Coming in more than 2 months after release of Planetside, Gamers Europe throws up their review of Planetside. Here's a clip:
PlanetSide is an ever-improving game and if you�ve not already got it you�re looking at a good 35MB of patches and new items. Most recently a new vehicle and aircraft have been added, showing Sony�s intentions to make it consistently progressive. There are a number of significant gameplay changes planned over the next few months and it�ll be interesting to see how these pan out. This is a significant title and its success or failure could well show the way forward for online games. My only concern for this excellent game is the size of the world over a long period of time � as new players stop coming aboard and others start to leave, can the world really be kept up? Or will we eventually end up with a wasteland of only enough active players to fill one continent? These are crucial questions and ones that the developers need to tackle in the long term to ensure the survival and consistent recruiting of new players.
Total score given by Gamers Europe is an 8 out of 10.