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Old 2003-02-16, 03:45 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
CyricMoonblade's Avatar
What is in a name?

We all choose nick name's to represent us in the gaming community..... Some of us have grown quite attached to our names.... I even once considered chaning my name to my game nick since i like it so much, coures i would never do something stupid like that :roll . But anyway here is the back story between my Name.... Please after you are done reading tell me the story behind yours.

Cyric comes from the D&D Forgotten realms. He is an evil god to put it bluntly, the god of murder and assasination i think. Cyric was not born a god however, he was a mortal, an assasin i believe. He became a god by murdering a god whom had been made mortal as a punishment by a greater god. Cyric then became the youngest of the gods, and is also the most treacherous. There was more to it than that, and some site will hve diffrent stories, and some better ones but here is a link that is closest to the story i know.


Cyric is also know as the Prince of lies

The Moonblade Surname came from Baldur Gate PPC game, ironicaly in wich Cyric also appears.

So now tell me your story....

"We fight for freedom. Freedom from oppression, freedom from tyranny, freedom for our lives" - Fire Team Leader Cyricmoonblade
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Old 2003-02-16, 03:58 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
Brigadier General
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Mine isn't all that legendary, ok here it goes:

One day iwas playing perfect dark on my gmaeboy, and i decided to start a new account, so i just pressed on the pad and hit random buttons, the name that came out was Derfu, i liked it and thought it was original, so i used it for a while, then i decided to make a hotmail account, but the name [email protected] was already taken, so then i added the d to make it Derfud. It was not until later that i started using it as a nickname, i used the alias of 'Macdaddy' For CS, but it never really stuck, then i pulled out the Derfud for some action. I started registering for forums with the nickname Derfud, and as i got more and more involved in my online and Gaming affair i used it all the time, and now it will never go away. It is the perfect nickname, original, easy to type and remember!
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Old 2003-02-16, 04:08 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
Incompetent's Avatar

When I started playing T2, I had never played an online FPS with other people, so I did what most people would do, I assumed I would suck. So I said to myself, i'll just take a placeholder name and think of something decent when I can fight worth a damn. Then I just, I dunno, didn't want to let it go and decided to keep it.
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Old 2003-02-16, 04:10 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
Lieutenant Colonel
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Well, I love monkeys. In class, I draw comics of monkeys killing each other with Rockets/Guns etc... and in math I say monkey randomly so that the teacher gives me a detention whenever I say it. So then I thought of the coolest descriptive word that I could without being like Death/Ream/Rape/Own or any other such crap. And there was the creation of a Fire_Monkey.
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Old 2003-02-16, 04:26 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
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When I first started multiplayer gaming (HL FFA and TFC) I used the nick GreenDevil because I couldn't think of anything better. After a few years I started to get bored with it an I wanted a name which was easier to say (everyone called me Green, or Devil). There is a cool book by Iain M Banks called "Player of Games", I thought that it would be cool to have a generic name like that, but PlayerofGames is way too long and sounds like crap. About the same time I found a site about the study of games, which is called ludology. I liked the idea of using latin and I wanted to be a PlayerofGames. After a bit of research I chose Ludio, which means Player in latin.

Ludius means the same thing and when I can't use Ludio I use that.
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Old 2003-02-16, 04:32 AM   [Ignore Me] #6

aphex twin
we are what we repeatedly do. excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
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Old 2003-02-16, 05:07 AM   [Ignore Me] #7
Lieutenant Colonel
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I always thought Ludio's name was based off those lude drugs.
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Old 2003-02-16, 05:51 AM   [Ignore Me] #8
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Old 2003-02-16, 10:17 AM   [Ignore Me] #9
Ezcactus's Avatar

just put two words together and boom, instant nick.

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(insert quote here)
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Old 2003-02-16, 10:23 AM   [Ignore Me] #10
Roxxor your Boxxorz
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My name YUYI (usually confused with Yuri or Yugi) comes from my college days. My dormmates were very bored and we decided to come up with a drinking game. There were 5 of us, who ever was it pointed at some and said YOU! and that person would have to drink. (very lame i know ) We eventualy got so drunk that when my friend got picked he would say eek. The next day after we all vomited, We came up the name for YOU! and the eek! Ofcourse we made Yuyi. I actually didn't start using this name till i played old MMOs like Darkages (not DAoC)
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Old 2003-02-16, 10:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #11

I mostly started using forums when Warcraft 3 came out. I liked Night Elves and played as them a lot. I also liked the Demon Hunter and his names. I chose "Flameseeker" because that's a Demonhunter name. Later I realized it is rather fitting for a forum.
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Old 2003-02-16, 10:52 AM   [Ignore Me] #12
I'm with the Vanu
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The Sheep
Tobias De'Ville
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Old 2003-02-16, 10:55 AM   [Ignore Me] #13
Teh Masturbator
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I started gaming when i was 11, I got on roger wilco for the first time then, and was in a clan with the youngest person (besides me) being 24. I was really out of place, and i had a REALLY squeeky voice. So they nicknamed me squeek, and ive had it since
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Old 2003-02-16, 11:50 AM   [Ignore Me] #14
Bighoss's Avatar

I chose my name because one time my cars radio started picking up on the truck drivers radio and this guy that had the biggest red neck accent started talking and then somone said Bighoss so I figured it was him and I laughed thought it was a funny name. Good FOR EVERYTHING
Take what you can! Give nothing back!
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Old 2003-02-16, 01:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
First Lieutenant
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When I was a youth I read comics... and one called Grendel had a Kewl Character name Hunter Rose.

When I first started playing LAN FSP (Before some of you where probably born) It was Doom 2 and DukeNukem3d and the like but they had an 8 character limit on names and no spaces.

Thus Hunter-R

In MMORP I use Pilgrim because it just sounds kewl and I'm always wondering around! But for PS, and DoD and CS, and T2 and BF1942 and whetever else I'm playing I go back to he ole Hunter-R

(And yes I get asked what the R means all the time!)
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