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Old 2005-05-24, 07:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Major General
Strygun's Avatar
**************? More info.

So, I was looking into iPods and just kinda browsing the websites looking for cheap deals and reviews and such. I decided I'd go to G4TechTV and see if they had any reviews on iPods and other similar MP3 players. I ran across a video article about www.**************, and I've kinda heard of them before and thought they were a bit of a scam. Well, according to G4TechTV, they aren't. The hosts of The Screensavers tried the deal and it worked, they got their ipods and/or gift certificates. Here's the video: http://www.g4tv.com/video.aspx?video_key=8872 . So, I figured I'd give it a try. I really need an ipod for the job I have this summer, it's quite boring!

So, if I could find 5 of you friendly people out there to click a link and do what it says, I'd be much obliged. Basically, to get my ipod, I have to get 5 people to sign up for some deal on the website. I signed up for the Napster 7 day trial, because all you have to do is download, install, and run the napster program. I will delete it before the 7 day trial is up so I don't get charged for later use.

^^^ The link.

Could I get some of you guys to help me? Just need 5 people to pick one of the offers and then follow through on it. If you want more information, I'd be glad to answer any questions. Just put in your email address (they don't spam you,) then follow the instructions on completing one of the offers. It kinda puts you in the running for one too, and automatically gets you fixed up so that if you get 5 referrers as well, you too will get a free iPod.

I'd really appreciate y'alls help. Thanks!
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Old 2005-05-24, 09:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
Kam's Avatar

I think they call that a pyramid scheme...
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Old 2005-05-25, 01:02 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
Major General
Strygun's Avatar

yeah I know... I really don't expect anyone to sign up, but hey, I can try for a free ipod, can't I?
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Old 2005-05-25, 07:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
First Sergeant

Didn't we try this like 3 times before? It never works because either A.) People don't want to use a credit card, B.) They don't bother reading the guidelines and don't finish the offers, or C.) They dont' sign up under you because they're selfish, and stupid and think they have to sign up solo.

I ended up w/ 2 referals and I gave up.

EDIT: Strygun, yes they DO spam the hell outta you. My spam email is overflowing, and I've only ever used it on this.
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Old 2005-05-25, 12:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
Kam's Avatar

Lol Strygun what have you done to us...
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