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View Poll Results: Yay or Nay To Drugs?
Yay 9 20.00%
Nay 36 80.00%
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Old 2005-03-16, 09:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Mag-Mower's Avatar
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Drugs; Yay Or Nay

what says you to the use of illegal substances? ie; drugs
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Old 2005-03-16, 09:45 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
Giovanni's Avatar

Lost a friend to drugs, I never liked them in the first place and for the past three years I've despised them.
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Old 2005-03-16, 10:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
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Drugs are for pussies who can't get a natural high because they're too fucking stupid to think.
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Old 2005-03-18, 10:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Zodiac's Avatar

Originally Posted by Firefly
Drugs are for pussies who can't get a natural high because they're too fucking stupid to think.
Well said.
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Old 2005-03-16, 10:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
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Nay. Now lets all get high and act like retards.
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Old 2005-03-16, 10:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
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Marajuana, in moderation.

No, I don't do any.
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Old 2005-03-16, 11:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
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Originally Posted by EarlyDawn
Marajuana, in moderation.
I agree

EDIT: Life is QuakCow's drug.
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Old 2005-03-17, 05:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
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Originally Posted by Giovanni
Guess what buddy! If you did any hard stuff be prepared to wait up to four years before even daring to apply for the marines. If you consider that pot stays in your system for up to 6 months I can't even start to imagine how long the other stuff sticks with you but I know one thing if you ever tried mushrooms even just once you have to wait 2 years or else it will be detected.
Different people will take different amounts of time, especially if you drink a lot of water, marajuana could leave you in a month or so, or maybe several. But depending on how serious the drug test is, drugs can always be detected.

Originally Posted by Giovanni
Edit: I know that because the guy who greeted us for signing up told us to leave right away if we ever did drugs and informed us of different types and how long they stay.
Trusting what a recruiter says is something very few people should do. No matter how friendly or just-trying-to-help attitude they have. A lot of people join the military and leave soon after cuz it was not what they were lead to expect.
Originally Posted by Higby View Post
And if you back in 2003 decided you wanted to play RTS games, between then and now you'd have dozens of RTS games you could have played. If you decided to play MMOFPS' between then and now, there were none

Last edited by Lonehunter; 2005-03-17 at 05:45 PM.
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Old 2005-03-16, 11:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
Sergeant Major
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drugs for the lose..the way i act many would think im already on something
but alas, im not...drugs would screw up my logic moreso then it may already be

(on a side note the sr-71 is a peice of engineering genius)

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Old 2005-03-17, 12:03 AM   [Ignore Me] #10
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I don't have a problem with people who do light drugs (like Marijuana) recreationally, but the problem is people who abuse them and do hard drugs. So Nay. But IMO, our nation cracks down way too hard on light drug users instead of the people who abuse the really dangerous shit.

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Old 2005-03-17, 01:02 AM   [Ignore Me] #11

Originally Posted by Electrofreak
I don't have a problem with people who do light drugs (like Marijuana) recreationally, but the problem is people who abuse them and do hard drugs. So Nay. But IMO, our nation cracks down way too hard on light drug users instead of the people who abuse the really dangerous shit.

I agree on this one....the poll is too vague...Marijuana shouldn't be put in the same category as coke or heroine, or any other drug besides alcohol.

I've smoked Marijuana in my past...I do it now maybe 6-7 times a year...i'm slowly working myself off of it, not because of the drug, but because I don't want to spend my money on it anymore..I'm limited on money and I have big things going for me in life, and it includes me putting a lot of my own money into them.

i'm still an advocate for Medicinal Marijuana, i've been studying it for years. I have studied both sides of the argument, and chose one.

I DO NOT believe in the harder drugs...

also, don't make this personal guys, the last we had a drug thread, we had a very big problem with it.

i'm voting nay because I don't believe in the harder drugs <---

<Smaug> omg kyonye is hot

Last edited by Kyonye; 2005-03-17 at 01:04 AM.
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Old 2005-03-17, 04:52 AM   [Ignore Me] #12
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Could you imagine if Mary-joo-wana was legal? The government could set a hellatax on it and still people would pay.
Originally Posted by Higby View Post
And if you back in 2003 decided you wanted to play RTS games, between then and now you'd have dozens of RTS games you could have played. If you decided to play MMOFPS' between then and now, there were none
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Old 2005-03-17, 05:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
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Originally Posted by Lonehunter187
Could you imagine if Mary-joo-wana was legal? The government could set a hellatax on it and still people would pay.
How do you regulate it? I agree with you, in theory, but I can't figure out how you'd address that problem.
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Old 2005-03-17, 06:20 AM   [Ignore Me] #14
Fragmatic's Avatar

Originally Posted by Electrofreak
I don't have a problem with people who do light drugs (like Marijuana) recreationally, but the problem is people who abuse them and do hard drugs. So Nay. But IMO, our nation cracks down way too hard on light drug users instead of the people who abuse the really dangerous shit.
I bet nobody notices this text.
[Hezzy]: "balallaalalla! blow the heathens up with a large nuclear device"
[Hezzy]: "BOOM"
[Hezzy]: gg
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Old 2005-03-17, 07:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #15
Master Sergeant
Breed's Avatar

Drugs is a very broad term and also covers aspirin and caffeine, but i'll assume you're refering to the more controversal brands classed as "A" (Heroin, Cocaine, Ecstasy and LSD).

In my opinion what people do behind closed doors is there business, we may dissaprove of it but as long as people don't abuse drugs then they aren't a problem.

Due to societies current stand-point on recreational drugs i won't condone the use of "A" class drugs, but i have to say that the only drug i highly dissaprove of is Heroin, simply because it's so easily abused.

In answer to the poll, i say "Yay".
But nothing is black and white.
Retired Planetside Player. Breed / Werner / BR20 CR5.

Last edited by Breed; 2005-03-17 at 07:21 AM.
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