It's like taking a hike with a bunch of friends, walking forward, everyones happy, then walking all the way back to meet the newcomers, who are very late.

Be happy with what is on your plate, or digest what you may not like (and what will be a part of you). You can add some spice, but you cannot change the meal.
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Old 2004-11-27, 11:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
First Sergeant

well, think about it. That would mean your going to have to reinstall planetside in a nother directory for that one server, because its going to have different data than the regular servers. I think its a good idea, but I also think that BFRs should be wiped off the face of auraxis.
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Old 2004-11-27, 11:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
Sergeant Major
mechaman's Avatar

Server pops are low enough without another server being created.
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Old 2004-11-27, 11:52 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
Fragmatic's Avatar

So should SOE make and maintain two versions of one game?

If they did make a non BFR server, they'd have to make a clien version without the BFR's, test it, and then we'd have to download it. They'd have to test two versions of every patch, and we'd have a planetside directory twice as big.

It would never happen, and would be a loss for SOE - all because whiners can't adapt and learn how to use tactics.

BFR's aren't a threat, they're just heavy tanks, they're only a pain in the arse if there is a group of them. Every squad should be mobile, and if you're mobile, you should be able to easily avoid groups of BFR's, denying them the fun of killing you, giving you the thrill of the chase, and the chance to change the tide of battle.

Edit - I voted yes just for you
I bet nobody notices this text.
[Hezzy]: "balallaalalla! blow the heathens up with a large nuclear device"
[Hezzy]: "BOOM"
[Hezzy]: gg
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Old 2004-11-28, 04:09 AM   [Ignore Me] #10
Master Sergeant
Breed's Avatar

Freedom of speech 'n all, but why make suggestions for something that simply wont be supported by the development team?

More likely is more buffs and nerfs to help "balance" the game in favour of non-BFR's and maybe even making vehicle varients that combat BFR's specifically.

As for server, one last final merge is probably whats in store for us all.
Not good news for us brits, and not just because us limeys are born to hate every countryman that is not english, but because not everyone has 1mb + BB connections and will receive around 300 odd ping.

On the flip side, apparently the americans servers are still popping a cont on most nights, so maybe we could get it back to what it was like back in the ol' days, when this were all fields...
Retired Planetside Player. Breed / Werner / BR20 CR5.
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Old 2004-11-28, 08:25 AM   [Ignore Me] #11
Brigadier General
Lartnev's Avatar

Probably wouldn't be possible. Besides, you'd then have people making stupid suggestions like a "pre-surge nerf" server.

I've never played PlanetSide on a 56k modem but I can imagine it being hell no matter which server you play on. As for Broadband, I could happily play on Emerald and Markov on 512k.
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Old 2004-11-28, 08:37 AM   [Ignore Me] #12
Sergeant Major
hazzer2007's Avatar

Why not insted of a new server, make one of the conts not ecsesible for bfr's, make up a story that the magnetic feild affects the servos in the bfr's or somethink
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Old 2004-11-28, 08:46 AM   [Ignore Me] #13
Misc Info

Originally Posted by hazzer2007
Why not insted of a new server, make one of the conts not ecsesible for bfr's, make up a story that the magnetic feild affects the servos in the bfr's or somethink
I haven't played PlanetSide in awhile, but isn't that EXACTLY what the caves are?
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Old 2004-11-28, 09:47 AM   [Ignore Me] #14
Hezzy's Avatar

How about a server in which we can piss around in? I.E BR20, CR5, BFR merts, etc.
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Old 2004-11-28, 01:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
Brigadier General
Lartnev's Avatar

Originally Posted by -Hezzy-
How about a server in which we can piss around in? I.E BR20, CR5, BFR merts, etc.
Isn't that called Public Test?
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