Originally Posted by korin
hi guys
1st sorry my poor english, i know it suck.
I`m semi-pro Cs 1.6 players in the past (win some local touranament and ... ok, nevermind), searching for mmofps games. Wandering on a network i find some articles about planetside and come here to ask )
what gameplay is similar to planetside: CS, Battlefield, Tribes or? Is it all about who kill more newbs and buy bigger guns or your shooting skills too matters?
And if at forums is some russian players, i would like to know about ping to europian server, how many peoples playins etc.
Hope all that stuff is understandable for you
PS is mainly about tactics and being in the right place with the right gun at the right time.
Comming from CS, you'd want to know:
-there is NO location based damage (no headshot)
-weps are free, but you have to learn how to use them and can only know so many at a time
-players have a bad habit of acting like a crappy CS server, so you have to find a good group
-clearing a whole continent can take a long ass time, depending on resistance (each base can be anywhere from 10 minutes to over an hour)
-you can unlearn and relearn what weapons you know how to use, but it takes time to do large changes in specialty