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Old 2005-07-29, 03:59 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Kam's Avatar
Why not?


Last edited by Kam; 2011-03-19 at 12:26 AM.
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Old 2005-07-29, 04:36 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
First Sergeant
Kuraltai's Avatar

Then you won't have the opportunity to enjoy the torment and anquish of life as an adult after high school.

Granted, it's not all fun and games, glitz and glamor, etc .. but as you've seen so far, it's alot of what you make it. Though you want to think it means nothing, your life does affect other people.

So, step back from that line and reconsider your options .. why not?
~ Kuraltai
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Old 2005-07-29, 05:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
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Last edited by Kam; 2011-03-19 at 12:26 AM.
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Old 2005-07-29, 07:44 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
Brigadier General
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Here's my most recent blog entry:

So I was listening to Linkin Park cause they are awesome fo real, naw mean? And then I was like I should totally cut my writs. So I did and now I'm unable to type anymore because of the tremendous pain.
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Old 2005-07-29, 04:37 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
Lieutenant Colonel
LimpBIT's Avatar

Yes I am going to miss PSU too

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Old 2005-07-29, 03:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
Major General
Electrofreak's Avatar

Christ 321, just fucking SHUT UP. Sometimes people write a thread thats a bit serious and you just ruin it by trying to be a l337 little kiddie. My 13 year old little brother has more class.

Anyhow Kam, I used to feel much the same way. Got out of high school, watched many of my friends dissapear off to different states, different colleges, some settle into apartments with their girlfriends and boyfriends. I started going to college, realized I knew very few people anymore, and didn't do classes full-time so I didn't make a lot of new friends. Just seemed a bit depressing.

Now, 2 years later, I'm comfortable where I am. Still living at home, trying to find a better job in IT or tech support, but I've realized that while it isn't the most exciting part, it is important. I'm learning the things I need to become a great tech guru, gaining experience on the job market, indulging myself now that I can buy alcohol legally, re-establishing ties with old friends who've gotten their degrees and returned back to town. Hell, I might even hop back into a relationship with Tricia.

So, while I might not be making oodles of cash in my dream job, and spend a little too much time at home playing EVE and chatting with people, I'm still making good progress through life. Especially now that some of my friends are back, things are picking up. Nothing like a little drunken carousing at Hooters with a buddy back from 2 years stationed in Korea, and an ex-girlfriend recently kicked out of the Air Force, to make you realize that friends are one of life's greatest gifts.

Thats probably why I'm so sad to see PSU go. A lot of friendships were forged here, (despite the enemies as well), and it's a pity that won't go on. We'll all end up filtering off in different directions across the internet, or fading away slowly as life pulls us away from our computers, but doubtless it'll always remain a fond memory in the back of our minds. At the least, lets try and stay in touch! My AIM is Electrofreak, if I'm on, hit me up.

Support the use of a dynamic XP system in PlanetSide 2!
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Old 2005-07-29, 07:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
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Last edited by Kam; 2011-03-19 at 12:26 AM.
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