Originally Posted by Marinealver
Just thinking about game mechanics though I do know that Planetside is a FPS so hand to hand is more of a side form then an acutal game changer. (we definatly dont want a sword rush like halo 2) But just something for a MAX to avoid that cheap lone gunman who would circle jerk the max running around and shooting it point blank in the back. Mabey say a bash attack or mabey even a knock back.
Heck had one idea for animations the VS just dose a simple 3 strike slash attack. No specia stuns or anything just quick and imple. The NC would do a slower 3 strikes with the last one being a knockback/down or stun attack. The TR would instead pick up a poor softy slam him on the ground 3 times (or just bash the ground 3 times sending a point blank shockwave if no one was grabbed.) then throw the poor guy a few yards away.
No, because MAX suits do need peripheral weakness as well as weaponry weakness. What you call "circle jerking" some of us call viable tactics. We take advantage of your immobility and blind spot, something that can't be taken advantage if you were a grunt.
Originally Posted by Purple
ok you have got to eather git rid of that sig or give us an explanation cause it sucks up anything you say.
One scene is him getting imprinted for BFR use, another is him running either an LLU or an advanced tech upgrade, and one is him being shot at by what appears to be a TR DC anchored down from on top of a hill.