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Old 2012-06-20, 08:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
elementHTTP's Avatar
Animations - Tactical hand signals and Dance

-------Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarge (because Skype is not cool enough)--------------------------

-adding troop animations for tactical and formal purposes

- fast way off communication in combat and formal situations
- imagine 100 of fraction members saluting and in formation
- epic dance moves

Tactical animations (--edit-- SIMPLE hand signals)

Formal animations (salute ,stance and march for propaganda purposes and show-offs )

Dance/ funny animations
and taunts

-LOOT of work for devs

Last edited by elementHTTP; 2012-06-20 at 11:17 PM.
elementHTTP is offline  
Old 2012-06-20, 08:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
Re: Animations - Tactical hand signals and Dance

I could see them being useful, but this would only be useful if the enemy could hear us talking, in a single player game this is awesome to see, mostly in Rainbow 6, but i don't know whether it would work well in this. It could be awesome, but overly complicated.

Edit: I do like the dancing though, that is a must!!

Last edited by Toppopia; 2012-06-20 at 08:07 PM.
Toppopia is offline  
Old 2012-06-20, 08:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Re: Animations - Tactical hand signals and Dance

i think a simplified version of this would be pretty cool. Some of those hand signals seem a bit unnecessary. Maybe only include the self explanatory ones
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Old 2012-06-20, 10:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Zekeen's Avatar
Re: Animations - Tactical hand signals and Dance

Originally Posted by Toppopia View Post
I could see them being useful, but this would only be useful if the enemy could hear us talking, in a single player game this is awesome to see, mostly in Rainbow 6, but i don't know whether it would work well in this. It could be awesome, but overly complicated.

Edit: I do like the dancing though, that is a must!!
I was about to say this too. I personally want enemy to be able to hear you speaking so we need this sort of thing. But then we'd just have people using teamspeak instead of the in game voice channels.
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Old 2012-06-20, 10:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
Re: Animations - Tactical hand signals and Dance

Originally Posted by Zekeen View Post
I was about to say this too. I personally want enemy to be able to hear you speaking so we need this sort of thing. But then we'd just have people using teamspeak instead of the in game voice channels.
Is there a way to have functions like this that somehow listen in to something like teamspeak you have open? Or is on the grounds of breaching privacy? Because then even if you were using teamspeak or some other program, you could still be heard.
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Old 2012-06-20, 10:20 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
First Lieutenant
Mango's Avatar
Re: Animations - Tactical hand signals and Dance

I prefer this version
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Old 2012-06-20, 10:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
Re: Animations - Tactical hand signals and Dance

That made me laugh, but in light of that people can just communicate with no risk of being heard, i think that taunts/dance emotes will be better/funnier to see.
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Old 2012-06-27, 08:29 AM   [Ignore Me] #8
akiadan's Avatar
Re: Animations - Tactical hand signals and Dance

Originally Posted by Mango View Post
I prefer this version
Oh fuck i cant breath, im laughing so hard im crying.
but yes emotes must make a return.
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Old 2012-06-20, 11:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
elementHTTP's Avatar
Re: Animations - Tactical hand signals and Dance

Originally Posted by Zekeen View Post
I personally want enemy to be able to hear you speaking so we need this sort of thing. But then we'd just have people using teamspeak instead of the in game voice channels.
Not everybody wants to be heard or to listen to some random guy (like some 16 y old spamming kid - cs1.6 experience ) or has good microphone / internet connection to use Skype/ in-game com mic ( thing about 500 players mic spamming, bombs exploding, porn DL ... etc you get the idea )
+ not everyone will be instantly in a large organized team ( who uses that kind of communication)

That's creates opportunity for hand signals ( simple ones ) to direct mass / generate orders by easy means (by click of a button )

Originally Posted by Toppopia;
I could see them being useful, but this would only be useful if the enemy could hear us talking
You can think of infiltrator class ( stealth missions, tower assaulting ) and how this can be used (* taking in account previous arguments *)

For example signal your group/squad (made of random people width different skill level) that there is an enemy right of us, incoming aircraft, wait command ...etc

Originally Posted by Toppopia;
Edit: I do like the dancing though, that is a must!!
Dance FTW

Last edited by elementHTTP; 2012-06-20 at 11:14 PM.
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Old 2012-06-20, 11:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
Russ's Avatar
Re: Animations - Tactical hand signals and Dance

I like it. A little something to add to the command rose (if there is one) just for added detail. Though of course it would be purely aesthetic.
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