Originally Posted by Otleaz
Since when focusing on lore I choose based on who has the best chance of being successful after the war, I went with VS>TR>NC. I actually planned on ignoring the TR and focusing on the NC alone. I know it is boring beating up on the crippled kid but there is no helping it.
I haven't found one redeeming factor about the NC since I have started looking at the factions.
If you find someone on the forums that is particularly derpy, they tend to be NC, which really put me off. You also have the large amount of people who only played them for the overpowered guns and got "loyal" to them, along with the guys who didn't bother reading the lore and think they are the good guys.
I have gotten the impression that the NC will have the worst community by far, and I feel that is the most important aspect when choosing a faction. The ugly colors, ugly equipment, slow vehicles, and the worst goal between the 3 factions will only make it easier to hate them.
In the end, I would say the NC would be great for solo players since you won't need to associate with the community and there will be plenty of good long range weapons and vehicles to choose from. Sorry you have to suffer.
I think it's very short-sighted to write off everyone playing NC, even if they
may (this is not certain) have the largest amount of foolish players. There will be many outfits filled with fun and intelligent people, and the general community of every faction will always have a dumb, vocal element.
I'd go VS second on the basis that the NC are so terrible by comparison. I hate the idea of freedom over suitable restraints and their high-contrast blue and yellow looks hideous. A lot of their model design is really good, but I can't bear their highly saturated yellow. At the moment their music is also the worst, although I realise that's subject to change.