PS2 Beta keys and Firefall invites giveaway - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2012-08-28, 07:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
PS2 Beta keys and Firefall invites giveaway

First thing, I hope this is the right section to put this in, if not, feel free to move it =)

Hi guys, I have a couple of firefall invites and some ps2 keys to hand out, if anyone is interested I'm doing a giveaway.

Here is it how it works:
you help me, I help you and with that said: don't be scared! nothing difficult at all =)

Step 1) Add me on Facebook
Step 2) You will be accepted and get an invite to the ps2 application (I'm getting points for my outfit and I want my rewards :P )
Step 3) Accept the invite (which takes only 2 clicks and you can remove the application afterwards, or whatever)
Step 4) Write me a PM with your nickname on psuniverse (the one you use to write here) and include something fun, just gift me a good laugh =) or even say just Hi and why you're looking forward to enter the game

I have 2 Firefall invites and 3 PlanetSide2 keys, and I will hand them out this way:
The first 25 Entries will be sorted out and they'll get to pick either the Firefall invite or a Ps2 Key (they choose)
The next 30 Entries will see 2 PS2 Keys go out (so at aroung 45-50 entries 3 keys are gone :3 )
If I get to 75 another one will be sorted out and he can choose invite to firefall or PS2 Key (I should get more of these by the time )
And I'll just gift the remaining keys/invites (whatever I'm left with) to the ones that made me laugh out louder =)

The winners will be confirmed here and you'll get the key/invites either here or Facebook, your preference =)
Remember that for the firefall invites, I need your email

That was a lot to read, but I still hope you're interested and help me out =)

p.s take the entries required and subtract 10 =) as I already got 10 friends to enter my outfit :P
Alexiel is offline  
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Old 2012-09-04, 11:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
Re: PS2 Beta keys and Firefall invites giveaway

hey sup ill help u, im going for a ps 2 beta key
HandCannon is offline  
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Old 2012-09-15, 04:11 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
Re: PS2 Beta keys and Firefall invites giveaway

Hey man I'll go for Firefall [email protected]. Hi :3

Last edited by Mwimwii; 2012-09-15 at 04:16 AM.
Mwimwii is offline  
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Old 2012-09-22, 03:33 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
Re: PS2 Beta keys and Firefall invites giveaway

Gonna do this for the PS2 key
unfortunate is offline  
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