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Old 2006-02-13, 11:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Lightbulb Thoughts of a new player

(I already posted this under the Buddy Key Thread, but it was probably better off as a new post)

I am a new player thanks to the Buddy-Exchange Program and I have some feedback. Compared to other games available, this one has a sharp learning curve since the vast majority of the community are veteran players.

I know investing a couple of days of 'played' time may seem short to the current population, but that first week is what hooks a player or leaves them confused and looking for a new game.

1. Two training missions are broken for me: Vehicle Mission and Medical/Repairing mission. I don�t know if these are broken for everyone but I have signed on numerous times and have been unable to complete these missions. Retrying these missions several times left me frustrated and wondering why a new player�s first steps in the world weren't more polished.

2. The training missions are helpful, but there needs to be at least one more. One that goes over a typical raid on at an enemy tower or base. I have read the web page about facilities and defended and attacked a number of buildings but I am still not sure what all the panels and consoles do. Hopefully, this would allow me to figure out the order each room is attacked for the facilities.

3. Is there an acronym list anywhere? Each game has its own language, and a player created glossary would enable us newbies to get the gist of what is being said.

4. If you are a squad/platoon leader, then please lead. Most of us noobs would be very happy just being good soldiers. Tell me where I am needed, or what our next objective is. Ask me to guard a room or help escort someone. When I am playing, the part of the game that is the worst is the time spent running around trying to figure out what happens next. Maybe most of you take it as second nature, but if one of your squad members is running around seemingly lost, wouldn't you want them back on track?

Well, those are my musings. Hopefully it allows you to get inside the head of a new player. I feel I should be helpful since I was allowed to try out the game. I will probably continue with the trial and give Fodder a chance. I guess when I start pressing against the BEP and CEP caps Ill probably look into getting the full version. By then I should have a good understanding of the game and probably be invested in my char. But I suppose that�s the point
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Old 2006-02-13, 11:22 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
PSU Code Monkey
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That is some nice feedback Wancor. The Training missions have been somewhat broken since PlanetSide was released. I believe they are going to rework them for the release of the free play program they are soon going to be launching.

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Old 2006-02-13, 12:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Sergeant Major
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Originally Posted by Wrancor

4. If you are a squad/platoon leader, then please lead. Most of us noobs would be very happy just being good soldiers. Tell me where I am needed, or what our next objective is. Ask me to guard a room or help escort someone. When I am playing, the part of the game that is the worst is the time spent running around trying to figure out what happens next. Maybe most of you take it as second nature, but if one of your squad members is running around seemingly lost, wouldn't you want them back on track?
Unfortunately, Planetside hasn't always been that way. It's degraded into just 1 big zerg, so there really isn't any squad level tactics going on. I blame the low population. There are only enough people playing the game to have 1 big 3 way on one planet, not multiple skirmishes on seperate planets like there used to be. Maybe with the incomming fodder this will change.

My suggestion for you is when you get in that rare group that actually coordinates, take note of the names and their outfits. Either ask to join their outfit or try to make one with them. Squadding with a regular group of people totally changes the game experience.

Most people give up on trying to lead a pickup group because it's like herding cats... folks just do what they want to do anyway.

"Never pet a burning dog and never fry bacon naked."--Gary Busey

Last edited by Nitsch; 2006-02-13 at 12:07 PM.
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Old 2006-02-13, 12:26 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
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Some great feedback thanks Wrancor I was hoping some new players came back and commented on what they found and how they liked it. Nitsch is right in a sense many just don't have the patience to lead pickup squads it kind of stinks. But finding a good group of people isn't to hard and grouping with them often is the key to the game. A good squad or outfit makes or breaks PlanetSide in my opinon.

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Old 2006-02-14, 01:08 AM   [Ignore Me] #5

I'm a new player - is it normal to have 50 deaths and 2 kills?
3.2 GHz 2MB cache P4 processor.
256MB ATI Radeon X700 Pro video card.
1.5 GB DD2 RAM.
Asus P5AD2 Pro motherboard
Logitech OEM optical mouse (YEEEAAAH!!!)
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Old 2006-02-14, 09:23 AM   [Ignore Me] #6
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It's not unusual no - it takes a bit of getting used to There are plenty of vet players who still have far more deaths than kills.

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Old 2006-02-14, 02:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
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Originally Posted by Hamma

It's not unusual no - it takes a bit of getting used to There are plenty of vet players who still have far more deaths than kills.

Though i do better in team environment because i innitially set myself to that and have refused to adjust to some of the new balance changes! 8)
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Old 2006-02-14, 02:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
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You can always just press CTRL-S and disable the stats if they are depressing

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Old 2006-02-14, 10:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
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Originally Posted by Hamma
You can always just press CTRL-S and disable the stats if they are depressing
It would never work for me. I know by how i feel in the game how my K/D ratio is doing. I get this same rut every time i get rash and always end up in the same fighting mode. If I don't feel like I've occasionally accomplished something, I haven't, and I know I have a bad K/D. 89

Last edited by Ait'al; 2006-02-14 at 10:12 PM.
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Old 2006-02-14, 12:22 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
Sergeant Major
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Originally Posted by JTBell
I'm a new player - is it normal to have 50 deaths and 2 kills?
I've been playing this game since beta and there are days when i have 50 deaths and 2 killls (yet other days it's the inverse).

"Never pet a burning dog and never fry bacon naked."--Gary Busey
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Old 2006-02-14, 06:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #11

Also to up your stats in a morale boosting fashion, just get in a multi person veh, that always works for me.
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Old 2006-02-15, 02:32 AM   [Ignore Me] #12

I'm also a new player (thanks to your buddy key system), well soon to be new player. I'm on a t1 line but it will take 16-17 hours to update the game at 40 kb/s. Is there a faster way to update than through the station launchpad?
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Old 2006-02-15, 06:18 AM   [Ignore Me] #13

well ive been playing it these past 2 days and my thoughts are as follow, it seems to feel like the team working element has dimished since i last played it a year and half ago urm it seems really hard now lol i tend to do an awful lot of dieing and very little killing and to be honest im trying hard to get used to this after having played BF2 for ages!!!!!!! oh and im using a 1 meg connection and it seems to be laggy ?:S
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Old 2006-02-15, 08:09 AM   [Ignore Me] #14
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Hopefully teamwork will resurge once we have some new players in the game

Originally Posted by decker
I'm also a new player (thanks to your buddy key system), well soon to be new player. I'm on a t1 line but it will take 16-17 hours to update the game at 40 kb/s. Is there a faster way to update than through the station launchpad?
No I do not believe so.

PlanetSide Universe - Administrator / Site Owner - Contact @ PSU
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Old 2006-02-15, 02:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #15

Concerning the tutorials, wouldn't it be cool if we had tutorials like the intros of Assault levels in Unreal Tournament 2004? In UT2K4, they would have an ingame flyby film, showing all the important objectives. If PS had something like this for every type of base and tower, that would be great.
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